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Friday, December 7, 2018
Separatism In America
One tiny conversation, and we are off and running. Whether it is town politics, backed up traffic, a Christmas song, who should run in 2020 or whatever the case may be, we are holding our anger and self righteousness close like a well loved teddy bear.
The judging, finger pointing, blaming, separatism, and polarization are our biggest problem in this country.
With unity we can and will overcome every obstacle and challenge. We need to ask ourselves, who benefits or profits from our infighting?
It’s time to embrace a realistic, adult point of view about what we can have in our country. We have become so polarized that many of us are walking around thinking that our rights are being violated if we don’t have every single thing we want every minute of our lives.
I’m not exaggerating. I sit and listen to people a lot. I hear it every day. People will say that their rights are being violated because another person spoke words that are different than their own opinion.
This is bullshit. We need to re-learn cooperation, compromise, and the greater good.
A society where everyone is safe, where everyone has the same rights and the same opportunities, has access to healthcare, where we use our resources responsibly, where infrastructure is a priority, and where decisions are made for the greatest good of all - that’s the goal.
The goal is not, and can never be in this country, a far left utopia or a far right utopia where "the other side" gets eliminated. It’s time to cultivate mutual respect, live and let live, and what is best for our country as a whole.
It is also time to stop having "my pain, trauma and oppression are bigger than your pain, trauma and oppression" contests. Let’s admit where we have failed, let’s own the horrible things that have been done. Let’s make amends where we can, and make changes where we must. But turning the terrible things that have happened to people into contests to see which one is bigger is inhuman. No one’s pain gets completely erased because of another person‘s pain. Let’s help one another heal together.
It’s time for American citizens to join hands and take our country back. It is our separatism that is our only enemy right now. If we can conquer that, then everything else is able to be handled. It’s time for us as Americans to dance with our shadow, own our darkness and claim our light. We can do this together.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Creation, Darkness and the Scribe
I just finished reading an article posted by a good friend and writer that mentioned the Egyptian god Thoth. So, as I was getting ready for work, my thoughts were around both writing, as well as around creation.
I found myself thinking that Creation "wrote itself" and that from this came the amazing order of all things. The Universe is always creating itself, and there is a stunningly beautiful, mathematical precision in this. For those who have worked with Archangel Metatron this is a subject that holds special fascination, and defies description in many ways.
So for the writer, or the scribe, your job is to "write yourself", thereby to understand the order of YOU and to continue to participate in Creation, to chronicle this, as well as to aid others in gaining understanding.
From a scientific standpoint, we know that all things created are made of the same basic components. I started to think of how amazing it is that somewhere in what has been referred to as chaos or darkness there existed all of the components that were needed to create everything that we know. A delicious cosmic soup that contains all things, how wonderful!
So we can see that darkness and light are actually one, and order and chaos are actually one as well. And in the same way that creation continues to "write itself" and cannot help but move, develop, and change, so we too participate in this Creation every day, each one of us.
If I wasn’t heading off to work, I would absolutely love to take hours to go down several rather inviting rabbit holes that this thought process invites. Later, perhaps.
For those that have the soul of a writer, in whatever way that is a part of you, we give birth to many things through the written word. We create and write ourselves each day. We chronicle this for ourselves, and for others. This aids in clarity and understanding. The work of the scribe has always been sacred, and it will continue to be so.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Everyday Miracles
I do love those "mountaintop" spiritual moments, the ones that shift everything, and you are never the same. I am blessed to have experienced many of them. I will always be glad for these times.
I think for me, though, one thing that got lost in the shuffle of every day life for a few years there was finding the sacred in the every day.
For much too long I moved far too quickly, filling my time with too much. What did setting personal boundaries look like? How do you navigate the waters of crafting a life that honors your own true rhythms and ways, and the sacred that is all around us and within us?
I am learning this skill set and it’s lessons very late, I will be 54 years old next month. In refusing these lessons for so many years, my body has now conspired to force the lessons to happen. The last few months have been profoundly difficult physically, but I can only be thankful. There are so many insights that I have right now that I never would’ve had if I did not have these past few months of challenges.
Physical pain and fatigue, when it reaches a certain level, can definitely change your perspective in many ways.
So for me, yes, those mountaintop experiences are amazing. I’m quite grateful for them.
But lately, I am far more focused on the beauty in every day moments.
Preparing a meal for loved ones, and then sitting around the table laughing and sharing it. Between work shifts and arthritis I haven’t cooked very often in the past few years. And I’m physically not able to fully be in charge of all of our meals anymore. But lately I do often prepare a meal on Sundays and it feels sooooo good to enjoy sharing this again!
Coming home from work Monday through Thursday and having a hot meal waiting for me, complete with everything cut up for me. The warm food prepared by Rob exactly the way I love and need it is one of my favorite things at the end of the work day.
Watching Christmas shows with my husband.
Having a challenging day, and experiencing the grace of best friends encouragement.
Drinking coffee, and writing in my journal in the morning.
Writing letters, reading.
Allowing time for naps.
Finding endless small ways to show love, such as picking up an item from the store that someone needs, making something special for somebody, or forwarding a cool article or song to a loved one that you know they’ll love.
"Living room talk." I absolutely love sitting in my cozy warm living room at the end of the day, and catching up with family. I love hearing how everyone’s day went, and just experiencing the beauty and joy of those interactions.
Finding delight in the dozens of things that your family does for you every day automatically, that you don’t even think of sometimes. I notice those things now.
The habits and traditions that are the earmarks of life with family and friends. The amazing delight in repeating these things. The light that goes on in your loved one eyes, the smile that graces your friends face when you repeat these things together, time after time. This is when hearts beat as one and love flows the most freely.
Sitting with clients doing a reading for them, and the joy as they connect with Spirit and get exactly what they need. I am so happy to step aside and watch as this little miracle happens. I love this work!
I had a friend who was in my life for a couple of years, and then when she broke up with a dear friend, she moved away. I haven’t seen her for a few years, since she moved. She had the most exquisite gift of hospitality, welcoming, and of warmth. I have rarely seen another person who could prepare a simple snack and a cup of tea and sit around the table with you, and make such an atmosphere of comfort, welcoming, and warmth. The simple, open way that she presented herself, her home, and the way she welcomed people was a rare gift. I have, since that time, endeavored to take a page from Eileen‘s book.
I think of her sometimes as I find the earmarks of joy in the mundane things in every day life, because she had such a gift for that. It reminds me of growing up in the 1970s when time to stop, and interact over tea and to have conversation and connect was a more common occurrence. There was space in life for it.
I’m glad that mountaintop experiences happen. But for me, the past few months, sacredness, the Divine, holiness… It is in the small incredibly beautiful details of every day life. It is a complete shift from the striving, scrapping, trying so hard energy that I have been in for so long that said that I had to keep trying to get "there" wherever the heck that was.
I understand that a lot of that comes from being an arthritis warrior. My dad was. I am. I think sometimes that both he and I have had a habit of fighting so hard that we haven’t always known when to stop pushing. I’m learning now, when to stop, and it’s good.
I have come to believe that tomorrow is built on the exquisite love and wonder of the moment we are standing in. I have learned that the Divine is in the every day. And I have come to be able to see sacredness in holiness everywhere around me. So, yeah. It isn’t any fun occupying this body at the present moment. But in her rebellion over the past few months, my body has given me a gift that I frankly would never have slowed down long enough to see, if she didn’t do what she did. So I can only be strangely, unexpectedly, completely grateful.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Little One
You came to me in a dream last night
Even though you are with me every day
A part of the rhythm of my life
It was a much younger version of you
But I knew
I was trying to get some things done
Struggling and distracted, as always
You went outside to look for treasures
I kept doing all the things, the list is endless
You came back inside, upset
You couldn’t find anything good
We went outside together
And crouched in the sand
Your sweet little chubby toddler hands
Holding a paper cup
We found pretty rocks
And lots of glass marbles
Looking at each one
The world was just us
And the rocks, marbles and sand
"Look at all the wonderful treasures!" I said to you.
You looked up at me, and said "I guess I did a lot for you."
As our eyes met, I realized I was waking up.
Becoming aware that I was cold, I pulled the covers up over my shoulders. I laid there in the dark, waiting for the alarm clock.
I kept replaying it in my head. Crouching in the sand, looking for treasures. A perfect moment. Nothing else was needed.
"I guess I did a lot for you" you said.
And all I could think of, laying there waiting for the alarm was, "Have you not known the wonder that you are?
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Living Life Consciously
I know for me, part of the pull of Amazon is the ease and convenience. But it's too damned convenient. I don't really need to order every fabulous book I hear about. But it's so easy on Amazon. My card is attached, I have the app, so I can just look it up and zoom, less than 3 minutes later, it's on order. This isn't always necessary nor financially sound. Often I've ordered while scarfing my lunch at work, or in the midst of watching the news in the morning with Hubs, in other words, only part of my mind is on it. Now, I am working at being more conscious, more present about my purchases.
This is my new tactic. I'm not ordering anything from Amazon (or other online retailers) while I'm doing a bunch of other things. I have a little notebook that I keep my "to be read" list in. I add good prospects to it. Now I'm checking the list from time to time, then deciding between used bookstores, B&N, Amazon Prime, or Kindle. Hubs and I used to sometimes like to go to B&N to relax, chat and have coffee. I would pick out books then, since I have always had the membership. I am finding I miss the actual process of going to the bookstore and relaxing as I browsed books.
Not just ordering on autopilot is good on more than one level. I'm finding it's keeping me more on track with how I spend, as well as bringing me back to a time when I set aside time for reading and also for browsing and purchasing books, not just mindlessly ordering, which I will fully admit I was definitely doing. It's slowing me down and frankly making it more FUN again because it's something to look forward to, and to enjoy and experience, instead of being a mindless purchase plopped on top of the "To Be Read" pile when I open the box.
This online discussion got me thinking in larger/broader terms about related issues.
This is just one example of something that is coming to mind over and over as of late. Convenience vs consciousness. Sometimes the convenient choice is the best choice, such as when I'm completely exhausted, we aren't cooking dinner that night, and I pick up a salad using rapid pick up at Panera. There are definitely other times when convenient is the last thing I want or need.
More and more, I find myself stopping, just about to order something, or ready to make a snap decision, follow an old pattern, or whatever it may be. What am I doing? Does it make sense? Why am I doing it? Do I even want to, or is it a habit?
The past few months, I'm letting myself live at MY pace, and to experience life instead of skipping across it like a skimming stone. Less is so very definitely more, I do not need nor do I want all of the things or experiences all at once, I'm being choosy. Books, clothes, classes, personal habits, how I spend my time, relationships, everything. I feel as if I'm coming down to earth and noticing so very many more things.
It is no secret that I have never been suited to a life of frenetic, panic based energy, and anything that this kind of energy breeds. Being on auto-pilot isn't my jam, either. There is just so much CRAP that is presented to us every day, and there is something very freeing in practicing the STOP, and asking if it's something that makes sense.
There is a sweetness, a joy in the routines of everyday life. And I have decided to EXPERIENCE things and enjoy them, those beautiful simple moments, instead of cramming all of my time and space full. So, here's to slowing down, needing less, and enjoying the simple things!
On Reclamation
It’s happening at my pace. It’s happening gently.
One day, it might be finding the blessings in a traffic jam caused by road work. (Hey! Someone is spending money on infrastructure !) The next day, it might be finding a way to laugh and move on after a frustrating work situation.
There have been many days when reclamation has been an opportunity to clear out and organize an area of my home. Tiny micro projects like gathering books to donate, or cleaning out my pajama drawer, and so many others. Did you know you can radically change your life in 20 minute increments? That’s what it feels like, as more and more of these blessing times arrive every day.
Reclamation comes in subtle choices, saying no to things that aren’t needed, or just don’t fit well. It comes in speaking with gentle, compassionate honesty that helps everyone instead of swallowing back the truth.
It breathes new life into everyday situations, as gratitude grows, and the mundane becomes a beautiful poem. It helps find space within to face my own failings with love, compassion and forgiveness, which allows me to more readily forgive others.
Reclamation is gratitude and taking the lessons from the past, but not living there. Reclamation is trusting the future but not obsessing that I’m not there yet. Reclamation is accepting, loving, living and enjoying THIS MOMENT.
I’m reclaiming my life. Nice and slow 🐢. At a pace natural to me. We can all choose differently, if we would like.
Monday, August 27, 2018
The Little Witch and the VERY BIG BAG
Many times, her friends would say "You are a little witch. Why do you carry such a VERY BIG BAG?"
The little witch would tell them, "I must have all of things that are important to me close."
"Why?" They would ask."Why can't you leave some of them at your home, or in another safe place?"
And each time, the little witch would say, "Things change a lot, and I need to be ready."
"Like what things?" Her friends would ask.
"Anything, everything" she would tell them.
After a very long time, the little witch began to be very sore and really tired because of the VERY BIG BAG and not even her healing spells would make it better. She went to see a medicine woman. The wise, old one asked her "Why does the VERY BIG BAG make you feel safe?"
OH! The little witch had never realized. Is that what she was doing? She knew better than to accuse the wise one of nonsense. The wise one always told the truth. So she sat, and asked herself. DOES the VERY BIG BAG make me feel safe? She had to admit, it did.
She looked at the wise one, who met her gaze with her own smiling one. She told the old one "You are right. The VERY BIG BAG really DOES make me feel safe. I feel less nervous. I feel prepared."
The old one asked her, "Do you think you need ALL of those things to be ready?"
The little witch thought about it for a long while.
"No, she finally answered. Probably not all of them."
The medicine woman looked at her kindly, saying "The VERY BIG BAG is filled with many things. Some help you. Some do not. Some are ready to be let go of, or put away. The VERY BIG BAG is not helping you, it is holding you back. Do you understand?"
The little witch thought perhaps they were talking about much more than the VERY BIG BAG all of a sudden. But she smiled and simply said "Yes, I understand. Thank you."
As the little witch slowly walked home, dragging the VERY BIG BAG, she was very thoughtful.
By the time she got home, she had a VERY BIG SMILE on her face. The little witch dumped out the contents of the VERY BIG BAG. She looked at them, one by one, and remembered the stories and memories that went with each item. She laughed, she cried and she took her time doing this task. A few things she put aside. Some she put away in a special place in her home where she could find them if she needed to. Some other things, she gifted to others who needed them much more than she. Some she was able to let go of, she did not need them anymore, and so she put them in the recycling bin.
Then she took the small pile of things she had put aside, and placed them carefully in.....A CUTE LITTLE BAG. These things were carefully chosen. They would help her to be prepared and organized and ready, but they would NOT weigh her down. She put the CUTE LITTLE BAG on her shoulder and it didn't hurt at all! She felt very light and free, and she knew it was not just about the actual bag she had carried.
The next day the little witch went to THE PLACE OF UNITY. She liked it there, the people were so very nice, and welcoming. They worked so well together, helping one another. When she got there, the man with the beautiful smile said they were blessing bags today! She could not believe it! How perfect. There are no accidents, the wise one had once told her, and she knew it was true. The man with the beautiful smile and the lady with the shining eyes told everyone about how a bag packed with just what we need could be helpful when things were changing.
The lady with the shining eyes told a wonderful story about a starfish who learned about the many blessings that were right around her. The little witch loved the story so much! When it was her turn to go to the front, she brought the CUTE LITTLE BAG up with her. The man with the beautiful smile asked her what she would bring into the places where she would take the CUTE LITTLE BAG.
She answered "Trust and openness." She could choose to feel GOOD wherever she went, even when things were changing. The man with the beautiful smile gave her a blessing and some sparkles. Oh my, the little witch loved sparkles! And then, the lady with the shining eyes gave her a starfish pendant to remind her always of all the many blessings to be found right around her. She attached the starfish to the CUTE LITTLE BAG.
As the little witch walked back to her seat smiling and talking with the others, she was filled with joy. She knew that she was safe and ready no matter where she was in the world. She knew that there were beautiful people everywhere. She knew people will always help one another. She was excited and thought to herself "How fun! I'm ready!"
The little witch took her CUTE LITTLE BAG and went walking outside to enjoy a song with her new friends and enjoy the sunshine. And it was indeed a VERY GOOD DAY.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Feels Good
Then, all at once, you're just doing your everyday tasks, and you "get it."
I'm having that experience now, as far as how I relate to others, and more specifically, how I relate to myself.
Revelations are nothing new, especially this year. To say that 2018 has been filled with changes, unexpected events, beginnings, endings and lessons would be a vast understatement. I know that I'm not alone in that.
This morning the cat was lonely, so he made his way into the bedroom around 4:30. As I waited for him to quiet the extra loud love purr into something a tad more quiet, I was just patting his soft fur, and enjoying the quiet of the sleeping house and the sweet half light of the last few moments predawn.
I was just in a very floating kind of state, allowing my mind to drift where it would like. As this happened, I started to see quick little scenes of myself with others, and how I reacted. How I get insecure and embarrassed around the ones who always seem so amused at my deep life revelations, as if they've somehow had it all figured out for so long. The ones who attach their happiness to my coloring inside of "the lines." The times I replay situations in my head and wonder if things would have been different if I'd been more confident, or if I'd expressed myself differently. The many situations I have found myself in, where I was given and accepted a very tiny space to occupy and could never seem to make anything but mistakes; always doing too much of this or not enough of that. The times I swooped in to "rescue" someone, only to find us both in a mess, and the ones I tried to rescue or protect usually ending up weaker than ever because my involvement stopped them from facing their own crap. All of the dozens of "yeses" over the years that should have been "nos" when I didn't speak my truth for fear of making waves. The times I did say no when my heart was screaming yes. I was a champion of accepting the "terms" presented in a situation and rarely going in and working for a compromise more acceptable to everyone involved. Often, I never even spoke of my concerns in situations that I didn't like. And I rarely, if ever, walked away, or insisted on change, even when my physical, emotional and mental health were compromised.
The only clues to the fact that something wasn't working might have been those flashes of anger I could never figure out the source of, when I was just bitchy for seemingly no reason. I just chalked it up to "having people with mood swings in my family" and assumed I was the same.
As the kitty and I enjoyed the quiet together this morning, I realized that something had shifted. I found myself feeling very thankful for all of those lessons. It's not as if I have been surrounded by selfish pricks my entire life, haha! Not at all!! I have been blessed with a myriad of wonderful people in my life. The key has been in my relationship with MYSELF. I've really never given anyone a chance to operate any differently, because I tended so much to weigh ME based on the reflection I saw in others eyes. I was terrified to not see love and acceptance there, so I became the Yes Woman Extraordinaire. At some point, though, that becomes impossible to keep up. It's an incredibly difficult habit to break, being a people pleaser.
This year, especially the spring and summer, have been a time when 7 years of internal work and change have come to a head. I'm comfortable in my own skin. I love who I am. I respect myself and my needs. I know that the desires of my heart, and my creative impulses are a part of how I interact with the world, and are good and beautiful. I am learning, day by day, that uncomfortable conversations are a part of life, and I choose not to shrink back from them when they need to happen. I understand that just because something is a comfortable, familiar pattern, this does not mean it is healthy. I no longer need to sanctify nor vilify people or situations, I am free to experience them for what they are.
I am learning about these amazing new things. Perhaps you have heard of them. They are called B-0-U-N-D-A-R-I-E-S. Ha! Such a new concept, and such a life changer. Instead of being the wall many think of them as, they are instead a skill set. The concept is actually very simple. A boundary, put simply, is a place where you care for yourself and keep yourself healthy by knowing when to say yes and when to say no to people or situations. By exploring your boundaries, and knowing where they are, you keep your energy levels high, you never question your own value, and you enter into situations with open eyes, ready to participate, because you have CHOSEN to be there. If you CHOOSE IT you have to own it. Boundaries teach you to choose mindfully! Interestingly enough, boundaries also help you to be closer to people, because your relationships are more authentic, and you are far more enthusiastic about what you do because you aren't spending time on what doesn't work for you. The part that is not so simple is practicing having boundaries when you formerly did not. It's a learned skill and I am in the baby stages.
Speaking of that, I think it's OK to be in the baby stages of learning something. I'm experiencing such a sense of freedom in letting go, both of other people's expectations, as well as all of the "shoulds" I put on myself. There's much that I'm good at. There are some things I'm quite the expert in. With other things, I'm a beginner. And that's alright. It would be amazing if we were all well read, always calm, adventurous, confident, great in bed, fabulous cooks, skilled in multiple arts, crafts, and modalities, and had the emotional maturity of Buddha, perfectly fit, financial wizards, the list goes on. But we aren't. Right now my mom, who is in her 70's is working on improving her self esteem and how she thinks about herself. Most wouldn't tackle that at her stage of life. But she is. And I think she's strong and beautiful and amazing for it. Wherever you are right now, it's good. I've given myself permission to work on what I choose, at my speed. The only person that needs to be OK with that is me.
That was a really long winded way of saying that finally, I love me. I like who I am. I accept and celebrate myself. I'm not worried about what others think of me. I choose not to be hung up anymore on what I "should have accomplished" by now and I am DONE comparing myself with others. I am going to follow my plan and take steps both magickal and mundane to do what I choose to do. At my speed. (Think Snapping Turtle :D)
If something isn't good for me, it's done. If something makes my heart sing it's in! If the energy is good, let's goooooooooooooo! If it feels like a root canal, see ya. If you feel like I'm difficult or hard to handle, or tough to love, it's alright if you exit. If I need to qualify or change to be with you, forget it. I'm doing my thing and the right people will stick around, and I am ready to enjoy walking together with them. I'm trusting my intuition, my body and my spirit within. I consider every experience I've had a blessing and I'm thankful for everything and every single person. Hard work, from here on in, is going toward the things I am drawn to do, the things I consciously choose. Now, it's time to run this my way. Finally, I am sovereign ruler over my own queendom. And it feels good.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
The Oracle Priestess
Always, throughout the ages
They have come
Men, and also women
Seeking comfort
Begging for healing
From pain, the voices
The fog that obscures
And always
She is there
There is no conflict in her
This one sees them
Knows what is needed
Reveals to them their beauty and their horror
Wrapped and rapt
Lost in the gift of Her
She removes their garments of fear, confusion, and loathing
The fog in their minds departs
The barbs of endless, useless questioning
No longer required
They walk away
Thoughts clear
They are never quite sure
If it was the curve of her waist, her thighs
The soft hair falling past her shoulders
The undefinable from within the depths of her eyes
Or the pulse from her heart place
That made it happen
In the end they don't care
The last thing they want to do
Is "solve" her
They only know
She is
And, they will be back
Except for the ones
For whom
The truth revealed
Cannot be embraced
These will revile her
Because hating her
Is easier than facing themselves
For Her
It matters not
She cannot, will not be other than herself
She bathes, as the Moonlight blesses her
Solitary in the beauty of the Sacred
Candles burn brightly
Incense rises
And She shines
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Time and time again
You come to know
You love differently
You value people in such a vastly different way
Over and over
You think someone has really seen you
Until the day their demons come to call
And instead of facing them
They paint horns on you
And become someone you don't know
They condemn you for that which they can't face within themselves
Meanwhile, you only see their beauty
And your heart breaks again
Heartbreak sucks
Excruciating, every time
Until finally
Fucking finally
You realize it has to start with YOU
So you do the work
And face all the things
You let a lot of things go
You come to love yourself
Reveling in the truest love affair there is
The one between YOU and THE UNIVERSE
That helps you
You can love them where they are
Set your boundaries
And walk your path
No need to seek wholeness or fulfillment from without
No longer wondering where home is
This is peace

Thursday, March 8, 2018
Never Play Small
Never play small
People get used to it
We sit, thirsty
Below a dripping faucet
While someone holds the handle tight
We delight in each little drip coming our way
So happy to get each one
But why?
Why do we do that?
We should be holding our own faucet handle
Drinking our fill as we see fit
We play paduwan
Hiding what we have and what we know
Why do we do that?
You see, the thing about playing small
Is that you can never get small enough
There are those who get used to it
They like taking over the space you aren't using
The energy of your "getting little"
It feels good to them
The worst part is this
You can never get small enough
You'll soon find they will crucify you
For taking up any space at all
And you will be asking yourself
What you've done wrong
How can you "fix it?"
The truth is
You've done nothing wrong
It's not you
So here's the thing
You damned well take up
That you were designed to by this Universe
To occupy
If you want to
Never, ever water yourself down
For the approval of another
If your existence bothers them
Just by you being you
Then they aren't meant to be in your life
You are unique, beautiful and NEEDED
The full, unwatered down
Full strength
Quirky, fabulous you
With your spaz moments
Your contradictions
And all of the things you think
You need to hide
You don't need to hide a thing
Those who don't like it
Can find a different place in this big, beautiful world
One that isn't next to you