
Friday, May 10, 2019


I’m really enjoying this stage of my life.

I have this little tiny allotment of "give a 💩" that I reserve and carefully use for situations when I choose to be nice or appropriate when it hasn’t been earned.

But other than that I just walk around being me. I keep it straightforward, simple, and honest. I set boundaries. I explain almost nothing to anyone about what I’m doing and where I’m at. My inner circle knows ❤️🌺.

My default is compassion. It takes far less energy to simply be pleasant, happy and assume good intent. If someone isn’t receiving that, they’ve gone quite a ways to earn that change. 

I still talk a lot 😆 but for me, honestly, I talk much less than in the past. Often, I choose silence. Listening is a skill I am expanding upon, and delighting in. 

I’m examining those remaining "triggers" as they appear and learning the lessons so those things can be dismissed for good. Past victories and mistakes are with me always to keep me centered. 

My body, mind and spirit let me know when something is out of balance, and I make adjustments accordingly. I have learned from experience that when I ignore these things, unpleasant things happen. 

I really can "set it and forget it" in both a mundane and a magickal sense and allow things to flow. I trust my inner knowing and my intuition. 

I am grateful for my body and mind. I am working to do things that help me to be healthy. But I do not have the expectation of looking younger than I am. I’ll be 55 in December. I embrace that. It is a gift to get to this age, one that I am grateful for. I see no reason to fight that or to take on false ideas that this is bad. It is not bad, it is wonderful! 

The way I present myself in the world every day is to please myself and no one else. I do not owe anyone a particular appearance. You may look my way, or turn away. It is all the same to me, because I delight in myself with no validation required. 

Yes. I am enjoying this stage of my life. The Crone stage. I look forward to all of the adventures on this continued journey!