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Sunday, October 28, 2012
War Zone
And I don't mean just outside
You can't waste another moment
But you're standing in the muck
So deep, pulling at you
Strangest feeling, creeping over
Need to move
The feeling of time running out
Expiration dates
Limbs so heavy
Mind clouded
Where is the reality
That sets you free
Reach out a hand
Over and over
Don't you just keep going in
Again and again
Pasting the shards
And the torn pieces
Trying to find the picture
Always like a Picasso
Distorted but beautiful
Altered views
Shifting truths
What is this place you walk through?
Is reality within?
Or without?
Lost in a foreign land
For nowhere
Is home
Fully armored
But completely
Walking through a war zone
Seeking allies
An army of one
Just keep walking
Just keep walking
Thursday, October 25, 2012
My Place
To the quiet places
There is a sunny spot
I am running, and dancing!
It is the most beautiful open field
The greenest grass, every kind of flower
Surrounded by forest
So many tall trees
Water rushing in the distance
Blue sky, slight breeze
I'm spinning, spinning
I love dancing
Nothing to slow me down
This place feels so good
I think perhaps
This place I visit now
In meditation
Is the place where the soul goes
When the temple of the body is done
Or at least maybe
It's my place
I See
I will tell you again
My gift
Given by the Mother
My words
And my sight
I can see your soul
Your essence
Sometimes in person
Or from a distance
Not one of you
How breathtakingly beautiful
Each of you are
But I do
And once I have seen you
Forever will I keep you
In my heart
For I cannot help
But love you
Burn Brightly
Like a gem
A song
Truth spoken
A soul
Not quenched
Who you are
Where is that place
In this world
Where you can shine
And be yourself
By the day to day
The mundane left behind
Never let them
Bring you down
The blind ones
Let your soul burn bright
Never give up
Each soul
None like it
Share, speak, sing, play, create
For there is no other
Like you
My hands
Those are mine?
Mangled edges
Over-sized joints
Ugly bones
Hands have always fascinated me
They can hold a baby
Paint, or sculpt
I watch musicians, in awe of their skill
Those that speak with sign
Or create culinary wonders
So many wondrous things our hands can do
Working in tandem with our minds
My hands can write, or type
When the words come
Like yours, they can touch or be held
Dozens of other things
And despite my moment of surprise
I'm OK if they look a little funky
This makes me think
We're all a little broken like that
We are also beautiful
And when we open our hearts
We can do breathtaking things
So I can accept these hands
And be happy for each day
Warm Bread
It feels nice here
Take no risks
Surrounded by the familiar
A comfort
Like warm bread
Such a place
Is a necessary retreat
In times of pain
To regroup, rest, or heal
But if we stay too long
We grow stale
Like that bread
If left out too long
Becoming brittle, crumbly
No longer soft and flexible
All things change
And we must also move
Leave our safe haven
But, with a sense
Of alertness
Something is close
Just beyond reach
What comes
A tingle on the skin
Our senses stretching
Beyond the sight of the eyes
But not that of the soul
Quiet the body, and the mind
Believe in that which you cannot see
That which comes
It IS yours
Inner Voice
When we heard the Mother
And felt the Earth's heart
Beating in time with our own
We were consecrated
To this earth
Then came the day
When mankind decided
He no longer needed the Mother
Convinced of our own superiority
Blinded by ego
So few still hear Her speak
Truths, spoken on the wind
In the rustle through the treetops
Spoken in the sacred silence of the night
Shown through the continuous cycle of the seas
Continuity, a thread through all that lives
But we have blinded ourselves
And closed our ears
Still, though
She speaks
If we would but hear
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I accept you
Where you are
I know
Why you are there
I know who
And what
I am
And in the knowing
There is peace
So be you
Just beautiful you
And I am happy
For us both
Achieving understanding
Is vital
Are there times
Do you suppose
When it isn't possible?
What then?
Do we reach
For a separate peace
Rather than embracing
A path of delusion?
In My Heart
For all those I love:
My soul sees
And it knows
Then, my heart chooses
And it feels, deeply
Something in you
Connects with
A part of me
And, BOOM!
Now, you live
In my heart
It matters not
How we met
Or what roles we play
Friend, co-worker, partner
Your place is assured
If I could
I would re-arrange
The cosmos
So that all good things
Come to you
And when I can't help
Or I am the cause of hurt
It is the very worst
Of pain
I only know how to be
This way
This is who I am
And this is how I love
All I ask
Is that you let me
Is It Enough?
Avoiding it
That sensation
Creeping in
Around the edges
Like a balloon
Deflating slowly
Little pinholes
Caused by doubt
The question
Is it enough
If I am the only one
Who believes in me?
And in the quiet
The answer
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Just As You Are
You're okay
Beautiful, in fact
Just as you are
You need only
In the beauty
Of this day
No pretzel twists
Or acrobatics
Trying to please others
Or that voice in your head
With all it's "shoulds"
Squander not your energy
On what doesn't matter
Accept YOU
Rejoice in right NOW
Just as it is
And the sheer force
Of your soul
Shining forth the light
You are no longer blocking
Will carry you
To your dreams
And beyond
Sunday, October 7, 2012
You Are
You are not your past
You are not what they say you are
You are not your situation
Nor your surroundings
You are more
Than your self-imposed limitations
More than their stilted rules
And fear-governed mores
Set yourself free
Be everything you can imagine
And more than you ever yearned for
Don't apologize
Surround yourself
With those who live passionately
And send those who cannot
Handle you
Off on their own separate path
With light
Respect your journey
Love fiercely
And without reservation
No matter the cost
Encourage others
Never stop playing
Laugh often
Be you
Freely you
New Life
Self-acceptance and love
Regardless of what others think
Determination, comittment
The courage to face the rough spots
A soul glowing brightly
To help you see your dreams
The heart to persevere, believe
And make those dreams a reality
And a spirit of joy
To have fun along the way
Friday, October 5, 2012
Beautiful Soul (for pK)
Inside and out
Not shouting to be noticed
But never hiding
Often silent
Frequently funny
Quietly brilliant
Doesn't speak just for effect
Heart revealed in music
On a journey
Offers what builds up
Cautious with other's feelings
No games
Beautiful soul, shine your light
For pK :)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A Moment At The Bottom
It isn't about lack of determination
Faced the now
Destination certain
No excuses, no cop-outs
No long-winded explanations
Not looking for sympathy
A process begun a year ago
Along the way, finding unexpected treasure
So amazing, so precious
Working to balance it all
It truly is complicated
That's a straight-up bare fact
So many layers and details to untangle
So many!
Like a fish with many hooks attached
It will happen
It IS happening
Nothing to slow me down
When those I love
Tear me down
Or unintentionally, thoughtlessly
I'm not looking for sympathy
I'm strong
And I can do this
I am doing this
But damn
My feelings run deep
I don't know any other way to be
So when you aim those sharp barbs
Each and every time
They hurt
Oh, damn
They really hurt
Brings out the worst in me
I start aiming my own arrows
And I can feel my soul
And the joy, the hope
A bit of the drive
That intrinsic BELIEF
That says I can do this
That tells me to keep going
It seeps away from me
And I have to scramble
And fight to keep head above water
That's what it feels like
When those barbs hit me
Because when I love someone
What they think
It hurts that maybe
You don't believe in me
But NO
I'm not giving up
Journey begun
Changing daily
Future claimed
Monday, October 1, 2012
Eyes closed
Let it wash over me
I can feel it
In my chest
My heart
It actually skips a beat
And I hold my breath
For a split second
This is so huge
At times
I run out of places
To put it
This sweet, exquisite pain
That I would never give up
Even while it devours me alive
Seeking expression
Lest I drown
Thou terrible bliss
That I would never have cured
We like our rules
We WANT to be controlled
Sitting in our safe little boxes
We climb in those cages
As long as they're gilded
Don't you see
A beautiful cage
If you turn off the TV
Stop the shopping
Quit filling your face
See yourself
And this world
EASY? No, it's not
Worth it? Oh, yes.
Warning: Courageous souls only
But remember
A bird is meant to soar
And you can't soar
From inside a cage
The Encounter
He never spoke aloud
But in my head
I heard it
"Hang in there queenie"
I felt that down to my bones
Deep down
And there was a whole story
A lifetime
Revealed in just those four words
And I knew he was right
Ain't he been walkin'
So much longer than me?
And don't he just play with the words
Just like he owns them all?
Truth shaman
Speaking our souls
Girl's gonna take that to heart
Keep it inside
With much gratitude
Hooked In
The connection
When you trust
The knowledge
When you believe
In your power
You can live
In the current
Play with the wind
Dance in the rain
Be that soul
You're hooked in
Now that's how life
Should be lived
Putting everything on the line
Watch them
When they open up
And discover
Amazed suddenly
At what they can do
The gift of witnessing
Such a moment
Let Go (Be)
That which is solid
When really
Nothing is permanent
Beginnings,and endings
Moments remembered
We go visit them
When we are alone
Picking those beautiful scabs
Because the pain
Lets us feel something
Choosing this
Instead of a present moment
Lived fully
Choices, directions
Stand in the sun
Of your own soul
Believing it is yours
And know that all else
Will happen
Abbreviated, condensed
We try to cram it in
Striving for control
When we should simply
Let go
All that is required
Of you
And of me
Only this