
Thursday, February 18, 2016


A open letter to the Presidential Candidates:

As we continue to move closer to Election Day, we continue to see vicious disparaging, belittling remarks and outright lies and contempt on the part of candidates, toward each other and toward Americans who disagree with them. 

I'm just one person, but I for one have had it. 

This is about strength of character, self control and a passion to hold sacred the rights of ALL Americans, not just the ones who agree with you.

Passion in a candidate is great, and so is a cut through the crap, get it done attitude.

But if the job you're applying for is LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD as we often say of POTUS, you get held to a much higher standard. 

That means you feel the rights of all Americans are important, not only the ones who look, act and believe like you. 

It means you're expected to have the ability to funnel that passion into actions that benefit the American people, and do the most good. 

It's about knowing The Constitution is a living thing, and honoring that. 

It's not about tantrums and being triggered emotionally every time someone disagrees with you. This reveals a character flaw that disqualifies you from this job.

If you can't control yourself under pressure, you simply are not qualified for this job. If you think you're stressed out now, how would you cope with the pressures of this job?

If you can't reach across the aisle to get things done for the good of all, then you are already a failure. 

If power, money and being right mean more to you than the common good - go home.  You don't belong in the Oval Office. You're not made of the right stuff.

The President is held to a higher standard. If you can't hold that, you shouldn't be running.


Elizabeth Carrignant

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