
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Moment At The Bottom

It's not about being afraid
It isn't about lack of determination
Faced the now
Destination certain
No excuses, no cop-outs
No long-winded explanations
Not looking for sympathy
A process begun a year ago
Along the way, finding unexpected treasure
So amazing, so precious
Working to balance it all
It truly is complicated
That's a straight-up bare fact
So many layers and details to untangle
So many!
Like a fish with many hooks attached
It will happen
It IS happening
Nothing to slow me down
When those I love
Tear me down
Or unintentionally, thoughtlessly
I'm not looking for sympathy
I'm strong
And I can do this
I am doing this
But damn
My feelings run deep
I don't know any other way to be
So when you aim those sharp barbs
Each and every time
They hurt
Oh, damn
They really hurt
Brings out the worst in me
I start aiming my own arrows
And I can feel my soul
And the joy, the hope
A bit of the drive
That intrinsic BELIEF
That says I can do this
That tells me to keep going
It seeps away from me
And I have to scramble
And fight to keep head above water
That's what it feels like
When those barbs hit me
Because when I love someone
What they think
It hurts that maybe
You don't believe in me
But NO
I'm not giving up
Journey begun
Changing daily
Future claimed

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