
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sweet Release

I dedicate this poem to all whom I have encountered in any capacity in my life. To any that I have hurt, I am truly sorry. You are all quite beautiful, and I think that I have not been very good at loving you all.  I wish love and peace and only good things to all of you.

Seeking the truth of one life
Seeking simplicity, and the real in each day.
Removal of that which is unnecessary.
The peace of a simple life, a truthful walk, and an open heart.

We come to understand
We can each only be what we are
Be about our business each day
Doing the things that need doing
And not spending time and energy on those that don't
Trusting that the good comes in it's own time
And living each moment for what it is
Feeling what it means to be alive for right now

No matter how much we love someone
Regardless of who they are in our lives
We must realize, finally
You can't walk another's walk for them
Can't tell them how to feel, what to do
You can't make everything right for them
You can't pin your happiness to another person
Nor their actions
For in doing so you shackle both of you
There is no sense in trying to interpret
The actions or motivations, the why's of another
Any more than they can do the same of yours
Allow them to simply be, acceptance of the now
Cease the effort to recreate them
Allow love to be what it will be
When our efforts to shape it are at an end
It will take the form and essence that is natural
Sweet and unconditional
Adding unceasing light and warmth to our lives

Lessons learned
Walk forward
Open heart and mind
Sure steps, gratitude for the moment and the day
Love and awe in the souls encountered
But releasing ourselves and them
From any and all expectations
Allowing each to simply BE
And giving the same gift to yourself
And in doing this
Freedom and acceptance
Are for all of us

Trusting in each new day
Living in the moment
Seeking simplicity
Acceptance of the other as they are
No must be's
No shoulds
Traveling light
A simple, firm "no" to that which shackles, harms or complicates

A new day
A life of possibilities
Abundant energy


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