
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Restless and Impatient

Restless and impatient
The car beckons
That beautiful sweet feeling
Open road and loud rock

They gave me a coat to wear
Called it responsible
Said it was all the rage

Ill fitting all these years
Barbie wore the clothes they gave
Always pulling and tugging

Now at last, sweet freedom
Pulling energy away
Consciously, without guilt or hesitation
From what doesn't work

Heart, soul and Spirit
Daily decide the path
Shoulds and musts fall away
Fate gives way to destiny

Restless and Impatient
Still, knowing and seeing sweet movement
Like a strong river
Beautifully unstoppable

Strong walls, self built
Falling down in a blessed rubble

Burn it down

Packing light for this new path
Stopping to see the sights on the way
This not knowing what comes next
Feels different
Angel likes

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