
Friday, November 15, 2013

So, it's like this.....

To quote Inigo Montoya "Let me explain.....No, there is too much.  Let me sum up."

Me:  Doing my thing

World:  You're crazy

Me:  *tries to act more normal*

World:  You're way too enthusiastic, back off

Me: *tones it way down, tries to be little and quiet*

World: You're too negative

Me: *tries to be more positive*

World: You're not appreciative and thankful enough

Me: *blinks, amazed*

World: Well?

Me: *laughs*  Of course I'm thankful, how could I not be? Look, I love you guys but I've gotta do this my way.  We all do.  Have a great day!

Me:  *walks off, singing*

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