
Monday, September 2, 2013

Failure, The Great Teacher

Real love, in it's purest form, seeks the good of the other over our own selfish impulses. It does not make excuses, or justify itself. It respects the integrity, the boundaries of the other. Real love understands the difference between standing with someone, offering unswerving love and support and doing so with an aim to self completion.

In romance, friendship, parenthood, and every other interaction in our lives, we believe we have experienced real love. And perhaps we occasionally catch a glimpse.

But the truth dawns in that moment when you know without a doubt, that you have repeatedly failed to love in this way. That moment of clarity when from within you experience the difference between what you have labeled as love until now, and the pure, real undistilled version.

The truth reveals itself in growth, and in pain, in facing things without shrinking back, and in letting go of all but the barest essence of the self ~ without all of the trappings we hide behind.

Real love. In our interactions with each other, it is possible. Our life's work is to get ever more proficient at sharing it with others.

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