
Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Sweet Times (Happy is Right Here)

You're sitting next to me
And I wonder if you know
I spend so much time trying to "run away"
Trying to get to that next thing
Find "that thing" that will be the "big happy"
Really, you're beautiful
And I think maybe the happy is right here
Today, while you sit and chill out
And my fingers glide over the keys
I look in my heart and find you there
My darling, my own - you always have been
Whatever happens, you just roll with it
Sometimes we get tired and life beats us up
But it's so sweet, between the lines
All I need to do is make eye contact with you
Watch that smile of yours, that smile
The way your eyes crinkle up in the corners when you're happy
I've heard that there is beauty in the every day
And I think that I've been spending so much time
Trying to get to the "thing that's better"
That I'm not noticing how amazing it is right here, right now
I know now that I need to be true to myself, and to my art
And I can't make compromises, and let the "crazymakers" change me
But you're not one of those compromises
You're the smile in my heart, my love
I'm going to walk my path but I'm going to walk with you
And I'm going to live in this moment
These are the sweet times

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