
Friday, February 7, 2025


I think you should sleep in

At least once or twice a week 

Roll over and stretch 

Like the cat does 

Don’t give up that perfect cozy spot 

Take a lesson from the kitty 

And enjoy those perfect moments 

Because they’re yours 

Wander around your house 

With your hair sticking up 

Like an anime character 

And stay in your pajamas 

Until at least noon 

Make a cup of coffee 

But not to wake you up 

Just to get enough brain cells firing 

To read a book 

With your feet up on the couch 

Or maybe play a game 

And if it’s snowing outside 

Don’t even bother getting dressed 

Read the whole book 

Play the game for four hours straight 

Do crosswords 

Stretch a few more times 

Make time 

Just to be 

It helps you remember 

What exactly is the point

Of all of this 

#poem #morningwriting 

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