
Friday, September 18, 2015

Reason to Breathe

You are not a pack mule
To carry their expectations 
Your shoulder blades have wings between them 
Not to be crushed 
By the weight of so many shoulds 
So, while we all have 
Everyday life responsibility 
You get to choose how you do that 
You are a human being 
A gorgeous creation indeed 
Not created as a vessel 
To fill with making it right 
For sheep and rote formulas 
No. Oh no.
You, you get to do this your way
If you didn't 
What would be the point 
To continued breath 
On this pretty blue marble 
Shining in the cosmos 
So when you want to give in 
And all the world's shoulds are so heavy
When following the crowd seems best 
Drop all that excess baggage 
Be different 
Allow the discomfort 
It's okay to rock the boat
We'll all learn to deal 
Embrace the risk
Do it your way 
Free your soul 
Never give up 

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