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Friday, September 25, 2015
Triggers, Walls and Presence
I've been doing a great deal of thinking lately, about where the line is to be drawn. I've been contemplating that there are two extremes here.
The first is where you live only for other's expectations and/or an external set of rules. That becomes your validation of "self." I'm familiar with this one. There was a time when Catholicism, being a wife, being a mother, my ideas of how to be a "good person", fitting in, not rocking the boat, being a good 9-5er, and generally keeping people around me happy so I would know I was "OK" were my benchmarks for life and who I was. The danger here is that you become invisible, there is no "you" in your life and although you put a pretty picture out there of "I'm fine" the vast majority of the time you are far from fine.
The other extreme comes after you've faced a few things. You've dealt with some hairy shit, and you've come out the other side. You're feeling pretty good about yourself, and there's a sensation of having paid your dues in some way, whether you admit it or not. You've faced up to and owned all of your own crap. You've fallen on your face spectacularly and you survived. You begin to recognize and embrace your own good qualities, talents and creativity. Regardless of how you get to this point, and what tools and methods you use to help you, many of us then come to the "what to leave in/what to leave out" moments. In other words, you've changed in huge ways, and it becomes painfully obvious that there are some situations and relationships in your life that no longer fit, and they feel the same as wearing the wrong size clothes. It can be your job, your marriage, a friendship, your workout routine, your hair style, your car, old habits....anything. A lot of the time, it will be several things at once.
So, you learn to navigate those decisions and the strange happy/sad that releasing what is stale or a drain on you brings. You are simultaneously happy at the weight being lifted off of you, and sad at the ending of something that has been a part of you. This is difficult but it is truly a good thing. After this you become more conscious about your time and energy. You naturally gravitate toward people and situations that are on the same wavelength as you, and you're amazed because they seem to gravitate toward you, too! Beautiful synchronicity seems to follow you. I don't know about anyone else, but when this first happened to me it was such a rush! It still happens all the time and I never get tired of it. You also keep your distance from what doesn't work for you, and you get adept at having healthy boundaries in your life. You say yes and no with equal comfort and you get more practice at living from authenticity and not from misplaced guilt.
So far, so good!
The challenge comes when your healthy boundaries become walls. You see, it starts to feel really good to only go out and play and truly engage with people and situations that feel comfortable, that are a great match for you. The rest you filter out, and limit your interactions. Why do you need that shit, you reason to yourself? This is healthy for me. The less contact the better because if you let that stuff back in, you'll be triggered. If you're triggered, you'll feel uncomfortable. You don't like uncomfortable, this is to be avoided at all costs. If that happens, you'd have to ask yourself why that's bothering you and maybe have to face the fact that you do indeed have some emotions and habits that are speaking to you. You'd have to figure out what the message was. None of that sounds like much fun, so you slam the door. When things outside of your personal truth try to come close, you do whatever you have to do get rid of them. Dismissed! I'm beyond this!
For a few weeks now, this scenario has played out for me a few times. I've been in the position of being "dismissed" by other folks, usually in minor everyday conversations. In each situation, they clearly didn't mean anything personal, they just didn't have the bandwidth for where I was at in that moment, so they fluffed me off. I was finding myself extremely triggered by these situations, and have been extremely angry and defensive each time.
It is an annoying fact that when something is really pushing my buttons, there is a strong message for me there. Today,I finally sat down and asked myself why this was happening lately and why it was triggering me. I wasn't exactly overjoyed with what I realized when it first became clear.
The truth is, I've been doing exactly the same thing to other people. With people I consider "kindred souls" I am very comfortable, and walking in my integrity as the person I choose to be seems easy. With other people, with whom I'm not on the same wavelength, old defensive programming gets triggered. My need for validation kicks in, my desire to stay comfortable, and my need for safety. I'm so busy running old programs I can't really see the other person and I lose my self awareness. I can see that I was definitely slamming that door on people, too. I've been just as dismissive with some people who challenged my truth just by their daily modus operandi as the people who pissed me off were with me.
I'll sum this up with.......ugh.
I am blessed to know several people who have gift of simply holding space and being present for another person. They do this without any personal expectation for themselves, and there is no need for me to change or qualify for their presence. I can be exactly who and where I am right now, and I am accepted and even celebrated for it! It is a beautiful example of unconditional love. It's a game changer.
Holding these two very different ways of being next to each other really got me thinking. So, what's so bad about being uncomfortable? This time around, uncomfortable was a dear friend who had a really great lesson to impart to me, and I'm glad I sat and listened. Is it really realistic to think we should never be unhappy or uncomfortable? Does our belief system, our balance, our personal integrity really have to go unchallenged for us to not lose our shit? So, alright, a few conversations lately got me unhinged. I felt judged. Then I realized I was judging. Ah! Light dawns.....
So I'm back to precious balance, stasis, equilibrium. It will be challenged again, for sure. There's always something. It might feel like a sliver or a mosquito bite, or it may feel like losing a limb, but I know the lessons and changes don't stop rolling in. I'd like to think I'll be less resistant to the lesson the next time, but as I'm writing this I'm aware that which of my buttons is being pushed at the time has a lot to do with that!
I'm walking away from this with the knowledge that I do have some solid skills for keeping healthy boundaries, and honestly saying yes and no with firm compassion. I know that I won't be going back to the days when I operated only on what others filled me with in any given moment. Having said that, I know I'm not here to stay behind my comfortable walls, only hanging with people and in situations that "feel good." That's not life and it's not love, not for me. I think this is about having love and compassion for myself, and acceptance for exactly where I am at right now. Because if I can give that to myself, then I open up space within me. And that space that I'm lovingly holding for myself and my goals and dreams? There is more than enough of it, so I can hold that space for others, too. I can be present for them, and give that gift that has been given to me. The energy just keeps going around in this delicious circle.
There it is, that's it. That's what I came to do.
Goddess bless, what a beautiful day it is.
Thanks for reading me babies, love to you all.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
When Night Comes
Scents slip through the night
Seducing the senses
Silken darkness comes
Body rising at the touch
No completion sought
Validation not required
Beyond the shackles of expectation
Instead, Being
Body, mind, and spirit
Nothing denied
Power and vulnerability as one
In body, bliss embraced
Energy center pouring light
Dream speak, day and night
Roots deep, winged heart
Goddess' daughter
Dark and light reconciled
The space between
Where all things are born
That's home field
Existing in heart space
Lovers entwined
Stars collide
Monday, September 21, 2015
There is beauty to be found
In the unexpected
Joy lives in the surrender
Of the way we thought it would be
When unconditional love
Guides the heart
Space opens, and we hold that
One for the other
We have clear sight, soul to soul
Filled to overflowing in our giving
We are made lighter
This. Yes, this is the work of a lifetime
To exist in moments such as this
And the beautiful circle continues
My Sister Change
I am clothed in impatience
Lusting for destruction
Catching the rotting stench of sameness
Slapping safety across the face when she approaches to help
I am sick of myself
Critical of those around me
Disgusted with all of the daily compromise
Nauseous with the attempts we make at numbness
Times of transition can be hard
In the past when my sister change came to visit
I was not a gracious hostess
I fought with her
I kept my parameters of acceptance so very narrow
I called surrender impossible
I tried to claim she was evil
She is neither evil nor good
She simply is
And in truth my own thoughts and actions invited her to come
Whether I own that or not
Now, I Am Fire
And I dream of burning it all down
The purity of my heart's desires
And my soul's path
The only thing I can see
And all else has become like too much baggage
Dragged through the airport
My sister change is visiting again
This time I admit I eagerly invited her
She smiles at me
She speaks of balance and deliberate, thoughtful steps
She reminds me of all the sweet gifts
In the garden of my everyday life
We spend time in quiet
Contemplating the Love in all things
We talk about the keys to be found
In walking daily with our siblings
Especially Authenticity and Integrity
I am a spirit of extremes
Where my heart and soul are concerned
My sister knows this
And with a smart-ass grin
Introduces me to our cousin, Patience
Patience has accomplished a great many things, Change explains to me
I guess I ignored her at the family reunions
Because I honestly don't remember her at all
Change calls to the rest of the family
To join the circle
Where she stands with Patience and I
Intent, Intuition, Action, Authenticity, Integrity and Will join us
We hold hands around the fire
Change looks at me across the circle
And as our eyes meet
I realize how much lighter I am
Impatience, twin to Patience
Had come for a short visit
To remind me of the price of inaction
A boot in the cosmic arse for motivation
And then moved along on her way
I silently thanked her for the help
Realization dawned that with these allies
Every day would be an adventure
Clear direction but surrendering the specifics
In perfect love and perfect trust
We sat down around the fire
To rejoice in the day
And decide on next steps
Friday, September 18, 2015
Reason to Breathe
You are not a pack mule
To carry their expectations
Your shoulder blades have wings between them
Not to be crushed
By the weight of so many shoulds
So, while we all have
Everyday life responsibility
You get to choose how you do that
You are a human being
A gorgeous creation indeed
Not created as a vessel
To fill with making it right
For sheep and rote formulas
No. Oh no.
You, you get to do this your way
If you didn't
What would be the point
To continued breath
On this pretty blue marble
Shining in the cosmos
So when you want to give in
And all the world's shoulds are so heavy
When following the crowd seems best
Drop all that excess baggage
Be different
Allow the discomfort
It's okay to rock the boat
We'll all learn to deal
Embrace the risk
Do it your way
Free your soul
Never give up
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Tea and Wandering
Spearmint tea
Soft bed
Crickets and traffic competing outside
Warm skin, patiently alive
Bra tired breasts finally free
Eyes that want to close
Fingers absently twirling hair
Words doing their dance all day
Can never catch them all
Some spill out onto the page
While the others scamper off giggling
Like children, hand in hand
You don't want to want but you do
And you breathe Love
Like an ecstatic ache
The cat purrs and the clock chimes the hour
The fortune teller who knows everything
But sees nothing
And in your definitive answerlessness
You vibrate and pulse
Like a fuzzy bee on a flower
So long asleep
No inkling
Of your true nature
And there's where it's so bizarre
Endlessly perfect geometric variation
All of creation alive
Breathing, vibrating as One
And you're part of it!
We all are
You lie naked across the bed
Twirling your hair
Car tires, neighbors voices
And random thoughts of the day
Popping in and out of your awareness
Like a mental game of whack-a-mole
You aren't really certain
If you will alter the cosmos now
Or perhaps have more tea
Both seem quite viable
Good Things Are Going To Happen
There isn't any danger
And there isn't any fear
The specter of uncertainty
No longer brings a tear
Evidence of cares and woes
Can pile up around
And I don't need to see them
To know that blessings abound
In perfect love and perfect trust
I pull it all to me
With gratitude and certainty
From troubles I am free
Good things are going to happen
They happen every day
You see my friends, dear Wayne was right
So, I say it night and day
And so I walk with joy each day
I sleep with peace each night
In the eyes of the Divine I'm precious
And so there is no fright
All we need will come to us
I've never been so sure
The Divine and I, we've got this
We open every door
Awakening in power
This connection I do trust
Love provides solutions
And come to me they must
So let us move the very stars
For brothers and sisters they be
All things created wish us well
There's so much we don't see
So now I rest, completely safe
In this I am assured
The wings of love surround us
Sweet certainty endures
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Sunday Rain
Sunday morning
Rain falls
None are exempt from it's ministrations
Sometimes we would rather
Not have the rain touch us
But she comes anyway
Kissing our skin
And bringing cleansing release
And so, I will choose no umbrella
Thank you anyway
I think instead
I shall stand in the Rain
For I have known Love
Both in Rain
And in Sun
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Sometimes you're restless, because you'd love to have those answers all buttoned up. But, at times you're supposed to be uncomfortable, until you completely let go.
There are days you're so open, you're convinced love could actually be fatal, the tenderness is overwhelming.
There are discoveries that will blow the doors off of your safe places, leaving you in awe of the beauty and power that you are.
After a while, you realize you had it all wrong, just backwards, and you throw off the world's rules. Vulnerability is strength.
A broken heart is one of the most loving, fierce, unstoppable, powerful forces in the Universe. Magic is everywhere. There are way more than five senses. The desires of your heart are Divine, run with those! Your body is unique and exquisite, perfectly beautiful. If you can let yourself truly inhabit it and love it, it will tell you the secrets of where all the juicy, yummy things in life are. Pleasure is sacred. Do the things that bring a smile to your face and make your heart sing. If you don't say yes to yourself first, you'll never have anything to share with others.
Life. It's the oddest dance, this deliciously fucked up, breathtakingly beautiful experience. You stumble along, picking up clues, remembering who you are and why you came. Ever so slowly, that comes to rest in each cell, a bit more each day, as you finally learn to let go and enjoy the ride. Blessed fucking free fall!
With everything.
Tuned into people's frequencies as the days make their way by.
Just stunned by the souls you see.
Dropping things by the side of the road as you go. No need to carry all that.
There's such freedom in this wide open place! Naked and trembling, you're just rocked to the core. Do you weep, laugh and exult, or take off and soar? There's nothing and nowhere left to hide, and you wouldn't go back even if you could. At first you think it's like the edge of a cliff, a dangerous rocky precipice, but it's the most truthful moment you've ever inhabited.
Yes, open.
Fully aware, awake, and participating.
The Goddess creates her Universe.
Holding the stars in your hands.
There's no up, no down.
No within or without.
Only being.
Monday, September 7, 2015
The Shift
You know it in your skin
And at the very depth of you
You thought it only existed among the winged ones
And in your brief visits
To what lies beyond
But then comes the day
That love comes along
Surrounds and infuses you
And asks if you'd like a guided tour
Of all that you are
You instinctively know that it's safe
So for once
Instead of holding tight to your fear
You say yes
Releasing all that isn't for you
Letting go of what is toxic
The truth of what you are
Draws everything out of you
And it is just sheer ecstasy
You are exquisitely aware
Embracing, knowing, experiencing
Fully and completely
Everything that you are
Awestruck, amazed
Most profoundly alive
And suddenly
It's not in a book
It's not cerebral
It's not a place to go in meditation
It's YOU, you yourself
Not just within you
It IS you
You are One
Your body is no longer something to overcome
Or a suitcase to store the things you don't want to deal with right now
Body, mind and spirit
One soul, finally united
The gift you've received
The shift
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