
Sunday, November 24, 2013


A quiet hour
Out the window
Dried leaves
Cold November wind
It isn't at all what we thought
But, Oh!
So much more
Simply, people
And your beautiful
Hopeful hearts
Trying to muddle through
Wanting to make it better
One by one
I see you
I am in awe of you

Friday, November 15, 2013

So, it's like this.....

To quote Inigo Montoya "Let me explain.....No, there is too much.  Let me sum up."

Me:  Doing my thing

World:  You're crazy

Me:  *tries to act more normal*

World:  You're way too enthusiastic, back off

Me: *tones it way down, tries to be little and quiet*

World: You're too negative

Me: *tries to be more positive*

World: You're not appreciative and thankful enough

Me: *blinks, amazed*

World: Well?

Me: *laughs*  Of course I'm thankful, how could I not be? Look, I love you guys but I've gotta do this my way.  We all do.  Have a great day!

Me:  *walks off, singing*

Friday, November 8, 2013



Wednesday, November 6, 2013

On Being Blue, A Faerie Story

Once, there was a faerie.
She had eyes of hazel
And her garment was cobalt blue
The light around her
Because all faeries have such
Was also blue
And so, Blue is what she was called
And she lived with the other faeries
In a strongly bonded troop
That sought to help each other
And all things

One day Blue was looking around
For she was endlessly curious
Filled with wonder
At all there was to see and do

But Blue also became distracted easily
And was confused by many things
Quite often Blue thought....
What if I am supposed to be Green
or perhaps Orange or Red
Are these things more true
Than being blue?

And so, it came to be
That Blue spent all of her time
Searching for the answer
To whether being blue
Was all that there was

Blue saw many things in her search
Some were beautiful and amazing
Other things were cold and dark
And Blue, she would always reach out
And want to know all there was to know
About each thing she found
And this was both good
And not so very good
All at once

Blue came to feel contempt
For her cobalt blue garment
And she tore it
In several places
And the shining blue light around her
And she thought to herself
Being blue must be
The worst thing ever to be
I must find a way to change
The very color of me!

Blue met many souls
As she searched
Places light and dark
Some helped her on her way
Others treated her with contempt
Some seemed so filled with beauty and light
And she wanted to stay so very close
To those beings
So breathtaking they were!

But Blue discovered that
Even the beautiful and friendly ones
Eventually grew tired of her
Or confused by her
Always with the questions, needing more
Seeking ways for their light
To rub off on her
So she could be right, be whole
In her endless seeking
Blue had become tiresome
To others
And to herself

And so, Blue found herself

Blue was so bereft
So empty and lonely!
She cried faerie tears
That seemed endless
She felt as if
The beautiful sunshine
Had been taken from her
I am nothing
I belong nowhere
I have no value
I cannot make it right
Blue pulled off her faerie wings
And her blue light dimmed
Until it was barely visible
And the dark thoughts
Took her wings
And burned them until they were gone

And so Blue sat
By herself
Blind to all that was around her
And she thought
I know what I shall do
I will go to The Away
The place of nothing
It will be so much better
There than here

And with her decision made
She fell into an exhausted sleep

While Blue was asleep
She dreamed of the troop
In this dream
The troop performed
The tasks of every day

And as she dreamed
One by one
The other faeries
Looked upon Blue
And said to her
What are you doing there
All by yourself
Come and be with us
Move among the growing things by day
Hear the wisdom on the wind
Dance under a blanket of stars by night
You do not feel like yourself today
But you will in time

When Blue woke up
She knew
It was wrong
Perhaps even selfish
To go to the Away
The other faeries loved her
And she loved them
Blue knew she was not whole
Not right now
Oh so far from it
But she knew
The Away was not the answer
And so, she turned
And set her path in the direction
Of the troop
Hoping to find solace
And healing
In the place
That had once been home

When Blue returned to the troop
The other faeries greeted her warmly
And it felt so very good
One suggested to her a task
To go and commune with the Mother
And spend time with the growing things

And so day by day
Blue spent time with the growing things
And in plants, the wind
And the creatures of the forest
The Mother whispered things to Blue
And these things
Felt like salve to Blue's raw wounds

And Blue began again
To help with the daily tasks
Side by side with the other faeries
And for the first time in so very long
She found enjoyment in doing so
Blue could see the joy, the divine
In the sweet, simple rhythms
Being only in the moment you are in
Being present to the task
And she found the tasks
Much to her surprise
Gave her much peace
So long had it been since Blue had felt so!

Sometimes, one of the other beings
She had met during her journeys
Would visit her
Or she would encounter them
During her day
And much to her surprise and delight
They did NOT hate Blue
Indeed, they were happy to see her
And spoke sweet words to her
Of how good it was
To see Blue at peace
And Blue realized
That she had simply confused her friends
With her behavior
She was embarrassed
But very happy, nonetheless
To have their companionship
Once again

One bright early morning
Blue stood on a rock
Overlooking a calm lake
The trees, the sky and the clouds
Were reflected in the blue water
And it was breathtaking to see
She could smell
The sweet scents of the growing things
The dragonfly and the butterfly
Both stopped by with greetings
As was common

In her mind, Blue heard
"Look at your reflection in the water"
It was The Mother, Blue knew
And so she looked down
Upon the surface of the water
And gasped in surprise
At what she saw
Blue's cobalt blue garment
Was whole, no longer torn
The blue light around her
Was brighter than ever
Her wings!
Her wings were back
Blue laughed and shouted out
Such was her joy
And she said aloud
"Oh thank you Mother"
"Thank you to all that is"
And in her head
The voice said
You have manifested
Your own wings, little one
Now you know. You are Blue.
Being Blue is what and who you are
This is right and good
You have returned to yourself

In the time after this
Blue was quite happy
She and the troop had fun
They enjoyed the daily tasks
Performed together
With joy
Sometimes they changed the tasks
If it was their desire
Once or twice
The troop even moved to a new place
Faeries came and went
As is their way
Although the connection
Was never broken
And sometimes the ones
Who had travelled afar
Would return to visit

And Blue and the troop
Had adventures
Trying new things
And venturing to visit
Places they had not been
Blue always spent time
With the growing things
Listening to The Mother

In time, Blue realized
The only thing
That had ever held her back
The only thing that stopped her
The entire reason behind her sorrow
Had been her hatred
Of being Blue

And in coming to accept
And even LOVE
Being Blue
She found peace and happiness
She found strength
To make it through
The hard times
That sometimes came to her
And the troop
And she had
So much love
For the troop
And all the other beings

And it was good
After all
Being Blue

Written by Elizabeth A. Carrignant
This writing is the property of the above writer
November 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What Frequency Are You On?

I was listening to Tom Petty the other day, nothing unusual there, certainly. It's also not at all unusual for me to listen to a song and entirely leave the plane of reality and go on a little trip for a few moments, just letting the music carry me along.

The song "Supernatural Radio" was in the mix of songs on my iPod.

"I can hear you singing
On my supernatural radio.
I hear you singing
On my supernatural radio".

I started to think about radio frequencies, and the parallel Petty and the boys are drawing here, radio frequencies being compared to human frequencies. We all connect on so many different levels don't we?

We all meet thousands of people over the course of a lifetime, and we connect with them on many different levels. I've always found it interesting the way we can meet someone and have an instant connection with them, but not with others.

I love thinking about this kind of thing. Sometimes my highly empathic nature means I get overwhelmed during interactions with other people, but I've stopped running from it. I understand now that it's part of who I am, and I'm getting better at understanding what is "my stuff" and maybe what I am picking up on from other people. It's a work in progress.

It's a beautiful thing to think about, just basic human connections. Whether it's our connections with family, friends, co-workers, people we know from town, Twitter friends, or the person who sold us our coffee this morning...we each woke up this morning and this day - it's ours - we can do anything we want with it.

And it seems to me that more often than not lately, I'm finding lots of reasons and many times that I am on the same frequency as another person.

We all have bad days but honestly, I'd rather at least attempt to have positive interactions with people. I don't always succeed but I make the effort. Maybe our friendly or happy interaction with someone could make their day, who knows? Could be the person you meet tomorrow will end up being someone amazingly important in your life.

Someone you chat with could mention a book or song that starts off an entire new chapter of your life because it gives you an idea. You don't know what a difference you make just by walking through your day and connecting with others.

I just know.....all of sudden I'm just very aware of it....and it's fun.

"One-hundred million watts 
Yeah I'm picking up a signal 
Yeah it's a hundred million watts--raw power

Friday, November 1, 2013

Alternate Reality

I wonder if it happens
To other people
Driving down the highway
Grey clouds
Windy morning
Leaves, riding the current
Hope On Board
I look up
See the tree branches
Silhouetted against the stormy sky
And for a moment
Realization dawns
Who am I? 
Just like those leaves
It feels as if the entire universe
Is just the car
The sky, trees and wind
And me
I don't belong anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
Utterly separate
I don't grasp for it
To find my life again
The car keeps moving
Strange cocoon
Tiny little universe 
Sensation in the middle of my chest
Where my spirit sits
Sweet, wounded joyful, powerful light 
An urge to rise and float away
What am I?
And then
Someone passes me in the other lane
The song on the CD changes
And the moment is over
Returned to the world
Driving to work
Asking myself
Which universe is the real one?