About Libraries
I know I’ve said this 1000 times. I’ll probably say it a million more.
Growing up in the 1970s was everything. Living within walking distance to the Richard Sugden library was life-changing.
No, I didn’t know that at the time but I certainly do now.
Being able to walk to the library, and immerse myself in the sweet, orderly quiet was my bliss. Perusing the shelves felt so impossibly good! I started in the kids section, and later moved to the adult section.
The old card catalog was a very familiar friend.
That library is part of who I am. By extension, all libraries are.
For me, libraries are holy ground.
Limitless access to books showed me that the world, my Universe, was limitless. There was always something to learn, to experience, to immerse myself in.
It didn’t matter that I was the child of a beautiful couple who had met working in a shoe factory. We didn’t need money for me to go on these endless library adventures.  I could go whenever I liked. Anyone could!
I learned to keep looking, to investigate, to ask questions, and to expect the unexpected. Because the library showed me so many ways for things to be, I never took anything at face value, and I’ve always kept digging. 
My mom and dad didn’t finish high school. It was really common for poor families to pull their kids out of school early so that they could get a job to contribute to the family. This wasn’t cruelty, it was survival. Both of my parents had food insecurity growing up. They made sure I never had to face that.
My mom loves reading, too. My dad was profoundly intelligent. I always wondered what could have happened for him if he hadn’t had the set of circumstances he did .
Well, thanks to the secure, loving home they provided, I ended up happily going off to the Richard Sugden library almost weekly for years and years.
Everyone should have access to a free public library. This is one of the most important shaping factors in my life, and a significant passion of mine.
It has truly been a huge source of strength over my entire life, and these significantly challenging times are no exception.