
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

View, Assess, Move! 

So, I’m a child of the seventies. "Explanations" tended toward this: "Here is a situation. Deal with it." It was a no nonsense kind of time. 

We tended to avoid the whining and commence the dealing with. 

I admit I recently found myself extremely triggered by a post from someone explaining that they could only make a choice that would help the most people if it was explained in the way they liked and could connect with. Otherwise, no deal. 

Honestly, I thought my head was going to explode.

My entire life, I’ve just gotten on with it, you know? You assess the situation you’re in, and decide what is best and within seconds you’re proceeding. Done. I’m not usually looking for someone to sit me down and carefully explain what to do, how and why that makes sense. From childhood, I could do that. I’m not exaggerating. 

This got me in trouble once or twice when I was a manager for 12 years. When people were capable, intelligent and experienced yet they wanted to be hand held through things......"but why am I doing this? What will I FEEL about it? What’s in it for me? 

My favorite was "How did you learn this?" My answer was usually "I saw that it needed doing. Nobody was there to ask. So I sat down and got on with it. Learn by doing." 

You see. You assess. You move your ass. Can we worry about the niceties later? At what point did someone tell you you would always get what you want? It’s not about that. It’s about what is best for the highest number of people. It’s about how can you bring your uniqueness to the whole, and make wonderful things happen, right where you are, in the muck you find yourself in. Welcome to how life works. We have been waiting for you. JUMP IN.

I really struggle when there is a challenge and a solution is at hand and people are standing around asking WHY they would make the choice that helps the highest number of humans and the earth. 

As always, I’m trying to learn. This is definitely a work in progress.

1 comment:

Keera Ann Fox said...

I feel your frustration. I too was raised to just deal with things as best I could. Fortunately, where I live, the understanding of why we have to just deal is pretty high.