
Saturday, October 3, 2015

That Thing You Do

It's only when you truly see them 
That you get why they do it 
The thing they do 

You know what I mean 
That thing that happens
To the ones who know why they're here 
Everybody thinks they're crazy
But they can't stop 
Because they came hard wired for this 
And the heart knows

But I think maybe 
You only see it, you only get it 
After you've been completely naked yourself 

And that doesn't happen 
Until you peel off the cataracts 
And wipe the fog away
From your true sight 

Once you've made enough space 
To see yourself 
There's enough space, finally 
To see the other 

When it finally happens 
You'd lose your own arm 
Before you'd change them to fit 

That's freedom 
When you're not trying to clothe them in your fears anymore 

That's love's real walk 


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