
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Musings

Random opinions and thoughts that flew by today.

1. Locally grown, blended and brewed tea is amazing.

2. You have to love people for where and who they are right now, not for what you want to turn them into.

3. Item #2 is really, really hard, but anything else is false.

4. Bostonians....Bay Staters in general.....we are amazingly resilient people.

5. There are a LOT of things in Pandora's Box.  Really.  A LOT.

6. EVERYONE is afraid of something, especially the ones who say they aren't.

7. Todd Kerns - amazingly talented musician, funny / quirky / interesting in interviews and blogs, and one of the sexiest men to rock guyliner that I've seen!

8. You can be COMPLETELY your freaky self when you're alone in your car, driving. Sing at the top of your lungs, say what you want, pick your nose...haha.  Really,  you see it all passing by in the next lane. Keeping in mind, they're looking at YOU, too.

9. Twitter can be like being infatuated.  At the beginning, you can't get enough of it.  Then, it fades, and you can't figure out what the hell you thought was so amazing.  

10.  Thankfully, in time, you find balance with Twitter, and if you are lucky, some amazing friends you'd never have known otherwise. That's what is so amazing, actually.

11. There is nothing like LIVE MUSIC, be it a huge concert or a small club.

12. Facing and knowing yourself, completely, without flinching.....a little every day. You're always a work in progress, which really is a rush!

13. Strength isn't about not being afraid, or being perfect.  It's about persevering and doing what you do even in the face of fear or obstacles.

14. Thinking has it's place but is highly overrated in most situations.

15. Hiding sucks.

16. Explore.  Even things that scare you.  Do something regularly that is a risk, or new,  unfamiliar.  FUN!  Being just a bit nervous or scared at something new is natural, and can be exciting! Pushing limits is good. The more time goes on, the more I am convinced of it - that comfort and complacency are the same as death.

17. Funny. You get these ideas in your head,  about how you want things to go.  Hope is just so un-killable a word?.....I mean the way it just keeps coming back in the face of what should just put you in a hole that you don't come out of.  But then, you do, you're back....still hoping.  We're either the most beautiful or the stupidest creatures ever.

18.  LISTEN TO ORIGINAL MUSIC by local musicians.  They're holding up day jobs, working their asses off, writing, practicing, gigging, and then you can't be bothered when they write something new that you've never heard before.  But you'll listen to that fake, manufactured shit?  Wake the fuck up.

19. I can't live without coffee.  Or if I do, good luck to the rest of you. I'd prefer not to live without whiskey.

20. I know nothing

21.  Some people really DO have beautiful minds.

22. I need so much less than I have.  I keep getting rid of shit and it keeps.....landing.  Just drives me crazy.  Gotta look at more drastic lifestyle changes.  Get this pile of shit off me.

I'm tired.....calling it done for now.

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