
Thursday, September 11, 2014

What If?

Fear whispers in our ears, sits on our shoulders
Insists that we aren't safe
So often, life has shown us that we're not!
And so fear grips us, in cold icy claws
At times expected, other times a surprise
Making us relive the past and running the show

Expectations dashed
We see only one way, the one that the perfect picture in our head showed us
And when it doesn't happen, we grow angry and resentful
That helps us to justify judging each other

Natural impulses, beautiful life force, thwarted by high walls
We get comfortable, letting the control that slowly kills
Tie us to the bed and mind fuck us
Instead of making love to life

What would happen, do you think?
If instead of being threatened by everything
What if we faced it?

When someone points out the apparent stupidity of a choice we've made
And the evidence of the ensuing mess and emotional fallout
What if we just faced it head on
And said, "Yes. That was me. I did the best I could at the time, but I fell."
What if we took the lesson and let the tears fall?

On the days that you wake up
And you're like Jane Jetson, the mask just keeps falling off
You're raw and you can't hide, what if maybe we just allowed the raw
Hey, we could even accept that emotional road rash
And stop beating ourselves up for feeling it
Because it transforms your heart in ways you could never know

The days when your soul is bubbling over with joy and love
And you think you're going to burst if you don't DO SOMETHING with it
But all the conventions, shoulds and past experience
They're all up in your head, killjoys, saying calm down
What if we actually ignored them
Let's act on impulse and create something
Whether it's a song, a painting, a poem, a meal, a kiss.....
Let's DO. Can we?

Life is messy
There will always be mistakes made and lots of opportunities to face them
Those who disagree with you will be a part of life anywhere you go

So what if we just decide to fucking live?
What if we create, kiss, take risks?
What if we roll with the unexpected and the beauty in what we don't plan?
What if we reach out to those gripped in fear, and help them be warm and loved?
What if we try to understand what makes us angry and afraid?
What if we sit with those in deep pain, not asking them to "feel better soon" but just being there?
What if attack and defense wasn't our first impulse?
What if we forgive?
What if we realized comfortable isn't always our friend?
What if we stop running from what hurts and let it wash over us and be set free in acceptance?
What if we paint, write songs and plaster horrible poetry all over the internet?
What if it didn't matter what people said or thought?
What if your very best life path means lots of people won't understand at all but it's what makes you really alive?

What if indeed.

We've let fear run the show for so long.

Let's find out what if.  Wanna come along?

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