
Monday, May 26, 2014

The Mirror

Look in the mirror
What do you see?
What happens when you make eye contact
With yourself?
The others you encounter
Day to day
They're also your mirror
A perfect reflection
Of what is within YOU!

The one who is afraid
Of having their dreams come true
Because they fear failure
The person who finds fault
With everyone and everything
So they don't have to get close
Perfect way to avoid being hurt
And have precious control
Sometimes the seeker
Looking for MORE
Who is my Savior?
Where is my Angel?
Who will validate me?
Where can I find the mystical connection?
Oh I'm so empty
Show me, oh please
I KNOW it's that for me!

And we put them on a pedestal
Far above all others
But they're human
Just beautiful, broken people
Trying to make their way

But OH! They've disappointed us
And for this we will hate them forever
Making of ourselves
The perfect victim
Wronged again! I told you it would happen!
And we hold tight to our righteous pain
While the one we elevated so high
Reels in pain, broken after falling
From the high place we put them in
And wounded by our hatred
At their simple, bruised humanity
Bleeding from our rejection
Of the gift they tried to give us

Don't you know?
No one can save you
No one is your angel or your savior
There aren't any gurus or mystics that will help
And those things that make you so angry
The behavior beyond contempt
Everything you say you would never do
Because you're better
You're ABOVE all that, right?!
All of that
Is within YOU
Indeed, it is in your life
Right now
For precisely that reason
Because what you fear
What you despise, what you hate most
Is inside of your OWN heart, soul and psyche
Right now

And until the day
That you can stop
Look yourself in that mirror
Face absolutely all of it
Stop denying it
And then.....
Release it
All of it, no control
Until you are completely, blessedly empty
And just see YOU
Your naked, blessed beautiful Self
Until you face it and release it
None of the chaos will ever stop
And all of the sweet souls you encounter
Dozens of sages and mystics
And hundreds of Angels
Will only be able to stand by
Unable to help you
Powerless to stop the pain and the chaos
Until the day you realize
That you must save yourself

(This poem is written from the perspective of someone looking at themselves in the mirror. In this case, me)

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