You came to me in a dream last night
Even though you are with me every day
A part of the rhythm of my life
It was a much younger version of you
But I knew
I was trying to get some things done
Struggling and distracted, as always
You went outside to look for treasures
I kept doing all the things, the list is endless
You came back inside, upset
You couldn’t find anything good
We went outside together
And crouched in the sand
Your sweet little chubby toddler hands
Holding a paper cup
We found pretty rocks
And lots of glass marbles
Looking at each one
The world was just us
And the rocks, marbles and sand
"Look at all the wonderful treasures!" I said to you.
You looked up at me, and said "I guess I did a lot for you."
As our eyes met, I realized I was waking up.
Becoming aware that I was cold, I pulled the covers up over my shoulders. I laid there in the dark, waiting for the alarm clock.
I kept replaying it in my head. Crouching in the sand, looking for treasures. A perfect moment. Nothing else was needed.
"I guess I did a lot for you" you said.
And all I could think of, laying there waiting for the alarm was, "Have you not known the wonder that you are?
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