
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Silver River Stag

Walking through the woods 
The Moon kisses all things with her silvery light 
Looking up, you see the tops of the bare trees, outlined against the blue black sky 
Their branches reaching up to caress the sky 

Your breath mingles with that of our Mother, your footfalls soft upon her breast 
The wind pulls at your hair in greeting 
Carrying with it the sounds 
Of this winters night 

All is movement and flow
The river, gently relentless 
Never thwarted in it's journey
Over, under, around, and through 
Spirit knows the way 

Strength of heart 
Standing where so many cannot
Purpose crystal clear 
One of those who has come 
To help the people remember 
And to relearn how to walk

If a journey is weighed 
By the world's standards 
They cannot make sense of it 
But the Moon has come to witness 
And in the morning she will tell the Sun 
As they kiss in the moment of dawn's first light 

Those who walk with Spirit are never alone 

Written for my friend Paul Bagge, December 23, 2015, on the day he received his Native American name. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Everyday Heroes

I found myself thinking of my dad today. I'm glad that he comes to mind often, he's been gone for ten years and it's odd to me because it doesn't seem like that long. I miss him.

For some reason today, I found myself thinking of dad's work. He worked in shoe shops, and as a security guard. But the job he held the longest was as a steel worker. For those who are unfamiliar, this is an extremely physical job. In this case it involved working in hot temperatures, near a furnace, wearing huge tongs, picking up and repeatedly "slapping" heavy red hot steel. 

I can't even imagine how anyone does this work.  Add to it the fact that my dad had very severe rheumatoid arthritis and it becomes unfathomable. His healthy coworkers always said they were amazed at what he was able to do, despite the oversized joints and gnarled hands.

Many of us understand having pain on a regular basis. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, back problems, job related wear and tear, and many other conditions leave many people in daily pain. I've had rheumatoid arthritis for almost 25 years, I get it. 

But there's one thing I notice that can be easy to lose sight of. Thinking about my dad this morning got me thinking of everyone else who does really physical work every day. 

First, the way soldiers, firefighters and police officers put their lives on the line is bravery and heroism that needs to be recognized. In addition to this factor of putting their lives on the line, the work can take a physical toll on them for many reasons.

Many other jobs are also really tough on the body. I think we could have more appreciation sometimes.

Your plumber has to lay on his back on the kitchen floor, carry the new sink in, and drag your old water heater outside. Someone working construction is climbing, bending, lifting, crouching and stooping for six to eight hours a day, in all sorts of temperatures. 

There are lots of other examples. There's the person who fills your oil tank, warehouse workers, the guy who plows your driveway, CNA's, brick masons, farm workers and many, many more. 

What about those who are on their feet all day? Cooks, waitstaff, flight attendants, and thousands more.

My dad got up every day and did that job, right next to completely healthy people. All day, every day, he had to repeatedly make motions and perform tasks that hurt and caused more damage. Ouch. And he did it, for the people he loved. 

I understand people are being paid for what they do. That is as it should be. I'm not addressing that. I'm expressing my appreciation for all who do physical work day in and day out. I'm saying I see you, because I saw him, all those years. So I see you now. I know what it costs you. I can tell when you're not okay, even though you tell the boss and your loved ones that you're fine. I'm saying you're amazing. This work needs doing, and as someone who isn't physically capable of doing any of it, this steelworkers daughter is saying thank you.

While many of us may deal with pain from our homes and from our warm office cubicles, in most cases I don't think that's the same thing as those who have to actually physically put it on the line every day at work. They do that for days, weeks, years. 

Growing up watching my dad do what he did gave me a view to what those who do physical work really do every day.  I consider these people to be every day heroes. Today, while I remember my dad, I thought it needed to be said.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


There is a raging fire under that patience 

The ferocity of a tigress
Can be found camouflaged within quiet resolve

Great power simmers
Just beneath the surface 
Of a receptive pause

Inner knowledge 
Provides the silent compass 

Inspired action 
Hides in plain sight 
And the sleeping never notice 

Magick moves mountains 
Yet seems quiet and invisible 

Time is loose and bendy 
And we play like gumby 

Love is pure, unconditional 
And utterly without agenda
So, it blesses every life it touches

Sometimes you remember 
That what's in the stars 
Is what's in you
And you speak it into being 


Thursday, December 17, 2015

These Days

Waffling between roaring confidence
And the need to get tiny, be invisible, and hide

Reveling in the rush of free fall
Then grasping in white knuckled terror

The days you are patient and sure 
Followed by hurricane's rage and fury

At times, all are your kindred 
But there are times you feel utterly alone 

Moving naturally, instinct and intuition your compass 
Then a moment later back up in your head, searching for control and assurance 

You learn every day 
You realize you know nothing 

Conquering fear by charging ahead, right in it's face 
Other times wanting nothing more than to be held, warm and close, while someone strokes your hair and says "It's okay"

To live, open and awake, every day the heart expanding,  the pain, love and joy woven together 
While the days of comfortably closed are a dim memory 

Desiring nothing more than to be truly seen, unfiltered, and loved wholly for it 
And later, finally giving that gift to yourself 

You're a work in progress
And those old habits die hard 

But, over time you realize there are no dreams that come without risk, and that if you can't be who you are, then you can't breathe 

You see that free fall has it's own unique way of creating space, and that life will fill that space with good things, if you let it 
So you begin to learn of letting go.

You start to understand the unexpected power in those times of vulnerability you used to hide and run from 

You learn the power and sacredness of pleasure and honoring the desires that the Divine has placed within you 
You learn day by day while walking and speaking your truth with integrity 
You are witness to the danger of smallness and the destruction that comes with numbness 

You see evidence, every day, that what is meant for you cannot pass you by 

Light, dark, good, bad, real and time become fluid, elastic concepts that change shape like play-doh 
And it's weird because your sight is so altered 

And a thousand poems could probably never capture what it's like 
But you keep writing them anyway 
Because it's what you do 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Monkey Monkey

Monkey, monkey 
Little monkey 
Playing in my head 
Telling me missed expectations 
Mean that I should dread 

Always saying there are rules 
And if we stray it's wrong 
Rigid rules for me and others 
Make prison bars so strong 

People being human 
Are sure to disappoint 
When happiness is an outside job 
We kind of miss the point 

So monkey monkey 
Worried monkey 
I know that you mean well 
I'm just going to give you a hug right now 
You have a story to tell 

Little monkey, calming now
I think today we learned 
That happiness is an inside job 
The tables now have turned 

No situation, person or place 
Is going to make it right 
And when we load them down like that 
They're sure to put up a fight 

Monkeys do what monkeys do 
And playing with others is fun
Some days we go bananas
And the other monkeys want to run 

But with some luck 
And a little love 
We find our happy troop 
Monkeys who are glad that we're around 
Even when we're looped

So monkey, monkey 
There you are 
Playing in my head 
I hear what you are saying 
But now, there is no dread

When Positivity Becomes An Obstacle

I used to think that by allowing those darker, more difficult emotions – the ones we would consider "negative", that I was somehow going to "un manifest" or push away the things I was working toward in my life.

It is a fact that there are many Universal and metaphysical laws that do apply to all of us. Though it is not recognized by many, the vibration that we are in each day has a direct correlation to what comes our way. We can be intentional about this, or have absolutely no idea. Either way the result is the same.

Having said this, what I didn't leave room for was the simple truth of my unique vibration in this universe. We each have a unique energetic signature. That means that each of us plays every day in the playground of this universe in a way that no other being does. 

What I'm finally starting to wake up to, what I'm remembering, is that these darker emotions, the ones I formerly considered to be "negative" are just a natural part of being human. 

Quite often, these types of emotions are uncomfortable. We're human, our natural inclination is to move away from discomfort. Add to that so much of the "spiritual" literature out there urging us to stay positive, and it's quite easy to convince yourself that you must always be blissfully skipping through fields of daisies, or you're "doing it wrong." I don't know about you, but I was putting a huge amount of pressure on myself, constantly, to remain in a positive state of mind. I felt like there was something lacking in me if I wasn't feeling happy all of the time. 

I have come to the extremely freeing conclusion that all of this is bullshit. I can only speak for myself, but here's how it works for me.

You see, I do have quite clear objectives for the things that I am calling to myself on an every day basis. I'm taking very clear steps both physically and energetically to make certain that these things happen. I'm doing what I need to do and then I'm letting go and trusting.

I am finding that when darker or more "negative" emotions do arise, they invariably have something important to communicate to me. There's something there that I need to be paying attention to. It may be a new lesson, or maybe the clearing of an old pattern that no longer serves me. It could be the healing of an old memory. Whatever it is I don't have to run away from it, squash it down, send it away or think that it's wrong. 

And, here is the lovely freeing part. I don't have to worry that these feelings are chasing away the things I'm working on today, or with regard to my future goals. 


So, the very cool truth here is that when these darker, or more difficult emotions arise, they are simply a natural part of the process. It is a very "positive" thing for me to be integrating, learning from and lifting the energy of these experiences. That's how we use them, it's how they become fuel - fuel that we can use just as effectively as all of the more bright, sunshine moments. In fact combining the two is a fantastic rocket fuel! 

So, I just sit with them and allow them to be. I just sit, and allow. I ask myself what I'm feeling, see if I can identify it. I ask myself a few simple questions, about why am feeling that way. I might talk it out with myself. I might write in my journal about it, write poetry, sometimes I might talk to a trusted friend for some perspective. Sometimes I might cry it out, or just curl up in bed and give up for the moment, and hope that I feel better in the morning.  I might yell and curse.  

The key here for me lies in being completely allowing, accepting and open with myself about whatever arises. Whatever comes up is good and natural and normal. I love and accept myself in whatever state I am in in that moment. 

Eventually, whether it takes a couple of hours or a few days, I work through it. I can see and understand what was upsetting me.

I'm noticing that what follows every single time, once this process is over, is a feeling of lightness, a return to equilibrium. I have clarity about what I need to do now, if anything, and whatever learnings might have come out of the experience. 

Did I chase away the things that I am working on in my life because I allowed this process to happen? Should I now expect doom and gloom to follow me everywhere because I felt these "negative" emotions? 

I'm actually finding exactly the opposite. I'm finding that when these things come up for me, and I love and show compassion for myself and the things that have come up, that it actually frees things up. I find that by moving through this process it's a part of the forward momentum I'm working on in my life. 

Sometimes it takes a few minutes. Sometimes it takes a few hours. Sometimes it can be days or even weeks. We always move through it. That can be hard to see from the inside of it when you're dealing with it, but you do always move through it and come out the other side. It sounds incredibly counterintuitive, but I have found that by not fighting with it, that I come out the other side sooner and more easily.

 I would go so far as to say that it is a part of manifesting and creating the life that I am choosing to live, both on a moment by moment basis, and when working toward my future goals. I have come to understand that this is a necessary process. Things come up that must be dealt with - this is not a negative thing. It is not wrong. You are not backsliding spiritually when this happens to you. And you are not chasing away the things that you're working on. On the contrary it's part of the work. It's all good.

You are the one that is crafting your life. I am the one that is crafting mine. There are all sorts of beautiful building blocks that we are each using in order to do this. There are many many colors that we are each using in the painting of our lives. Working through darker or "negative" emotions is simply a part of that creative process. 

When we allow this and show ourselves love and compassion we truly are in motion, we are creating space physically and energetically for more amazing things to happen. By giving ourselves and others love and compassion during this process, we are still creating. 

Once we come out the other end of whatever it is that we have needed to allow, explore, love, meet with compassion, and learn from, we continue on, doing what we do, better for the experience, and wiser for the learning. 

The combination of our absolutely clear intent, our purity of heart, our daily action, and the ability to let go and trust continue to be the navigational tools that we use on a day-to-day basis. In those moments where we went swimming in the dark places, we find that we did not slow the journey at all, but instead they were just a part of the rhythm of our days - just as the moments in the sunshine are. Both are a part of the process. 

Unswerving faith and belief in who you are and what you're doing is absolutely necessary. That is what I define as "being positive." I look for the good in people and situations, and I usually find it. I trust completely that the universe has my back in every situation, even when outward appearances would seem to indicate the opposite. I no longer define being positive as needing to blow sunshine up everyone's butt 24 hours a day. I have found this shift in understanding to be extremely freeing. I'm interested to find out what other people's experiences have been.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Sum Total?

We see the action 
And assume we know the motivation 
Right then and there 
We stop seeing the other person 
Seeing instead what we expect
Picking a category 
Summing them up
Instead of simply being 
Wait and see 
Let it unfold 
You can be you 
Now, let them be them 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Vampires Anonymous

'Tis a magickal thing indeed 
The journey of remembering 
Who you are 
And why you have come 

Yes, this alone 
Is your very own 
But there's more 

You reach the point 
Where you are able to bear witness 
To what you are 
And all that you do 
As you live each day

Finally, there comes a time 
When only the bravest openness 
And relentless authenticity 
Will do 

Yet, you see yourself 
Still seeking completion 
In others view of you

As authenticity burns away illusion 
The old vampiric ways 
Of drawing, pulling 
Using the energy and emotion of others 
To prop yourself up
Falls away 

You stand on your own. 

Oh fear! 
I'm lost. Disconnected! Empty! 
Ugly. Useless.
Can't you see!?
It isn't safe. I'm not enough!
And I never will be...

Must hide. So naked. So scared. 
Get tiny. Cover my face. 
Block my ears. No. Oh no. 

The habit, so ingrained 
Neural pathways 
Like well traveled roads in your psyche
You watch yourself 
As the fear pumps loudly in your ears
And the familiar downward spiral 
Is about to begin 

Something is different this time 
Oh, the habit is there, so strong 
But now, the desire, the need to walk that familiar road 
Of latch on, or hide 
Is gone 
You released it
You felt it leave you
The dark and heavy energy gone from you

And in the midst of the fear 
The inner Witness speaks 
Hey. Wait a second!
It's alright to be afraid 

Standing in your personal power 
Self contained 
Complete, beautiful 
Not seeking outside of yourself 
For validation 
Belief, faith in who and what you are
Without the crutch of others approval 
This is new 

And the fear? It's a habit. 
But it doesn't own you. 
You don't need it.
Not anymore.

Let's go. Let's walk. 
You've got this! 
That fear will get smaller over time. 
And you can rock who you are
Even if you are afraid sometimes 

Tentative steps 
Back straightens
You stop looking down 
And bring your gaze up 
To meet the world 

See that? That's bravery. You're doing it! 

And you're not disconnected 
Not ever
Quiet your mind and see what you find
You know and feel the truth of that within 

There's a vast difference 
Between being complete in and of yourself 
And being cut off, separated from love 
Without a lifeline 
You were never alone, you know that now

Beautiful connection 
With all things 
Every person 
The world, energy 
The Divine
It's all One
We are One

Now you can enjoy that natural thread 
That connects us all 
Without needing anyone 
To prop you up 
Or tell you that you're okay 

You're free 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

This Is Your Road

How many days, lives 
How many steps
Hands move through the day
Thoughts running wild 
Then taking sudden pause 
Like children playing tag
Wind blows, and it feels clean inside you
You knew the rain outside 
Before it came 
Catching the scent of life's flow 
Moved to quiet, sweet ecstasy 
While the day does it's happening 
What is this foundationless certainty 
Security in blind free fall 
Time stops being a line 
And it's all one instant 
Impossible to describe 
You'd love to tell someone
Or to show them, a joining 
You look into their eyes 
Once in a while, when you do 
You see it, a fleeting glimpse 
Before they pull the shutters closed
You smile with love 
Feeling the cry forming in your throat 
And you walk on 
For you 
There's no going back 
And you're not sorry 
Oh no, never, ever sorry 
To be living this crazy, indescribable love affair with being 
Fear makes it's visits
And you know longing as a constant companion 
Senses altered 
You know this life 
Differently now
You do what you do 
And as time goes on 
Only raw, relentless authenticity works 
Otherwise, how can you breathe 
This is your road 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Me And My Shadow

Shadow dancing. When I was growing up, my reference point for that phrase was a song by Andy Gibb. Like many, I had a huge crush on Andy, and had a poster of him on my bedroom wall.

Nowadays, shadow dancing is a bit different. It's when all of the lovely "stuff" we're so tempted to hide comes out, refusing to be hidden or quieted. 

My shadow self is relentless.  She can be angry, restless, sad, uncomfortable, impatient, full of doubt, easily bored, judgemental, selfish, terrified, and emotional. She's convinced she is hideously ugly. She craves validation. She's oblivious, and is hungry and horny for something to quell her fear. 

I don't like hanging out with her. I prefer to pretend she doesn't exist. I don't like her.  But she's not having any of that.  She won't be ignored. 

For a long time, I thought love meant not having any of that "darkness" in your life. I thought it was something to be eliminated. I searched for, and tried many methods to do exactly that. But it doesn't work that way. At least, I will say it hasn't for me. 

In late 2011, I took the lid off Pandora's Box. Slowly, my view of my shadow has changed. 

There's a balance in everything. Love becomes a living thing and a way to be. Expectations become chains that you choose not to wear. There's this peculiar, intricate pattern of doing and waiting, moving and stillness; it's like a mathematical equation and yet it's art all at once. And you're part of it, one with it. 

My nickname for my shadow self is "Rage Bitch."  Because my first clue that she's around is that I am angry, enraged at everything and everyone. It's hot, red, venom, and it's hard not to spew it at everyone. 

I don't fight with her anymore. Shadow gets way more intense, so much stronger when I deny her or fight with her. She's like a cornered animal, she gets vicious if threatened. 

So I sit with it, whatever I'm feeling. At first, I literally just sit there and accept it. I'll just be there, and be angry. Sad. Impatient. Ugly. Terrified. Whatever is there is alright. I don't judge it. 

After a while I talk to Shadow. I ask. "Why are you so angry? What is making you afraid? Why do you think you're ugly?" And I let her answer. Again, no judgement. Whatever the answer is, it's okay. 

Finally, I just tell her it's alright. I tell her I love her. I thank her for being honest and for being so brave in bringing this up so we could talk about it. I remind her that she's beautiful, loved and amazing just as she is. 

Sometimes an action step will come out of this, like talking to a family member or friend about an issue, or taking some other action. Other times, just the recognition and acceptance of where I was at is enough, and I will begin to feel lighter, happier, more at peace.  

I've come to understand that Shadow comes out when there's something deeper, buried beneath the surface that needs the sun to shine brightly upon it. Something is needing to be seen, acknowledged and loved. 

I also find the wisdom within my own body to be remarkable. Whenever Shadow comes to hang out, I usually find that there has been an accompanying message in my physical body. It can be a headache, fatigue, or a myriad of other symptoms.  When Shadow comes to remind me of things that I need to release, this is often timed to line up perfectly with my menstrual cycle. 

All in all, I've spent a good deal of time and effort trying to run from Shadow. What I've learned is that I can't. Shadow is a part of me, a part that has just as much to teach me as Light does. 

She's the one who has made me look at all of the things that fly out of Pandora's Box. She's the one who gave me the gift of discomfort that made me question the status quo of my life, on all levels. She graces me with impatience when I'm not moving along when I need to be. She was the one who kept pushing when I was looking for a place to learn as I continue on this path. She makes me uncomfortable enough to break meaningless rules that limit me, and everyone else.

And yeah, when she makes herself known, I still roll my eyes and think "Here we go, what's she all freaked about this time?" But truly, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Darkness, light and everything in between. It's all me. And, it's all good.  

Night Driving

Tree branches 
Splayed against a blue black sky
Car headlights 
Reveal glimpses of fire
In safe little yards 
People slumber in well kept homes
While I drive on by
Fingers tapping on the wheel 
I think of them 
All installed in their beds 
And I know 
They have an inner world, too 
Letting their thoughts have wing 
Without limits 
In those last few moments 
Just before sleep 
I love these peculiar little snippets of living 
When solitude, motion and spirit dance
You're reminded 
That you exist on both sides of the veil 
All at once sometimes 
And that you can trust 
What you know 
No matter what 
I do love the beautiful, sacred night 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I Didn't Ask You

I didn't ask you if your religious or spiritual tradition "allows" a particular belief. 

I didn't ask you if you have the civil right as an American citizen to have that belief. 

I didn't ask you what you've accomplished or what others say about you. I don't want your "good person" resume.

What I am asking you is this:  If we strip away your religious or spiritual beliefs and your civil rights and leave you as a naked human being- what does your inner sense of integrity and humanity tell you about your words and actions which are hurting other human beings? 

We aren't perfect. We fail, a lot. I do. But how does anything ever change if we don't ask ourselves the question?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Wing Walker

After a while, you come to realize that your sense of values is far, far outside of where you used to be; indeed, far outside of that of many you know and love. 

The things that excite you, make your heart beat faster, and your entire way of being in the world has been radically altered. 

Home is something you know within you, but isn't anything you can describe very well. It has always been there, inside you, and all the times seeking it elsewhere are behind you now. 

Your words and actions perplex people, but you know that you are exactly where you ought to be. You try and describe that inner compass sometimes, with mixed results. 

The structures you once held dear, the common everyday safety nets that bring comfort, the methods we all use to weigh ourselves and our world - they have all fallen away. You find it difficult to articulate what has taken their place, but you find that you do know how to walk it. You always have known, really. The days of squashing down and ignoring your intuition and natural instincts are gone.

It's like the most glorious, perplexing combination of blind free fall while all at once knowing exactly what is coming - and living each moment in the certainty that it is yours. Indeed, it cannot pass you by.

It's very lonely sometimes. It's breathtakingly beautiful while being heartbreaking, too. But you can't even consider going back to sleep.  It's not possible, not now, and you know that you wouldn't - even if you could. You aren't sorry to be where you are. You know who and what you are, you have a sense of why you're here. You remember. And, in truth, you are never alone. 

So you trust it. You trust The Universe. You trust yourself. 

And you keep walking that path. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

It's What Makes Everything Go!

I choose to walk through my days 
And the sacred nights 
With heart open 
Even when tenderness becomes a pain 
I do not run or hide
No more walls and avoidance
I glow with warmth 
And when the time comes I rain
Some days I am a peaceful meadow 
Some days I am the storm 
I am afraid sometimes 
But I choose to continue 
Intuition speaks the path
Intent and integrity to what is within are my compass
These are not the world's rules
Steps not dictated by fear
Moving when the steps are true
Patiently waiting when it is right
Resting in perfect love and perfect trust 
What is meant for me cannot pass me by
Spirit and body see from within 
I embrace this succulent life 
I choose to be juicy, delicious and joyful 
I am not watered down 
The energy of all things
Heart centered and present to each moment 
Love, energy, creation
Learning more each day 
Body, heart and spirit attuned to the highest vibration 
All Things move together 
We dance and wrap around one another 
For Creation cannot help but make love
Love and bliss so great that the cosmos moves with it 
This is how everything 
I do not lose sight of this 
I breathe it in as I walk 
Knowing time is a game 
And what is to be already is 
And so, there is now 
Right now 
To do this thing 
This love thing 
This energy thing 
It lifts me 
It lifts others 
It's what makes everything GO! 

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, October 26, 2015

Goddess Challenge

We walk around 
As if who we are isn't written on our skin 
And pouring out of our eyes 
We say what's safe 
Even though our purest essence is in every exhale
We try and arrange it just so 
Because it's "different this time"
Then, life does her thing 
And aren't we just blown away 
But....but....that wasn't in the plan! 
No, I guess it wasn't 

But you know
The truth is within you 
You can either follow it 
Make love to it 
It's yours already
Be safe
A slow death 
And all the fear that your old stories tell you 
Doesn't change that 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Bones and tendons unhappy 
Blinding, shooting pain upon grasping too tightly 
Or when I insist on that white knuckled grip 

A loose grip causes no pain at all 
Things pass in and out of my hands naturally, effortlessly 
When I do not insist on hanging on 

This frees me up to always be open 
Able to give happily 
And to receive gratefully
The cycle continues as it is meant to 

And so this morning 
I look at what they called broken, beyond help 
And I see wholeness 
And I thank my hands, and even the pain 
Because this rather obvious metaphor for life 
Is a lesson I very much needed
And avoided for a long time 

Today is a new day 
And my hands are ready to play their part 
In the beautiful circle 


Monday, October 19, 2015


All at once
She could see endless possibilities
A world 
Dripping with color and texture 
Clear sight, deep dive
Listening for The Old Ones
Senses on ecstatic overload 
Every cell electric 
Fire within an inferno 
Finally unafraid 
To be the Magick 

Friday, October 16, 2015


Like a refreshing spring
Clear water running 
Or the clean, crisp air 
On a fall morning 
It starts as a tingle 
The subtlest of sensations
Spreads over me
Like the softest touch
It warms me, inside and out 
Until I'm in sheer delight 
From head to toe 
I close my eyes 
And exist in Love's embrace 
In that moment 
I know that I have the strength 
To do anything
Limits, sadness and fear fall away
For home is within 
And I am never alone
Never separated
From Love

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Blue Finds Her Safe Place, A Faerie Story, Ch 2

Once there was a faerie. She had eyes of hazel, and her garment was cobalt blue. The light around her, because all faeries have such, was also blue, and so Blue is what she was called. She lived with the other faeries in a strongly bonded troop that sought to help each other, and all things.

It came to be that one beautiful day, when the sun was shining, Blue was working with the rest of the troop doing the daily tasks. It was Blue's turn to go and bring items to trade with a nearby troop. Blue had never been on this errand before, and she was very nervous about doing everything exactly right, so that the troop would be pleased.

Her friends helped her gather the items together. Blue lifted them into the air next to her with a simple thought, and she was on her way. As Blue traveled, she had to change her route a few times. The first time was because of a human with his gun, and the second was when sister hawk was hunting and flew right in front of her, startling her!

Blue was growing more and more nervous, she did not want to be late. She imagined what the other troop would be thinking, worrying that they would be angry with her. They might send someone back to her own troop to report how inept Blue was! Picturing this in her mind made Blue so frightened. It was almost physically painful for Blue to contemplate making someone unhappy or displeased.

As Blue continued on her way, she could not stop worrying, and she found that it was getting much harder to keep the items aloft that she was bringing along. She was getting so very tired. In looking around she realized that she had taken a wrong turn. It took Blue quite some time to find her way once again and by the time she did she was in tears, and she dropped all of the items to the ground!

Suddenly, 5 faeries from the other troop surrounded her! Blue was practically cowering, waiting for the worst. One of them said, "Hello! My name is Cherise. We came to meet you and show you to our home. We'll each take one of these items, come with us." Blue followed the others and upon arriving at their beautiful glade, was given honey and water. Cherise and the others listened to the tale of Blue's day. Cherise hugged her, saying, "We have all had days like that, Blue. Don't worry at all. You did wonderfully. Everything has turned out just fine!" After a short rest, Blue returned to her troop, relieved that she had not angered anyone.

The next day, Blue was with the others, gathering honey. The bees gladly shared this in exchange for the troop sharing their love in the form of a very special blessing upon the Queen of the hive every spring. It was a tradition that had been around for a very long time. Her friends and family had a very particular way of gathering the honey. Blue thought the system, which involved twigs and leaves, was much more complicated than it needed to be. Blue suggested a different method using cupped flower petals held aloft by a delicious thought. Her intuition told her this would work very easily because she knew pleasurable thoughts were very strong indeed, and besides, the flowers were always willing to help.

Several members of the troop were very skeptical of Blue's idea and told her so. Heather, who was considered to be very wise, counseled against changing things that had been working just fine for so long. Blue felt her cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. She said "I am going over to the second hive to try my idea." Blue hated hearing her own defensive tone of voice. As she made her way over to the second hive a short distance away, she felt hot tears on her cheeks. Blue was very frustrated and sad, and she thought to herself, "Sometimes my different ways do not fit in."

Blue tried her idea, and found that it worked very well, indeed! In fact, it was so simple and easy that tiny Periwinkle, the very smallest of the troop was able to manage it on her own with no help at all! Blue and Periwinkle worked together for quite some time and after gathering what they needed, they thanked their beautiful bee friends and made their way back. Upon their return, the troop was amazed, because Blue and Periwinkle were able to gather and bring back three times as much honey in a shorter time than the entire rest of the troop had done using the old system.

Heather was full of praise, saying, "Thank you, Blue for sticking with your intuition and doing what you knew made sense for you. Your courage and creativity are a blessing to yourself and the entire troop!" Blue felt tears coursing down her cheeks. Some of her friends and family still seemed a bit disgruntled, and firmly stated that they would stay with the old way. Others were eager to try Blue's idea the next time around.

Blue and Periwinkle held each other's gaze for a long moment, and then everyone moved off to take care of their own affairs. Blue sat on the soft moss under a small tree for a very long time after this, letting the sounds of the forest sooth her. Eventually, she fell asleep.

A few days later, Blue was sitting under brother Oak. He was a very old and wise tree, and had been in the forest longer than anyone could recall. Blue loved being with Oak. Ladybug, butterfly, dragonfly, and several other friends were there. Blue and her friends had worked for a very long time to create a stunning, colorful mandala under the Oak, as a gift to all creatures, using many items found in the forest. As they finished, Blue breathed a blessing into the mandala. The mandala represented the connection between all of the creatures that lived in the forest, and was made with much love. By speaking with the other trees, Oak was passing the word around so that other residents of the forest could come and see the mandala and feel the loving energy.

Just then, Farrow, another member of the troop came along. He looked at Blue, and then at the mandala. He said, "There's no time for play, Blue. There are many tasks that need doing back at the glade. Your time should be spent there, and not wasting time here on things that are not helpful." Blue had been friends with Farrow for so very long, and they had often worked together companionably. She was deeply disappointed and hurt at Farrow's words. Despite their friendship, he could see no value or blessing in the work of Blue and her friends. Blue felt her heart sink. Trying not to cry, she looked up at Farrow and quietly said, "My friend, I hear your words and I appreciate what you are trying to say. But this work is the very best place for me. I will not be going with you right now." Farrow stared into her eyes for the longest time, thrown off by her refusal, which he had not expected. "Fine" he said, and left.

After Oak spread the word, more creatures came to see the mandala Blue and her friends had made. Many exclaimed what a marvel it was, and everyone could feel the love and the blessing coming from the beautiful work, made in spontaneous creativity, fueled by love. Blue and her friends felt such gratitude that their work brought joy to others. Blue found herself in the most peculiar combined state of joy and sadness all the rest of that day. She was overjoyed at the way the mandala was received and how it had helped so many, but the interaction with her dear friend Farrow hurt so very much. Just before sundown, everyone went back to their own homes. Blue and her friends said goodbye to each other. Owl and Oak promised to guard the mandala.

Blue went to sit on the great rock near the still quiet lake, it was her very favorite place to be. As the sun made its way down, the sky lit up with every imaginable color, and they were all reflected in the water. Suddenly, Blue was overwhelmed by the beauty of life, beauty that created such a tender feeling in her heart as to be an actual pain, and she finally cried freely. She cried for the beauty, and for the love of all things. And she cried for the pain inside of her that wondered where was the safe place, the place where she fit?

"Daughter." Blue heard the voice say. It was the Mother, and Blue felt warmth and love encompass her entire being. "Oh Mother!" Blue said, and just cried and cried all the more. The voice said, "My sweet daughter. Why do you seek in others that which only you can give to yourself? The safe place you seek is within you, my beautiful one. You are wondrously made, and unique. Only you can be Blue, and you are doing so in a singularly beautiful way."

Blue stopped her sobbing, and looked up. The sun had set, and the moon was rising. The lake and all of the forest was alive in a magical silver light, which was reflecting everywhere. She did not hear anything else from the Mother, but knew Her presence in the warmth that still enveloped her entire being. She sat on the rock, watching the fireflies and breathing in the sweet, damp night air.

"I think...I think I'm alright", she said aloud, hiccupping a little. "In fact, I think I like me. I might even love me. And maybe I make mistakes sometimes, and I probably cry too much, but I'm doing my absolute best every day. I'm the only one who knows how to be Blue after all, so I'm going to do that my own way. I can do that and still love everyone, I understand that now. I am never separated from Love. My safe place is always here, within me!" The tears were still flowing but they were good tears, the kind that clean everything out, and leave you so very much lighter. Blue's tears dropped into the lake, creating ripples in the water.

After a little while, a very sleepy Blue moved over to the ferns growing near the lake. They curled around her body, creating a soft bed for her, and she fell asleep, smiling, with the night time forest sounds as her lullaby.

Written by Elizabeth A. Carrignant
This writing is the property of the above writer
October 15, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Grace Tapestry

I have had many opportunities recently to reflect on the question of what our response should be to others suffering. This question has appeared in the past two weeks in many places. When a friend brought it up this morning, I was moved to write about it.

We are certainly weavers of our own destiny. I know this because I call things to myself and they come. I have been broken and hit rock bottom, and then later realized the incredible learnings that occurred as a result. I've been able to look back and see how my choices often caused what happened, even the ones I made blindly. I've been involved in soul altering Karmic clearings that played out in my life that involved energies that went back lifetimes. I've allowed love to change shape and be redefined in me. I have known the sweet blessing of grace. I do see a pattern of gossamer threads here, and I am learning to trust that, although it is not always easy. 

Still, some things that happen to others are so horrific that it's hard to get my head around why they might be happening. My heart hurts so much for them.

Can those people truly change that situation? What if they have absolutely no awareness that it is possible? What if in some cases it's not possible for some reason we can't see?

I believe that we all come here with some specific things that we are going to work on. There are many ways to work through that. We can't always recognize the pattern from where we stand, but it is there. It's like an intricately woven tapestry that we are all a thread of.

Having said that, I don't believe standing by and watching the suffering of others because I somehow feel they are a vibrational match to it is where I am called to be with this. As Sara Sophia Eisenman recently reflected on her Facebook page, this often seems to be a theme in the new age movement. I find it disturbing.

Sara's post was the first of many these past two weeks that caused me to pause and look at this question. In looking at the dynamic that allows something to happen, and examining where the person is at who is harming another we can look within and see what our response is to be. 

I look back on my own situation. While Archangel Michael is the one who saved my life in 2013, it has been through other people that the gift of grace has come to me, over and over and over again. 

Some examples: 

1)  Markers on my path that I clearly saw because others helped shed light on them. 

2) Learnings that showed me how to climb up and out and to follow my own path and forge my way - because others shared wisdom and knowledge and showed that there are multiple ways by their example. 

3) Connections and openings made within me because another spoke and walked their truth and it rekindled the fire within me, 

4) Simple hope given - love and help with basic survival so that I could feel safe enough to explore past that point. 

5) Clear sight. The ability to see myself through new eyes because of those who treated me as beautiful, worthy, amazing and valued.

6) Sacred space. I am learning the profound healing of holding sacred space for myself, my experiences and my journey because of the grace of those who hold that space for me and help me to see I can do this for myself, too. 

7) When situations don't seem to be able to be changed and they just are. When this has happened, I have known the gift of those who simply come and be with me. They aren't trying to fix the situation or me. They aren't analyzing or advising. They just sit with me. This is a profound gift, simply not being alone in the midst of pain, grief or chaos.

Without these things I would not be where I am, and I am grateful every single day.

So, I don't always know why. I can't always see that greater design. But I know that we are all part of that greater plan.

 I believe that often the way another person learns that they can change things, or survive things is because we are the ones to show them that. Sometimes we are the vessel that allows learning, hope to continue on, and grace to reach another heart. 

By speaking and walking our own path courageously, opportunities to interact with others are with us every day. Looking at the way the world is, it sometimes feels as if we couldn't possibly make a dent in all the greed, violence, fear and blind hatred.

But I know that we do. One heart at a time, starting with our own, then radiating out from there. And that's magic, my loves. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Every Day

Today I will give myself the gift of presence
And I will give it to others
For our points of connection with all are sacred

Today I will be with my senses 
All of them, the five and beyond
Guided by love 
I will experience being 

Today I will make eye contact
I will touch the warmth of your arm 
And hug you "too long"
I will hear you without pouncing with my reply 
And I will revel in your unique energy while we sip tea

Today I will honor my body 
It inhabits my soul 
I will be pleasure, delight and joy
For it is no accident that I Am 

Today I will breathe in Divine love 
And exhale fear, and all of her siblings 
I will thank them for stopping by 
And send them on their way

Today I will move, speak and act naturally 
I will flow without struggle, as water does
Intent, integrity and intuition my compass
Movement fueled by Love

Today I will say I love you 
Because this is what my heart and soul 
Long to say 
To everyone I am gifted to encounter 
On this walk 

Today I will fearlessly say and do
The things I know I came here for 
There is no sense in learning mystery's secrets
If I then hide from her truth 
Behind what is comfortable 

Today I will let them know 
Because I do, always
Why now hide from it?
Love without condition blesses all 

Today I will know the wellspring within 
I am refreshed, energized and verdant 
I will be in gratitude with every word and step 
For the gift of this life 

Today I will know the grace that comes from lifting others
For in this moment of precious connection and open vulnerability
Both hearts are blessed 

Today I will know the electricity, warmth and intimacy 
Of my winged family 
As our energy mingles and swirls together 
In this dance of being 

Every day 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

That Thing You Do

It's only when you truly see them 
That you get why they do it 
The thing they do 

You know what I mean 
That thing that happens
To the ones who know why they're here 
Everybody thinks they're crazy
But they can't stop 
Because they came hard wired for this 
And the heart knows

But I think maybe 
You only see it, you only get it 
After you've been completely naked yourself 

And that doesn't happen 
Until you peel off the cataracts 
And wipe the fog away
From your true sight 

Once you've made enough space 
To see yourself 
There's enough space, finally 
To see the other 

When it finally happens 
You'd lose your own arm 
Before you'd change them to fit 

That's freedom 
When you're not trying to clothe them in your fears anymore 

That's love's real walk 


Keep Breathing

You can drown in it 
And let it take you out of the game

You can shut it down 
And say it's all good 
So you don't have to feel 

But both of those well traveled roads
They're not yours 
Yesterday's news 

Stand, damn you 
You've got this 

Be with it 
Greet it, love it 
Then lift it 

Just keep breathing 
There isn't any soaring 
If you're not breathing 


Can you tell me why 
If you know 
Why am I dry today? 

Some days are an endless verdant Spring
Color and scent 
Rain and sun 
And I am a tree 
Green and so alive 
Deep roots
Branches reaching skyward 

But today 
I am desert 
I search for the message 
That body, mind and spirit have for me 
And I can find none 

In the end 
I have come to know 
Some days are like that 
And so I sit 
This dryness is mine 
And like all things 
It will pass in its time 

Tonight the moon is still mine 
And in the morning the sun 
Maybe then I'll have the answer 
Maybe not 

It's all good 
Being is enough 


Exquisite awareness
Peace as the battle is waged
Comfortable discomfort 
Perpetually adrift, always home 
Strength for all things 
Awash in vulnerability 

Hearts fire
Ceaseless crucible 
Source as one 
The beautiful pain of longing 
Fulfillment merges with denial 

To be small
Seek safe harbor, sanctuary 
No going back 

Sweet melody
Smoky beat
Feet on soft moss
Body rocking 
Wrapped in ecstasy 

Freedom, balance 
The doing and the being 
Allowing all
Swim the depth 

Earth, air, fire, water and spirit 
We are one 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Triggers, Walls and Presence

I've been doing a great deal of thinking lately, about where the line is to be drawn. I've been contemplating that there are two extremes here.

The first is where you live only for other's expectations and/or an external set of rules. That becomes your validation of "self." I'm familiar with this one. There was a time when Catholicism, being a wife, being a mother, my ideas of how to be a "good person", fitting in, not rocking the boat, being a good 9-5er, and generally keeping people around me happy so I would know I was "OK" were my benchmarks for life and who I was. The danger here is that you become invisible, there is no "you" in your life and although you put a pretty picture out there of "I'm fine" the vast majority of the time you are far from fine.

The other extreme comes after you've faced a few things. You've dealt with some hairy shit, and you've come out the other side. You're feeling pretty good about yourself, and there's a sensation of having paid your dues in some way, whether you admit it or not. You've faced up to and owned all of your own crap. You've fallen on your face spectacularly and you survived. You begin to recognize and embrace your own good qualities, talents and creativity. Regardless of how you get to this point, and what tools and methods you use to help you, many of us then come to the "what to leave in/what to leave out" moments. In other words, you've changed in huge ways, and it becomes painfully obvious that there are some situations and relationships in your life that no longer fit, and they feel the same as wearing the wrong size clothes. It can be your job, your marriage, a friendship, your workout routine, your hair style, your car, old habits....anything. A lot of the time, it will be several things at once.

So, you learn to navigate those decisions and the strange happy/sad that releasing what is stale or a drain on you brings. You are simultaneously happy at the weight being lifted off of you, and sad at the ending of something that has been a part of you. This is difficult but it is truly a good thing. After this you become more conscious about your time and energy. You naturally gravitate toward people and situations that are on the same wavelength as you, and you're amazed because they seem to gravitate toward you, too! Beautiful synchronicity seems to follow you. I don't know about anyone else, but when this first happened to me it was such a rush! It still happens all the time and I never get tired of it. You also keep your distance from what doesn't work for you, and you get adept at having healthy boundaries in your life. You say yes and no with equal comfort and you get more practice at living from authenticity and not from misplaced guilt.

So far, so good!

The challenge comes when your healthy boundaries become walls. You see, it starts to feel really good to only go out and play and truly engage with people and situations that feel comfortable, that are a great match for you. The rest you filter out, and limit your interactions. Why do you need that shit, you reason to yourself? This is healthy for me. The less contact the better because if you let that stuff back in, you'll be triggered. If you're triggered, you'll feel uncomfortable. You don't like uncomfortable, this is to be avoided at all costs. If that happens, you'd have to ask yourself why that's bothering you and maybe have to face the fact that you do indeed have some emotions and habits that are speaking to you. You'd have to figure out what the message was. None of that sounds like much fun, so you slam the door. When things outside of your personal truth try to come close, you do whatever you have to do get rid of them. Dismissed! I'm beyond this!

For a few weeks now, this scenario has played out for me a few times. I've been in the position of being "dismissed" by other folks, usually in minor everyday conversations. In each situation, they clearly didn't mean anything personal, they just didn't have the bandwidth for where I was at in that moment, so they fluffed me off. I was finding myself extremely triggered by these situations, and have been extremely angry and defensive each time.

It is an annoying fact that when something is really pushing my buttons, there is a strong message for me there. Today,I finally sat down and asked myself why this was happening lately and why it was triggering me. I wasn't exactly overjoyed with what I realized when it first became clear.

The truth is, I've been doing exactly the same thing to other people. With people I consider "kindred souls" I am very comfortable, and walking in my integrity as the person I choose to be seems easy. With other people, with whom I'm not on the same wavelength, old defensive programming gets triggered. My need for validation kicks in, my desire to stay comfortable, and my need for safety. I'm so busy running old programs I can't really see the other person and I lose my self awareness. I can see that I was definitely slamming that door on people, too. I've been just as dismissive with some people who challenged my truth just by their daily modus operandi as the people who pissed me off were with me.

I'll sum this up with.......ugh.

I am blessed to know several people who have gift of simply holding space and being present for another person. They do this without any personal expectation for themselves, and there is no need for me to change or qualify for their presence. I can be exactly who and where I am right now, and I am accepted and even celebrated for it! It is a beautiful example of unconditional love. It's a game changer.

Holding these two very different ways of being next to each other really got me thinking. So, what's so bad about being uncomfortable? This time around, uncomfortable was a dear friend who had a really great lesson to impart to me, and I'm glad I sat and listened. Is it really realistic to think we should never be unhappy or uncomfortable? Does our belief system, our balance, our personal integrity really have to go unchallenged for us to not lose our shit? So, alright, a few conversations lately got me unhinged. I felt judged. Then I realized I was judging. Ah! Light dawns.....

So I'm back to precious balance, stasis, equilibrium. It will be challenged again, for sure. There's always something. It might feel like a sliver or a mosquito bite, or it may feel like losing a limb, but I know the lessons and changes don't stop rolling in. I'd like to think I'll be less resistant to the lesson the next time, but as I'm writing this I'm aware that which of my buttons is being pushed at the time has a lot to do with that!

I'm walking away from this with the knowledge that I do have some solid skills for keeping healthy boundaries, and honestly saying yes and no with firm compassion. I know that I won't be going back to the days when I operated only on what others filled me with in any given moment. Having said that, I know I'm not here to stay behind my comfortable walls, only hanging with people and in situations that "feel good." That's not life and it's not love, not for me. I think this is about having love and compassion for myself, and acceptance for exactly where I am at right now. Because if I can give that to myself, then I open up space within me. And that space that I'm lovingly holding for myself and my goals and dreams? There is more than enough of it, so I can hold that space for others, too. I can be present for them, and give that gift that has been given to me. The energy just keeps going around in this delicious circle.

There it is, that's it. That's what I came to do.

Goddess bless, what a beautiful day it is.

Thanks for reading me babies, love to you all.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

When Night Comes

Scents slip through the night 
Seducing the senses 
Silken darkness comes 
Body rising at the touch
No completion sought
Validation not required 
Beyond the shackles of expectation
Instead, Being
Body, mind, and spirit 
Nothing denied
Power and vulnerability as one 
In body, bliss embraced 
Energy center pouring light
Dream speak, day and night 
Roots deep, winged heart 
Goddess' daughter 
Dark and light reconciled
The space between 
Where all things are born 
That's home field 
Existing in heart space 
Lovers entwined
Stars collide 


Monday, September 21, 2015


There is beauty to be found 
In the unexpected 
Joy lives in the surrender 
Of the way we thought it would be 
When unconditional love 
Guides the heart 
Space opens, and we hold that
One for the other 
We have clear sight, soul to soul 
Filled to overflowing in our giving 
We are made lighter 
This. Yes, this is the work of a lifetime 
To exist in moments such as this
And the beautiful circle continues 

My Sister Change

I am clothed in impatience 
Lusting for destruction 
Catching the rotting stench of sameness 
Slapping safety across the face when she approaches to help

I am sick of myself 
Critical of those around me 
Disgusted with all of the daily compromise 
Nauseous with the attempts we make at numbness 

Times of transition can be hard
In the past when my sister change came to visit 
I was not a gracious hostess
I fought with her 
I kept my parameters of acceptance so very narrow 
I called surrender impossible 
I tried to claim she was evil 
She is neither evil nor good 
She simply is 
And in truth my own thoughts and actions invited her to come
Whether I own that or not 

Now, I Am Fire
And I dream of burning it all down 
The purity of my heart's desires
And my soul's path
The only thing I can see
And all else has become like too much baggage
Dragged through the airport 

My sister change is visiting again 
This time I admit I eagerly invited her
She smiles at me 
She speaks of balance and deliberate, thoughtful steps 
She reminds me of all the sweet gifts 
In the garden of my everyday life
We spend time in quiet 
Contemplating the Love in all things
We talk about the keys to be found 
In walking daily with our siblings 
Especially Authenticity and Integrity 

I am a spirit of extremes 
Where my heart and soul are concerned 
My sister knows this
And with a smart-ass grin
Introduces me to our cousin, Patience
Patience has accomplished a great many things, Change explains to me
I guess I ignored her at the family reunions 
Because I honestly don't remember her at all

Change calls to the rest of the family 
To join the circle
Where she stands with Patience and I
Intent, Intuition, Action, Authenticity, Integrity and Will join us 
We hold hands around the fire 

Change looks at me across the circle 
And as our eyes meet 
I realize how much lighter I am 

Impatience, twin to Patience 
Had come for a short visit 
To remind me of the price of inaction 
A boot in the cosmic arse for motivation 
And then moved along on her way 
I silently thanked her for the help 

Realization dawned that with these allies
Every day would be an adventure 
Clear direction but surrendering the specifics 
In perfect love and perfect trust 

We sat down around the fire 
To rejoice in the day
And decide on next steps



Friday, September 18, 2015

Reason to Breathe

You are not a pack mule
To carry their expectations 
Your shoulder blades have wings between them 
Not to be crushed 
By the weight of so many shoulds 
So, while we all have 
Everyday life responsibility 
You get to choose how you do that 
You are a human being 
A gorgeous creation indeed 
Not created as a vessel 
To fill with making it right 
For sheep and rote formulas 
No. Oh no.
You, you get to do this your way
If you didn't 
What would be the point 
To continued breath 
On this pretty blue marble 
Shining in the cosmos 
So when you want to give in 
And all the world's shoulds are so heavy
When following the crowd seems best 
Drop all that excess baggage 
Be different 
Allow the discomfort 
It's okay to rock the boat
We'll all learn to deal 
Embrace the risk
Do it your way 
Free your soul 
Never give up 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tea and Wandering

Spearmint tea
Soft bed
Crickets and traffic competing outside

Warm skin, patiently alive
Bra tired breasts finally free
Eyes that want to close 
Fingers absently twirling hair

Words doing their dance all day 
Can never catch them all 
Some spill out onto the page 
While the others scamper off giggling
Like children, hand in hand 

You don't want to want but you do
And you breathe Love
Like an ecstatic ache 
The cat purrs and the clock chimes the hour 

The fortune teller who knows everything 
But sees nothing 
And in your definitive answerlessness 
You vibrate and pulse 
Like a fuzzy bee on a flower

So long asleep
No inkling 
Of your true nature 


And there's where it's so bizarre 
Endlessly perfect geometric variation 
All of creation alive
Breathing, vibrating as One
And you're part of it! 
We all are

You lie naked across the bed 
Twirling your hair 
Car tires, neighbors voices
And random thoughts of the day 
Popping in and out of your awareness 
Like a mental game of whack-a-mole

You aren't really certain 
If you will alter the cosmos now
Or perhaps have more tea 
Both seem quite viable 

Good Things Are Going To Happen

There isn't any danger 
And there isn't any fear 
The specter of uncertainty 
No longer brings a tear 
Evidence of cares and woes 
Can pile up around 
And I don't need to see them 
To know that blessings abound 
In perfect love and perfect trust
I pull it all to me 
With gratitude and certainty 
From troubles I am free 
Good things are going to happen 
They happen every day
You see my friends, dear Wayne was right 
So, I say it night and day 
And so I walk with joy each day
I sleep with peace each night 
In the eyes of the Divine I'm precious 
And so there is no fright 
All we need will come to us 
I've never been so sure 
The Divine and I, we've got this 
We open every door 
Awakening in power 
This connection I do trust 
Love provides solutions 
And come to me they must 
So let us move the very stars 
For brothers and sisters they be 
All things created wish us well 
There's so much we don't see 
So now I rest, completely safe 
In this I am assured 
The wings of love surround us 
Sweet certainty endures

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Rain

Sunday morning 
Rain falls
None are exempt from it's ministrations 
Sometimes we would rather 
Not have the rain touch us 
But she comes anyway 
Kissing our skin 
And bringing cleansing release
And so, I will choose no umbrella 
Thank you anyway 
I think instead 
I shall stand in the Rain
For I have known Love 
Both in Rain
And in Sun 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Sometimes you're restless, because you'd love to have those answers all buttoned up. But, at times you're supposed to be uncomfortable, until you completely let go. 

There are days you're so open, you're convinced love could actually be fatal, the tenderness is overwhelming. 

There are discoveries that will blow the doors off of your safe places, leaving you in awe of the beauty and power that you are.

After a while, you realize you had it all wrong, just backwards, and you throw off the world's rules. Vulnerability is strength.
A broken heart is one of the most loving, fierce, unstoppable, powerful forces in the Universe. Magic is everywhere. There are way more than five senses. The desires of your heart are Divine, run with those! Your body is unique and exquisite, perfectly beautiful. If you can let yourself truly inhabit it and love it, it will tell you the secrets of where all the juicy, yummy things in life are. Pleasure is sacred. Do the things that bring a smile to your face and make your heart sing. If you don't say yes to yourself first, you'll never have anything to share with others. 

Life. It's the oddest dance, this deliciously fucked up, breathtakingly beautiful experience.  You stumble along, picking up clues, remembering who you are and why you came. Ever so slowly, that comes to rest in each cell, a bit more each day, as you finally learn to let go and enjoy the ride. Blessed fucking free fall!

With everything. 
Tuned into people's frequencies as the days make their way by. 
Just stunned by the souls you see. 

Dropping things by the side of the road as you go. No need to carry all that.

There's such freedom in this wide open place! Naked and trembling, you're just rocked to the core. Do you weep, laugh and exult, or take off and soar? There's nothing and nowhere left to hide, and you wouldn't go back even if you could. At first you think it's like the edge of a cliff, a dangerous rocky precipice, but it's the most truthful moment you've ever inhabited. 

Yes, open. 
Fully aware, awake, and participating.
The Goddess creates her Universe.
Holding the stars in your hands.
There's no up, no down.
No within or without.
Only being. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Shift

You know it in your skin 
And at the very depth of you 
You thought it only existed among the winged ones
And in your brief visits 
To what lies beyond 
But then comes the day 
That love comes along 
Surrounds and infuses you
And asks if you'd like a guided tour 
Of all that you are 
You instinctively know that it's safe
So for once 
Instead of holding tight to your fear
You say yes 
Releasing all that isn't for you 
Letting go of what is toxic 
The truth of what you are 
Draws everything out of you 
And it is just sheer ecstasy 
You are exquisitely aware
Embracing, knowing, experiencing 
Fully and completely 
Everything that you are 
Awestruck, amazed
Most profoundly alive
And suddenly 
It's not in a book 
It's not cerebral 
It's not a place to go in meditation 
It's YOU, you yourself 
Not just within you 
It IS you 
You are One
Your body is no longer something to overcome 
Or a suitcase to store the things you don't want to deal with right now 
Body, mind and spirit 
One soul, finally united
The gift you've received 
The shift 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Life Is Sexy

What do you desire?
Why, for so many of us, is that question so scary?
The things that make our hearts sing
Activities that bring sheer joy 
The clues are all there 
When we're lost in the moment 
Following our natural inclinations 
Doing what we are naturally drawn to 
Is desire always about sex?
No, but it's the same energy, I think 
Whether we're pampering ourselves in a delicious bubble bath 
Bee keeping 
Developing a new podcast 
Walking through the woods
Going for a drive alone with your favorite music blasting, enjoying the feel of driving 
Helping to create a new program that will help people 
Cooking up amazing things in our kitchen 
Helping in our community 
Or making love to our partner 
I'm finally beginning to see 
That the same luscious energy
Drives all of it
If it makes your heart beat faster 
If it lifts you and gives you joy 
And does the same for others too!
Then that's the Divine within you 
It's okay to listen to that voice, that pull
This is how we're meant to live
Life is sexy 
Let's make love to it 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Forest Within

Daughter of the Goddess
She walks, barefoot through the forest
The moss is soft underfoot 
The rain has stopped 
And sits in tiny, perfect spheres 
On the leaves
The sweet smell of all of the growing things surrounds her 
She stops to bring this life into her 
Breathing deeply 
Underfoot and overhead 
The stars twinkle between the branches 
And with the moon they kiss the forest
Like so many lanterns
The night wind caresses the forest 
Like a lover 
Who knows all of your secret places
She closes her eyes 
In these moments 
The love, the connection 
Is so exquisite 
Indeed the sweetest, most paradoxically heartbreaking, soul searing joy one can ever know 
It breaks you open
And in the breaking, you are made whole
She spins, dances
Hands reaching toward the stars 
Feet moving on the sweet earth 
Body swaying 
In this moment, she would take the Universe as her lover 
The heart's need 
To encompass all in this love 
The Winged Ones stand close by 
As she dances 
For she is also their own 
Falling down upon soft moss
She hugs her legs to herself 
And looks around 
She and the forest 
Breathe together 
Her senses are as one 
With all of the wild things 
A gift from the Horned One
There is no need in this moment 
Deep in the soft sacred places of the night 
You will find her lost in bliss like this 
In love 
At home 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

You Are Yes

When you're standing on the hill
Seeing the entire view 
While you're driving to work 
And the cornflower 
Speaks revelations 
Breathing as one 
With the green things 
Never alone 
One with Good Company 
Time is relative 
Anything can happen 
And you're patient 
Because you called it 
Heritage and memory 
Smiling, you straighten your glasses 
One foot here 
And the other...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Let's Not

Let's not
Ignore our annoyance and impatience 
They're here for a reason 

Let's not reject our anger 
And cover it in daisies
It needs us to listen 

Let's not 
Whitewash things
When it's time for something 
That isn't working to end

Let's not 
Blow sunshine up everyone's collective asses
When our hearts are broken 

Let's not 
Put supposed to 
Before authenticity 

Let's not 
Clothe wildness and passion
In safety and "maybe next time"

Let's not 

The blood knows what is true
The body
Is the temple of your soul 

When we choose to ignore 
The messages we receive 
From The Goddess
From Ourselves
They find another way out 
And when they do 
We're usually not happy 
With the doorway they've created 

But you see 
There had to be an opening 
A place to reside 
To be heard In some way 

It's the strangest truth 
That so often these strong emotions 
The ones we reject 
Have the most to teach us 

If we just sit with them 
Lean in 
Listen, hear them 
Allow it 
In all it's messy glory 

In hearing what the message is
That was being conveyed 
And granting ourselves 
The gift of a healthy outlet 
We can find a way forward
And know the gift of release 

So really
Let's not