
Monday, March 31, 2014


I am learning that life is an act of will, followed by getting off your ass and moving.  Thus, I will:

Sit on the beach with little kids and make a sandcastle

Walk slowly through a warm green morning, enjoying the beauty of the day, sipping coffee

Spend an entire Sunday lying around naked, listening to music

Wander through museums for hours, taking all the unscheduled hours I wish, to really be with all that I see

Write even more stupid, lousy poetry because it feels good

Listen to more live music because it's good for the body and the soul

Keep my hair ridiculously long no matter what people think about what's proper for my "age group"

See art everywhere

Be awed at the truth that artists reveal, and all the ways they do it

Help artists whenever I can because they remind us why we're here

Be moved to tears and laughter by everyday interactions

Embrace my passionate nature instead of  hiding it

Laugh, laugh and laugh some more

Kiss as if my life depended on it

Continue to embrace change with my actions and not just my words

Be the queen of flip flops and a tank top

Be 49 and sexy.

Accept my past, even the colossal failures

Go where the flowers are. See them, smell them, take a million pictures, plant them, love them, grow them because they make my heart sing

Be completely "out" at all times about being a crazy, witchy, pagan, earth spirit, angel freak

Create something every day

Stop looking for validation from outside or upside.  If it's right, it's right and it doesn't matter what others think, or what the little fearful voice inside thinks. I am connected and I WILL make the decision. Regardless of the outcome, I am still connected. So I choose to live, and love.

Remember that the odds don't matter.

Never again give up something beautiful because of fear.

Literally hug trees

Go where my heart and soul lead me, no matter what

Forgive others

Forgive myself

Wander around in the woods even more than I already do

Do Reiki daily

Always do my morning and evening rituals

Sing as often as possible

Perform random acts of kindness every day

Be thankful for all of the people I am blessed to know

Remember my wings

Stand in my personal power

Call Michael if I am scared

Paint, color, sculpt, or any other art form I want to try. Not because I am especially talented. Just because creating feels good and frees up energy.

Discard and donate what is not needed

Be compassionate and loving but firm when change must occur, so that I may help others to adjust.

Stop with the white knuckled control deal

Make full eye contact even more

Have fun 

Skinny Dip

Go Zip lining!

Walk the beach

Enjoy classic movies

Sit by streams, rivers and lakes 


What are you going to do!?


milanese in exile said...

I will:
Try to read this blog post as often as I can.
Try to convince myself that, even at 71+ some things can be done and enjoyed.
Try not to miss a single "tweet" of yours.

Beth said...

Thank you so very much ! <3