
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lines, Corners and Soft Places

It seems sometimes
That we have built for ourselves
A society that is all about straight lines 
Hard surfaces, edges and corners 
All is linear 
And everything has an expiration date 
Even people 

We act without weighing the consequences
Then we panic, and run crying 
When our Mother 
Does simply what is natural 
She cannot do otherwise 
She will continue 

Some haven't forgotten, though
The joy found in softness 
When falling rain renews your spirit 
The graceful soft bend of blades of grass
And how they feel between your toes 
The flutter of eyelashes
A loved one's hand 
The grace found in being deliberate
The wisdom of experience
Leaving space, and not filling it 
Loving your body 
Accepting and treasuring it 
The transformation that comes
When your heart breaks 
And you allow that 
When you allow love to simply be 
To change shape 
From what you wanted it to be 
To what is 
And you are forever altered
Really seeing people
Falling for what they are 
Knowing the sacred everywhere
Going deep within 
Even to the dark places 
Finding no demons there 
Simply yourself...and The Beloved
Wrapped in endless love 
Never alone 

There is softness
There are curves 
And sweet scented valleys
Places where thoughts 
Are instant creation
And you are never homesick 
Because you are seen and loved 
For everything that you are 

That place 
The soft place 
It's here now

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