
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Let's Not

Let's not
Ignore our annoyance and impatience 
They're here for a reason 

Let's not reject our anger 
And cover it in daisies
It needs us to listen 

Let's not 
Whitewash things
When it's time for something 
That isn't working to end

Let's not 
Blow sunshine up everyone's collective asses
When our hearts are broken 

Let's not 
Put supposed to 
Before authenticity 

Let's not 
Clothe wildness and passion
In safety and "maybe next time"

Let's not 

The blood knows what is true
The body
Is the temple of your soul 

When we choose to ignore 
The messages we receive 
From The Goddess
From Ourselves
They find another way out 
And when they do 
We're usually not happy 
With the doorway they've created 

But you see 
There had to be an opening 
A place to reside 
To be heard In some way 

It's the strangest truth 
That so often these strong emotions 
The ones we reject 
Have the most to teach us 

If we just sit with them 
Lean in 
Listen, hear them 
Allow it 
In all it's messy glory 

In hearing what the message is
That was being conveyed 
And granting ourselves 
The gift of a healthy outlet 
We can find a way forward
And know the gift of release 

So really
Let's not 

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