
Friday, April 8, 2016


It's like we're all standing around screaming, "NO!  Listen!  My pain is bigger than yours so you don't matter! The entire Universe must stop for MY pain!" 

It's like we're getting our identity from our pain. 

Why can't we stand and look at each other, really SEE each other - and realize we're ALL in some kind of pain and then figure out ways we can help EVERYONE?  

What happened to the concept of The Common Good?  Why don't we see that helping our neighbors is the same as helping ourselves? 

Is it because we've lost track of who our neighbors are?  Does someone have to look and believe like me to be my neighbor?  We've become so afraid of those who are different than we are that we've lost our compassion, our humanity. 

And our fear is making us cold, small, and very ugly. 

I'm not a Christian. I'm a Witch. But I love the story Jesus told about The Good Samaritan.  I'd much rather be neighbors with, and in community with someone like the Samaritan. 

And say what you will, but our elected officials, especially these Presidential candidates, are using our fear against us. We are falling for it, too. 

It's time for a quiet revolution. One where everyone votes. One where we don't allow injustice. One where we understand that if all Americans don't have the same rights, then this experiment the founding fathers started fails and doesn't mean shit. One where elected officials go back to being PUBLIC SERVANTS and not sick leeches. One where we help the next guy, no matter who he is. One where being American stands for something, and where what we are together is bigger than what we are by ourselves.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Willful Blindness

The next time you find yourself really upset about something that someone else has that you don't, or  a benefit that one group has and another group doesn't have....

remember something.  

If the 1% would let up a little on what they are hoarding, there would be more than enough for everybody, and we wouldn't have to choose.

Does it really make sense for such a tiny little group of people in the world to have more wealth than their families could use for generations upon generations, often compiled not by hard work but by dishonest bending of laws to favor their interests?

Like many of you I had very hard-working parents. Having that kind of work ethic is instilled in many of us. But the 1% didn't work for what they have, unless you count manipulating everything our country was built upon for their own interests as work.

Yes, things definitely were different when we were kids. Corporations paid their fair share. We didn't have a 1% sucking the life out of everyone else. And while we all had the freedom to enjoy our own beliefs, we weren't so entrenched in them that we lost sight of the humanity of those around us.

We've lost our ability to find that middle ground, that place where we can find things that are for the highest good of all of us, so that everyone benefits. That's the whole point of society, it's the whole reason for community. It isn't about being right or having only your belief system be the "right" or "official" one. It's about finding a common ground where we can all work for things that benefit everyone. We have completely forgotten that that's the entire point of what our country was built on.

We are being played against each other to keep us blind to what's really going on. 

And you're all just falling for it.