
Friday, February 27, 2015

The View Out My Window (Buds and Hope)

When the very best you've got in a situation falls so far short of everyone's expectations, it's a tough place to be in.

It's very tempting to give up, feel inadequate, and label yourself a failure.

But we are, none of us, failures.  Situations crop up in our lives that challenge us, change us, and teach us.  And with the help of family, friends, inner strength and The Divine, we get through it.

I spent some time before getting out of bed this morning just lying there, enjoying the peace of the moment before the day began.  I asked that my angels surround me.  I thought of everything I have to be grateful for. I watched a little video advising us to stop trying so hard to be something that your own or other people's expectations have set up for you, and to just flow with it, in this moment.  That made me smile.

As I got out of bed, and looked around for my slippers, I looked out the second floor window from our bedroom.  Another really cold morning.  I could see all of the snow, and the smoke coming from everyone's chimneys, as neighbors reluctantly made their way out to their cars to warm them up and begin the day.

Then I noticed something else.  Many of the trees outside the window had buds on the end of their branches!  Those buds have beautiful green leaves inside of them.  I don't have to see the leaves to know this is true, I know that they are there, and when the time is right, they'll open up in the beautiful spring sun.

What a beautiful reminder.  Sometimes in the cold of winter, it's hard to imagine a gorgeous spring day, to think that there will be warmth, and green growing things again.  But below the surface of that snow, a great deal is going on.  Growth and preparation are happening, that's why we have those beautiful buds.

OK. So, it's  still winter today.

But, there are buds.

Spring is just around the corner.

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