
Monday, May 4, 2015

There Really Isn't Any Running Away

We seek love
While hating ourselves
We loathe cowards
And make love to complacency
Our strongest words
Inevitably, to preserve the status quo
The one we dont want 
But we have our built in rules
Slowly robbing us of air 
Hugging our beloved garrote 
While the dearest dreams 
The ones that make our souls sing
These are relegated 
To burned journals
Drunken babble 
Dark fantasies, car singing
And subtweets 
We comfort ourselves 
By pointing the finger the other way 
But that crooked digit curls right back 
Back at us, in our faces 
And for some 
With sight
Those who can't look away 
From their own lies 
Or from yours 
Even if they wanted to
For these, the walk is changed indeed 
Always remember 
Every action has ripples of effect 
Including indecision 
Courage doesn't always look
As you might presume 
Only the warrior will recognize another warrior 
Sometimes you'll walk alone in this life 
Even when you're surrounded 
Your soul always knows what is true 
Regardless of the layers of delusion
And justification we build around it.
There really isn't any running away

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