
Wednesday, November 26, 2014



We can choose to speak, and not scream and yell.

We can be patient and learn to listen.

We can learn and display mutual respect in the way we interact with each other.

We can speak our truth, share our heart's concerns and even our fears, without needing to be so completely polarized that we poison ourselves and each other.

We can give anger and anguish a voice, and an outlet, but not a fist or a gun.

We can stop listening to those who benefit, both in power and money by keeping us frightened, polarized, angry and fighting with one another.

We can put another human being, any human being over our need to be right and to be justified, even when we do not agree with their words or actions.

We can all admit and recognize our own faults.

We can learn to have lively debate, and open discourse that allows an exchange of ideas, isn't afraid of differences, and encourages compromise for the greatest good of all.

We can put people - living, breathing human beings, over what politics and religion may insist separates us.

We can realize that another person's life and experience is different from our own and that these differences are not a threat to us.

We can each look within, tackle our OWN demons and stop tranferring that inner turmoil and fear on to other people.

We can stop looking to labels, blaming and self justification as ways to operate in our day to day lives.

We can stand firm in who we are, comfortable in that, not needing verification from any other source, thereby freeing us to accept and love others exactly where they are.

We can learn that peace is not achieved with violence.

We can come to understand that mistakes made do not mean a person is less than human.

We can remember that if it is happening to one person anywhere, it is happening to us all.

We can realize that we are ONE and that no one is better than anyone else.

We can realize that we need to treat everyone with love and respect, not just the people who look, talk, believe and vote like we do.

Perhaps.  Perhaps we can come to understand that nothing is going to change based on who we elect, what laws get passed, or who we are or are not at war with.  Nothing changes until WE change.  We must each be the change we want to see in this world, and all of the rest of this will be lifted and will happen on it's own because of our energy and momentum.

This is what I am choosing, what I am striving to become.  I will make mistakes, we all do.  But this is what I am going to get up every day and focus on as far as how I interact with the world.

It's just my choice, and my path.  Whatever your path may be, may love and light be yours.

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