
Saturday, September 4, 2021

Woman's Decision

 Whether people are comfortable with this or not, we, women, are the gateway. 

We are the ones who carry and give birth. We have our entire existence rearranged by this event. We are changed forever.

We alone have decision making rights over this body, and all that happens to it. 

I know two women who each had two children in their 20s. When they had their second child in their late 20s they wanted to have their tubes tied and they were told no by the doctor - that they were too young. Whether this would have ended up being a mistake for them or not later is irrelevant. It’s her body and it’s her choice. We do not owe you motherhood.  That is our choice.  And it is our choice when we are finished bearing children, if we choose to do so. 

Our society needs to catch up to including men in sex with responsibility, and providing better child care and support as other countries have for decades.

Reports have shown that for families hardest affected by the pandemic, the largest majority of those who have become unemployed are women.

Lower income families, and increasingly middle income families are being priced out  of many of the choices available to higher income families. This means decisions around work, where to live and child care are very challenging.

These are just a few of the things women do not have the luxury of ignoring when they are deciding whether to carry a child or not.

Many people frankly don’t care about the well being of a woman’s offspring. As long as she gives birth, somehow they feel washed clean. They’re done. That’s her problem now. 

Additionally, we live in a society that demonizes sexuality, discourages open discussion about it, teaches that you are a sinful, horrible person if your sexuality isn’t kept within specific, narrow limits and tells you birth control is a sin. 

This ridiculous teaching on birth control is, in and of itself, responsible for endless unplanned pregnancies.

I could easily go on for days. But until the “sperm contributor” has equal responsibility here, there is no discussion to be had.

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