
Sunday, April 1, 2012


We try to put parameters
Around life
And around each other
Am I more comfortable
If  you fit into something, somewhere
A label
That keeps me comfortable
Because it's simple
And I don't have to think
Or challenge myself
But what we don't realize
Is that when we do this to each other
The commentary, the truth that we tell
Is about ourselves
Not about the other person
Whom we've just labelled
If I need to label you
Categorize you
If something about you
Throws me off balance
Indicative of a place
A spot, within myself
That needs to be excavated
Brought out into the sun
Looked at in the light
Because only my own fears and failings
Cause me to need you to fit
Into the category, label or place
That I assign to you
Why can't I simply see you
For who you are
Not make you feel
Like you need to hide
Apologize, make excuses
I never want you, or anyone
To feel that way
I need to see
And accept you
For who and what you are
And that is BEAUTIFUL
I pray you will give me the same

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