Time and time again
You come to know
You love differently
You value people in such a vastly different way
Over and over
You think someone has really seen you
Until the day their demons come to call
And instead of facing them
They paint horns on you
And become someone you don't know
They condemn you for that which they can't face within themselves
Meanwhile, you only see their beauty
And your heart breaks again
Heartbreak sucks
Excruciating, every time
Until finally
Fucking finally
You realize it has to start with YOU
So you do the work
And face all the things
You let a lot of things go
You come to love yourself
Reveling in the truest love affair there is
The one between YOU and THE UNIVERSE
That helps you
You can love them where they are
Set your boundaries
And walk your path
No need to seek wholeness or fulfillment from without
No longer wondering where home is
This is peace

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