
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Random Thoughts on the Night

So, I've got the i-pod on shuffle.  The housework is done.  My man is playing basketball.  He's 51, and he'll keep playing until he can't.  I'll never tell him to stop, it makes him smile and that makes me feel good. My two sons are someplace around here doing what they do.  I'm just relaxing. I thought I'd take few minutes to record some completely random, unrelated thoughts - hence the title up there.  Here goes:

Tom Petty is a lyrical genius. Amazing knack for writing what it feels like for the average schmuck trying to figure out everyday life. I listen to a huge amount of very different music, but I always come back to TP&HB.  It's like musical home base.

I love that sound that only happens when Petty and Mike Campbell play together.  Feels good.

TP&HB album "Echo" is melancholy but amazing.  Howie sounds great on harmony, this observation is sweet and sad at the same time.

Almost nothing feels better than loud-ass rock n roll when you're driving down the highway. 

Myles Kennedy is the best vocalist in rock n roll today.

What the hell did Immunex do to the Enbrel?  Injection stings like a b**** , it never used to!

When you've spent a long time not being kind to yourself, it's nice to be in a place where you are comfortable in your own skin.

It ROCKS when your man just rolls with it no matter what strange shit you come up with.

My friend Glenn Stewart is a wonderful musician.  Killer show live! Don't EVER stop, Glenn. 

Writing is a compulsion and I can't stop doing it.  I have no clue if anyone out there cares about what I write, or if maybe I truly just SUCK.  All I know is I've got to do it.  What a release when I get it all out of me!

Shitty coffee is better than no coffee at all.

Every song on "Wasting Light" is worth listening to. There isn't one moment on the entire album that's not ass kicking amazing!  I can't get enough of the Foo Fighters.

By the way - Dave Grohl - really - holy shit!  When somebody puts that much - everything - into what they do, you can't stop watching & listening.  Damn. Please keep doing that, Dave.

I was 47 when I "discovered" Patti Smith.  Where the fuck was I?

My 3 best friends are amazing.  I do realize how crazy lucky I am to have these gals in my life.

I'd love to have a shot of Maker's Mark with Lemmy.  Yes, that Lemmy, there isn't another one, is there!?

Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah stops me in my tracks every time I hear it.

It sucks backing into solid objects in the parking garage while on a business trip and denting your cute little red car.  Just sayin'.

Alter Bridge kicks ass.

I AM GOING TO SEE AEROSMITH THIS SUMMER.  Something always stops me, but not this time.  I am going to see the boys. I just feeeeeel so good listening to the boys, they kick ass.  Can't wait. They haven't announced the dates yet,  but it's gonna happen. 

When you think you can't continue, watch - you'll surprise yourself.  You'll find strength you didn't know you had.  No giving up.

I'm a huge fan of Nikki Sixx.  Always interesting.  Sometimes he's such a "motherfucker" (his words on a Facebook post 1/12/12) - other times he does things and you just admire him.  I think all this is WHY so many of us are such loyal fans.  Sometimes he's good, sometimes he's bad, he's always learning, and reinventing....flawed but fantastic and rockin' it every day.  Somehow,  you make us believe we're OK.  Keep it up Nikki, we're all rooting for you.

Another person I'm always rooting for - Steven Adler. You just want things to go well for him, you know?  

Chris Cornell's "Songbook" is worth listening to over and over.  And over.  An acoustic guitar...that voice...the lyrics.  (The cover of "Thank You" .......)

Chris Whitley - another recent discovery. (Thanks again Myles) I can only say wow.  Give him a listen if you never have.  It's worth it.

The upcoming album by Slash with Myles Kennedy is going to be amazing.  RnFNR isn't dead after all folks!

My sons are 23 and 25.  I enjoy being a mom.  Really.  My sons are such cool people.

I could listen to classic GNR forever.

By the way, if you can only read one or two memoirs - read Duff McKagan's "It's So Easy and Other Lies" and Joey Kramer's "Hit Hard."  Both are very good, you really find yourself pulled in to the story of what happened to them as they're telling it.  Duff's dedication in improving his life is crazy inspiring.  If you're trying to get through something, or change something and haven't put in the work, read Duff's book!  Joey's book makes you feel it's OK to go and get help when you need it, which is so important for so many people, it's a message of hope. In both cases, you really walk away with something. I've read many other memoirs, some of which are really quite good - but these two are the top. Nice side note, both books are refreshingly devoid of the "I'm a rock star" thing.

Both of Sixx's books were mesmerizing - completely separate category for me.  Not light reading by any means,  but very much worth it.  Don't read "This is Gonna Hurt" if you've got shit you're not facing because you can't really read it and keep hiding from yourself.

OK - maybe we'll make this "Random Thoughts" a repeat thing. Right now I'm off to have some hot chocolate with a shot of Maker's Mark, then off to bed.

More again soon.

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