
Saturday, April 11, 2015


Why are we so afraid?
What makes us feel so threatened?
Why do we have to lash out first and ask questions later?
Why do we think we are losing rights simply because someone else who has never had those rights has gained them?
Why do we think everyone who believes differently than us is sub-human?
Why can't we reach across the aisle and work for the common good?
Why are we better at making love to money than we are with people we love?
What's it to you anyway.....
If two gay people get married?
Why does it bother you so much...
If a witch is out of the closet?
Or if they're not?
How is it your business if someone is a vegan or gluten free? Or not?
Why do we teach our kids to make fun of others?
Why do we assume the worst?
Why do we assign the worst possible motivations to other people, with no facts?
How can we learn from each other?
What ways can we use to honor and celebrate our differences, not be threatened by them, and still find common ground?
When will we open our eyes to the systemic and personal racism we practice, whether we are aware of it or not?
After a suspect is apprehended and fully controlled, why do we keep hitting, punching and kicking long afterward?
Why do we need to scream, swear, hit and shoot when we get angry? 
Where the fuck is our basic human compassion, decency and love?

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