
Friday, December 7, 2018

Separatism In America 

I’m really feeling like it is time for us to ask ourselves as Americans why we are so close to uncontrolled hysterical anger all the time.

One tiny conversation, and we are off and running. Whether it is town politics, backed up traffic, a Christmas song, who should run in 2020 or whatever the case may be, we are holding our anger and self righteousness close like a well loved teddy bear.


The judging, finger pointing, blaming, separatism, and polarization are our biggest problem in this country.

With unity we can and will overcome every obstacle and challenge. We need to ask ourselves, who benefits or profits from our infighting?

It’s time to embrace a realistic, adult point of view about what we can have in our country. We have become so polarized that many of us are walking around thinking that our rights are being violated if we don’t have every single thing we want every minute of our lives.
I’m not exaggerating. I sit and listen to people a lot. I hear it every day. People will say that their rights are being violated because another person spoke words that are different than their own opinion.

This is bullshit. We need to re-learn cooperation, compromise, and the greater good.
A society where everyone is safe, where everyone has the same rights and the same opportunities, has access to healthcare, where we use our resources responsibly, where infrastructure is a priority, and where decisions are made for the greatest good of all - that’s the goal.

The goal is not, and can never be in this country, a far left utopia or a far right utopia where "the other side" gets eliminated. It’s time to cultivate mutual respect, live and let live, and what is best for our country as a whole.

It is also time to stop having "my pain, trauma and oppression are bigger than your pain, trauma and oppression" contests. Let’s admit where we have failed, let’s own the horrible things that have been done. Let’s make amends where we can, and make changes where we must. But turning the terrible things that have happened to people into contests to see which one is bigger is inhuman. No one’s pain gets completely erased because of another person‘s pain. Let’s help one another heal together.

It’s time for American citizens to join hands and take our country back. It is our separatism that is our only enemy right now. If we can conquer that, then everything else is able to be handled. It’s time for us as Americans to dance with our shadow, own our darkness and claim our light. We can do this together.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Creation, Darkness and the Scribe 

This morning, I have been thinking about creation, darkness and in a very microcosm/macrocosm kind of way, how that relates to each of us, specifically those who write.

I just finished reading an article posted by a good friend and writer that mentioned the Egyptian god Thoth.  So, as I was getting ready for work, my thoughts were around both writing, as well as around creation.

I found myself thinking that Creation "wrote itself" and that from this came the amazing order of all things. The Universe is always creating itself, and there is a stunningly beautiful, mathematical precision in this. For those who have worked with Archangel Metatron this is a subject that holds special fascination, and defies description in many ways.

So for the writer, or the scribe, your job is to "write yourself", thereby to understand the order of YOU and to continue to participate in Creation, to chronicle this, as well as to aid others in gaining understanding.

From a scientific standpoint, we know that all things created are made of the same basic components. I started to think of how amazing it is that somewhere in what has been referred to as chaos or darkness there existed all of the components that were needed to create everything that we know. A delicious cosmic soup that contains all things, how wonderful!

So we can see that darkness and light are actually one, and order and chaos are actually one as well. And in the same way that creation continues to "write itself" and cannot help but move, develop, and change, so we too participate in this Creation every day, each one of us.

If I wasn’t heading off to work, I would absolutely love to take hours to go down several rather inviting rabbit holes that this thought process invites. Later, perhaps.

For those that have the soul of a writer, in whatever way that is a part of you, we give birth to many things through the written word. We create and write ourselves each day. We chronicle this for ourselves, and for others. This aids in clarity and understanding. The work of the scribe has always been sacred, and it will continue to be so.