
Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Shameful Patriotism

 The events of Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at the Capitol Building in Washington DC brought something to a head for me, something that had been brewing over a very long time. 

I always vote in every election.  I have for about 20 years.  

It's important. But I can remember a time, when my kids were toddlers, where I'd skip the midterms or town elections because I was busy, or tired. Over the years I came to realize this isn't ok.  Now? I vote in every Town, State and National election and if you are in my circle and you're NOT going to vote, you will hear about it. Voting is your sacred responsibility as an American Citizen, and is not to be taken lightly. 

I remember growing up, there was a picture of JFK in our home, his gaze seemed to follow you wherever you'd go in the room.  My mom and dad truly connected with JFK and his photo was there for that reason.  For them, he represented something good, someone you could look to and respect.  And, someone gone too soon. By giving him a place in our home, they were saying "What he believed will continue. You haven't won."  

I have an 8X10 of Barak Obama in my office at home. I admire him very much.  Did I agree with every decision he made while in office?  No.  But I trust him. Implicitly. If he decided something, I trust that he made the best decision possible based on the facts.  He is dignified, highly educated yet without a hint of separating himself from others. He is well read.  He is highly intelligent with an agile mind.  There is a sense of grace about the way he navigates life.  It is clear that he has an inner sense of who he is, where he comes from, what he can offer, where he is going, and above all a sense of integrity.  He has a sense of humor, and can laugh at himself.  There is a sense of being real.  Barak Obama represents everything I could hope for in a leader.

I added Ruth Bader Ginsburg to my office wall.  Notorious RBG, indeed.  I have come to look to her more and more over the past several years. As I looked up more and more information, I found more and more to admire and to be inspired by! The second woman to serve on the Court, Ginsburg was a champion of women's rights and gender equality.  I think the thing I admire most in reading about her life, is the way RBG JUST KEPT GOING, despite the inequalities built into education, law, and society.  As she made her way, she found she could make it easier for others to make their way as well.  Now she is on my wall, and I look at her when I think perhaps I will give up on something that's important to me.

Lastly, I have a picture of George H.W. Bush, Barak Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, all together at the White House. They're all laughing and enjoying one another's company.  There isn't one fake smile in these shots, it's abundantly clear these guys are just happy as they talk and share together.  Barak Obama asked George W. Bush if he could help him make this moment happen, because it meant a great deal to him, and George was more than happy to do so.  Several pictures were taken that day, and they have become a treasured historical moment. 

Again, I didn't agree with everything each of them did.  But in each case I have come to understand that each  brought the best they could to the table.  Sometimes they were brilliant, and other times they missed the boat.  Sometimes they listened to the wrong people.  Some were suited to the job, others were not. But they loved our country and held her, our laws and our constitution in their hearts.  Sometimes we even saw them do an about face and own up to something by doing BETTER when the time came.  So, I can look at these 5 men with respect.   They represent something that I lost in the last few years, the innocence of believing that those who sit in the oval office are trying their best for us all,  even when I vehemently disagree on an issue.  That moment of them laughing together is beyond precious to me. 

I purchased these three photos months ago, but finally got frames and put them up today.  This week showed me that much of what we took for granted in the past is so much more fragile than I ever believed.  I made the connection between my hardworking parents and their picture of JFK, and my own relationship to our country and her leaders.

On Wednesday, our legislators were running for their lives, and hiding, because they were doing their jobs and some disagreed with that.  Our Capitol Building was desecrated. I found myself shaking with rage when I saw what had happened. On the deepest, most visceral level, came a NO. NO!  YOU DO NOT GET TO DO THIS.  Our country, our people, our sacred sites, our constitution, and the rule of law are NOT there for you to harm, abuse, desecrate or trample upon.  These are sacred and belong to us all.  ALL of us. 

I have absolutely never felt drawn to visit Washington DC. Now? Now I dream of a day when perhaps I could visit The White House, The Capitol Building and all of the sites in DC.   I want to stand in the Rotunda. I want to know that I was there, just once, for a few moments in these important and sacred sites. 

I have allowed my feelings about specific politicians in the past few years to affect how I feel about My Country. And this makes me feel ashamed, and that's where the title of this blog post comes from. Too many have worked, sacrificed and died so that we can be here. How many of my ancestors worked and worked so that my family and I can be Americans? 

Is America perfect? No. Were the founding fathers perfect?  Heavens no.  But they DID leave us a way forward, which, IF APPLIED EQUALLY TO ALL, DOES WORK PERFECTLY.  That is our job now. 

First, we work together and get past this plague. 

Then, we vote, we volunteer, we run for office, we donate time and money, we teach the little ones, we look for the good and the humanity in one another, we work for the common good, we ensure equality and opportunity for all, and we preserve our land and our sacred sites for future generations. ABOVE ALL WE HOLD OUR CONSTITUTION AND THE RULE OF LAW IN THE HIGHEST REGARD, DEFENDING AND UPHOLDING THEM ALWAYS. 

I know, all the capital letters, some of you are cringing.  We're having a plague, so I can't sit and talk with you guys over coffee, and show you with vocal tone and body language how passionately I feel about this.  So, instead you get these fabulously mature ALL CAPS. You're welcome.  

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