
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Vampires Anonymous

'Tis a magickal thing indeed 
The journey of remembering 
Who you are 
And why you have come 

Yes, this alone 
Is your very own 
But there's more 

You reach the point 
Where you are able to bear witness 
To what you are 
And all that you do 
As you live each day

Finally, there comes a time 
When only the bravest openness 
And relentless authenticity 
Will do 

Yet, you see yourself 
Still seeking completion 
In others view of you

As authenticity burns away illusion 
The old vampiric ways 
Of drawing, pulling 
Using the energy and emotion of others 
To prop yourself up
Falls away 

You stand on your own. 

Oh fear! 
I'm lost. Disconnected! Empty! 
Ugly. Useless.
Can't you see!?
It isn't safe. I'm not enough!
And I never will be...

Must hide. So naked. So scared. 
Get tiny. Cover my face. 
Block my ears. No. Oh no. 

The habit, so ingrained 
Neural pathways 
Like well traveled roads in your psyche
You watch yourself 
As the fear pumps loudly in your ears
And the familiar downward spiral 
Is about to begin 

Something is different this time 
Oh, the habit is there, so strong 
But now, the desire, the need to walk that familiar road 
Of latch on, or hide 
Is gone 
You released it
You felt it leave you
The dark and heavy energy gone from you

And in the midst of the fear 
The inner Witness speaks 
Hey. Wait a second!
It's alright to be afraid 

Standing in your personal power 
Self contained 
Complete, beautiful 
Not seeking outside of yourself 
For validation 
Belief, faith in who and what you are
Without the crutch of others approval 
This is new 

And the fear? It's a habit. 
But it doesn't own you. 
You don't need it.
Not anymore.

Let's go. Let's walk. 
You've got this! 
That fear will get smaller over time. 
And you can rock who you are
Even if you are afraid sometimes 

Tentative steps 
Back straightens
You stop looking down 
And bring your gaze up 
To meet the world 

See that? That's bravery. You're doing it! 

And you're not disconnected 
Not ever
Quiet your mind and see what you find
You know and feel the truth of that within 

There's a vast difference 
Between being complete in and of yourself 
And being cut off, separated from love 
Without a lifeline 
You were never alone, you know that now

Beautiful connection 
With all things 
Every person 
The world, energy 
The Divine
It's all One
We are One

Now you can enjoy that natural thread 
That connects us all 
Without needing anyone 
To prop you up 
Or tell you that you're okay 

You're free 

1 comment:

paul Bagge said...
