
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Life Is Sexy

What do you desire?
Why, for so many of us, is that question so scary?
The things that make our hearts sing
Activities that bring sheer joy 
The clues are all there 
When we're lost in the moment 
Following our natural inclinations 
Doing what we are naturally drawn to 
Is desire always about sex?
No, but it's the same energy, I think 
Whether we're pampering ourselves in a delicious bubble bath 
Bee keeping 
Developing a new podcast 
Walking through the woods
Going for a drive alone with your favorite music blasting, enjoying the feel of driving 
Helping to create a new program that will help people 
Cooking up amazing things in our kitchen 
Helping in our community 
Or making love to our partner 
I'm finally beginning to see 
That the same luscious energy
Drives all of it
If it makes your heart beat faster 
If it lifts you and gives you joy 
And does the same for others too!
Then that's the Divine within you 
It's okay to listen to that voice, that pull
This is how we're meant to live
Life is sexy 
Let's make love to it 

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