
Monday, March 3, 2025

All That Is Old And New 

In old buildings, I feel safe, most especially in libraries. They have a spirit of place I find lacking in modern buildings. 

I have never had the scared, fearful feeling others get in old buildings. To me, they feel like….home. I can still sense all the living that happened there so many years ago, and it feels so good to me.

So many of these buildings were left to us by local people of means who knew the precious gift was so vital.

No, they weren’t perfect. But, in making certain that schools, libraries, roads, bridges, universities and museums were built, they gifted us an important key to our future. If it also ensured their own legacy, then so be it! 

Nowadays, I don’t see leaders like that. It’s all about lining their own pockets, building power, and eliminating anything that stands in their way.

There is no general national morality aimed at the greater good of our country. This obsession with the controlling of others genitalia, sexuality, and gender expression is not morality. It’s an abusive form of control kink masquerading as holiness.

We are also preoccupied with productivity to the point whete no one can stop being a cog in the mechanism long enough to figure out how to breathe and create something of their own. Hard work is a wonderful thing. But lets separate it from a person’s worth as a human being, shall we?

Our inability to unite for greater causes, and to ensure a legacy for future generations is shameful.

Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves at our empty souls and selfish hearts. What are we becoming?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

More About Libraries 

About Libraries 

I know I’ve said this 1000 times. I’ll probably say it a million more.

Growing up in the 1970s was everything. Living within walking distance to the Richard Sugden library was life-changing. 

No, I didn’t know that at the time but I certainly do now. 

Being able to walk to the library, and immerse myself in the sweet, orderly quiet was my bliss. Perusing the shelves felt so impossibly good! I started in the kids section, and later moved to the adult section.

The old card catalog was a very familiar friend. 

That library is part of who I am. By extension, all libraries are. 

For me, libraries are holy ground.

Limitless access to books showed me that the world, my Universe, was limitless. There was always something to learn, to experience, to immerse myself in. 

It didn’t matter that I was the child of a beautiful couple who had met working in a shoe factory. We didn’t need money for me to go on these endless library adventures.  I could go whenever I liked. Anyone could!

I learned to keep looking, to investigate, to ask questions, and to expect the unexpected. Because the library showed me so many ways for things to be, I never took anything at face value, and I’ve always kept digging. 

My mom and dad didn’t finish high school. It was really common for poor families to pull their kids out of school early so that they could get a job to contribute to the family. This wasn’t cruelty, it was survival. Both of my parents had food insecurity growing up. They made sure I never had to face that.

My mom loves reading, too. My dad was profoundly intelligent. I always wondered what could have happened for him if he hadn’t had the set of circumstances he did .

Well, thanks to the secure, loving home they provided, I ended up happily going off to the Richard Sugden library almost weekly for years and years.

Everyone should have access to a free public library. This is one of the most important shaping factors in my life, and a significant passion of mine. 

It has truly been a huge source of strength over my entire life, and these significantly challenging times are no exception.

Friday, February 7, 2025


I think you should sleep in

At least once or twice a week 

Roll over and stretch 

Like the cat does 

Don’t give up that perfect cozy spot 

Take a lesson from the kitty 

And enjoy those perfect moments 

Because they’re yours 

Wander around your house 

With your hair sticking up 

Like an anime character 

And stay in your pajamas 

Until at least noon 

Make a cup of coffee 

But not to wake you up 

Just to get enough brain cells firing 

To read a book 

With your feet up on the couch 

Or maybe play a game 

And if it’s snowing outside 

Don’t even bother getting dressed 

Read the whole book 

Play the game for four hours straight 

Do crosswords 

Stretch a few more times 

Make time 

Just to be 

It helps you remember 

What exactly is the point

Of all of this 

#poem #morningwriting 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Question For Archangel Michael

One day there was a little witch. She sat on her bed petting the cat. She asked Archangel Michael…

"Michael… You know the church people that I used to hang out with long ago? Are there any of them left who truly follow Jesus? I know a few, but are there more?"

For the next 24 hours, the little witch suddenly kept seeing so many people, standing up for Jesus’ words, and acting on them.

Her heart was glad. For her path was very different now, but such people were once her home and happiest place. It felt good to know that the true work still continued for those on that path.

"Thank you, Michael, said the little witch. I needed to see that. We need all the good we can muster." 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

What Happens Now?

Today is Sunday, January 19, 2025.

Tomorrow is the Inauguration.

What is going to happen?

How are so many people not who they claimed they were, both from the perspective of Christianity and from the perspective of what our country is supposed to stand for?