
Friday, July 24, 2015

From The Inside Out

In America, we kill each other in far greater numbers than any terrorist could. Yet, we continue along with our days, oddly accustomed to this insane ugliness that has seeped into what we once were, into our very lives. 

As long as someone is there to put it neatly into a category for us, we don't have to look inside of ourselves. We don't have to see what needs to be changed in ourselves. 

We can also keep pretending our political system hasn't been hijacked by Wall Street, and that our power and greed based policies and actions nationally don't exist and aren't impacting millions of people.

If Scott Pelley or David Muir says its someone else's fault, we don't have to look at the part we play nor the part our country plays in things that have to change....locally, nationally and globally.

What do we do about it? It's overwhelming, honestly. I feel inept, unprepared and clueless in the face of all of this. But I have to do something.

I'm going to start with myself. I'm going to learn, because the world is full of situations and people who can teach us. How else to grow and change?  I'm going to keep asking questions. I'm going to understand that it's important to poke around and discover the reasons and motivations behind things. I'll remember that the comfortable answer isn't always true. I'm going to excavate and fight the prejudices hidden in my subconscious - we all have them no matter how much we wish we didn't. When I find something within me that it's time to change, I'm going to compassionately accept that and walk forward and embrace that change. I'm going to be a pain in the ass and keep questioning and speaking. I'm going to vote even when it feels pointless. I'm going to speak and act from the quiet authority of truth that is only found within.

I'm not going to give up. We can't give up. We can make this better. From the inside out.

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