
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Herb School

This was the first year I have ever tried growing herbs. I started with lavender, rosemary, thyme, peppermint and lemon balm. 

It's been interesting. The lavender was the strongest at first, and beautiful! Now it's almost gone, I can't seem to figure out what it needs. 

The rosemary is beautiful, fragrant and strong.  It has been doing quite well all along. 

The thyme, peppermint and lemon balm looked like they were dying until I moved them from containers into the ground. Now they look wonderful!

I've been warned that the peppermint will spread and take over more space, which is fine with me.

I wanted this process to go a certain way. At first I wanted them all in our old garden area where we used to grow tomatoes. When that wasn't possible I did containers. Then, some of the plants hated the containers so I moved them up front in the yard, directly in the soil.

I'm learning to adapt my expectations and move WITH the natural growth patterns of these herbs, instead of trying to mold them to what I wanted.

The results are wonderful. The lavender may not make it, but was so beautiful while it was here. The rosemary is fresh, fragrant, bold and strong and loving her huge container.

The others are doing well right in the soil. Peppermint already looks ready to rule the yard!

I think our lives are like this, too. These herbs have taught me about waiting on and learning natures rhythms, when to water, how much sun, the way some things last and others don't, and allowing and celebrating what a living thing is, without forcing things. 

All of those lessons apply very much to our everyday lives. I'm finding things in my life "grow" very nicely when I'm in tune with the natural rhythm of things. Some situations call for a change of tactic midstream. Some things don't last, but are a blessing while they are here. Not everything goes as I may plan, but if I let go of that white knuckled grip and watch the signs it usually turns out wonderfully.

I knew going in that this was going to be about more than putting in a few plants and forgetting about it. The entire world really is our school. I'm truly enjoying this experience. I've got so much more to learn, I'm looking forward to it.

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