
Monday, April 30, 2012


Shield my eyes
Take cover
Now I know the truth
From myself
And those who still lie
To themselves
But I can't go back
Yes, take cover
For the truth
Will not be denied

Written 4/30/12 on lunch hour 12:00 noon

Eyes Open (Freedom)

Can't return
To the days
Without self-awareness
Comfortably numb
Lapping up what I was told
Feeling safe
In my cotton-wrapped
Protected bubble
Once you open your eyes
There's no going back
I see
I hear
I ask questions
I face the answers
Sometimes I cry
We all bleed
And it's beautiful
And horrid
All at once
But there is no going back
The old is gone
And in the knowledge
There is freedom

Written 4/30/12 on lunch hour


I've got to chase my dreams
It's not a mid-life crisis
I'm not going to "outgrow" or "get past" it
It's not a phase
This is who I am
Like a snake sheds it's skin
This one grows uncomfortable
Too tight
No way to move forward
Without making a mess
And life is messy
That won't stop me
I need to be who I am
You may never understand
And that's OK
I still won't stop
I can't stop speaking
I won't be invisible
I am

Written 4/30/12 on lunch hour 12:00 Noon

Sunday, April 29, 2012


You mesmerize, tantalize
That which you possess
Can't quite define it
Do I want to fuck YOU?
Or just that which is intrinsically yours
Because I want some of that for myself
One such as you is rare
A different brand
Of strength
Quiet, even humble at times
Inner strength
Your soul revealed
In your eyes
Of course. I want you.
But not just your body
Although, Damn.  You're beautiful.
I want to drown in your darkness
And bathe in your light
I'm not afraid of your scars
We all have those
Bring all you've got over here
I want all of it
Show me you're man enough
To handle all I've got, all that I am
I'll rock you when it's good
And when it's all breaking down
Yeah, bring it all over here
Lets see where the night goes

The Chase

Where IS it?
Seems that it must be close
Around the corner
Briefest glimpse
You've touched it
Need to find it again
Must find it again
It's not in that glass
It's not even in the bed
Didn't find it at work
It wasn't at church
Tried pretending it wasn't real
That you didn't need it
At times, it's in the music
It teases you
You keep looking
Keep looking
It's out there......

On Being Woman (For all of us)

She wants to rock her life
Do it herself, under her own power
Nothing else will do
Still, she seeks one with darkness and light
In his soul, and truth in his eyes
Unflinching, Fire inside
To match her own
She knows who she is
Walks the everyday
Endless minutia
Dispatch it all, everything in it's place
Honor, joy in the sweet traditions
Don't become anesthetized
Surrounded, often she wonders
Do any of these truly know me?
Feeling alone in a crowd
Beauty, joy, tragedy
Walk through it
Keep them safe, heart pierced when you cannot
Strength lies in what some call your weakness
Feel keenly the pain 
Of loss, separation, fear, heartache
But daily she will wake up, make up and take up
That which is hers
Head held high, she wipes her tears
Smiles, and makes it right for them
A double edged sword, to be sure
She cannot keep them safe and close 
In every moment 
Indeed, she knows
Sometimes love means hands off
While they fall 
And so she loves
And she knows enough
To honor and love herself too
It is not in denying pain and fear
That she finds strength
But in facing it
And walking forward anyway
In spite of it 


Like the small leaves
Poking up through the soil
Making our way
Moving the dead pine needles aside
Small, fragile
Reaching up toward the sun
The wind coming through
Moving everything around
Easily crushed
Life ends so easily
But given the chance to grow
How amazing
How beautiful
Each of us truly is

Saturday, April 28, 2012


This sweet little moment
Relaxing in the sun
It feels just like
The afterglow
Beautiful groove
From the inside
Great Blue Heron
Walks the water's edge
A snippet
Snapshot of a life
To be savored
Because we are here, now
And it feels good

Crossed Paths

You didn't get what you wanted
Maybe you're not used to that
So you chose to believe the worst
But you had it all wrong
Missed it completely
Injured Pride
Told yourself
And the ones who call your name
That I was a joke
But the joke's on you
My smiling friend
I know who I am
Always wanted only good for you
And I still do
Path's crossed briefly
And diverged
As they should
Good journeys my friend
My walk is my own

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Seeping In

Sitting on the grass
Music's on
Warmth creeping into my bones
Sun warms the skin on my arms
And where my shirt vees
Between my breasts
Leaning back
Sunglasses perched on my head
Singing along
Like the freak I am
Fly that flag high
Impossible, but true
Alive just feels so good today


The morphine of forgetfulness
Quenching the need
And then
Blessed, peaceful nothing

Do we intentionally
Seek this out?
We hold tight
To the status quo

But sameness
In all it's comfort
Actually kills
The spark, gone

Better to feel
The road-rash that is life
Not fearing a little blood

Anesthetize at your own risk
For without the balance
Facing the good and the bad
The spirit cannot live

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cubicle Dwelling

If you are a cubicle dweller but it isn't where you belong, it's sort of like having your life force sucked out of you through a very tiny straw. You're dying, but it's happening so slowly that you're half dead before you realize it. I really must continue to fight hard for my dreams.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Desperately Holding

Tick, tick, tock
So goes the clock
Waste your life
Warm, comfy strife
Hold to what you know
Afraid of letting go
Never dare to ask
Question not the task
Embrace what's bad
It's all you've had
Dreams you've killed
Honesty lost
Hope you've tossed
It's change you fear
The song you won't hear
You could be free
Too afraid to be

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Alone With You (Selfish)

Maybe it's selfish
We've established
That I'm not a nice person, right?
But really
I just want to take you away
Somewhere far from here
Take the time
Just to be us two
See something
Do something
For just a little while
Stop caring
If they're all OK
For just a second
Just you
And I
The way we started
I've wanted it forever
And now
Even though I know
That you're gonna be OK
It makes a person think
This thing that's happening to you
Happening to us
The world
It's a big, beautiful, amazing place
And you and I
We're always running
Around the same tiny track
Sometimes I just wish
I could take you away
Walk roads we've never walked
See the stars from a different angle
You see
I gave you my heart
And you still have it
I just want to be selfish
For a little while
Just be us two

Own It (Back Off)

You don't get to lean on me
And hide from the world
And then question how
I decide to walk through this life
You don't like the way I am
Because I make you question
The way you are
I can love them
And still be me
You gave up on yourself
A long time ago
Fell on the sword
But you realized too late
There's no payoff after all
Unless you count self-righteousness
You sure hold that closely
I've spent too much time
Figuring out who I am
And you know what?
I don't care anymore
If you like me
It used to be important
And now I just can't give a fuck
You made your own decisions
I felt sorry before, I really did
But it's your life!  Live with it
You have to live with
The decisions you've made
Just like I live with mine
Either change your life
And stop embracing misfortune
Like it's your lover
Using it to control people around you
Or stay the way you are
But keep your opinion
To yourself
Where my life is concerned
Until you take some steps
To own it

Friday, April 20, 2012

Soul Song

It's crazy strong
Inside of me
Roaring within
Lights my core
Feels like that moment
Just before you cum
And you're going to explode
Daily is my soul thus
Inside of me
Now that I've let it out
In the sun to play
It will not be silenced
Knowledge of my life
And those I love
Don't know why or how
I want to breathe you in
Turn you on
Pull your soul out
Through your eyes
And hold it in my hands
So I can see it's light
Even more closely
The sweet groove
That is life
Is the ultimate turn on
Let's live it!


Passion I am
I was thus
"The thing that happened "
And so
I will be
In spite of this
Even more so
Because of it
Essence not dulled
Soul's flame
Passion's flower
Yes, we struggle
But you can never have me
That which is my core
Unquenched. Bright.
I will never go back
To the dead walking
I know
Who and what I am
Scrape my soul raw
Against life's broken shards
And in the bleeding

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


You hit a moment in your life
One that changes everything
That strange sensation
Your little world is different
But yet everything else around you
Continues on, the same
Like you're in a time warp
View changed
Not sure what will happen
But you know who you are
And so you pick your head up
You walk forward
Take this one day at a time
All you can do
Is be who you are
Love and cherish them
Show them that every day
And be thankful
For the gift
That is every day
You have been given


I saw a flower today
Poking up
Through dead leaves
This tiny, beautiful place
Surrounded by what
Isn't beautiful at all
Like your soul
You survived
A dark and horrible place
Your light is so bright
Perfectly amazing
You've overcome so much
And you shine
So glad you made it
We need to help
Each other
So no one's light is lost

Composed 4/17/12
After reading some of the stories posted

On Being Two

Perhaps it will always be like this
This feeling of being divided
Two minds
Love for the precious amazing gifts I have
The need to hold tightly to that
And the compulsion
The voice that won't stop
It says you are more than your everyday
Please don't give up
The familiar internal  conversation
Having both
Being both
Holding tight and yet following your dreams
I know now
That this intense internal battle
Teaches me
The discomfort
Motivates me
Look, Seek, Move, Change
While holding those you love so close
I'll be myself
Each day
I'll love them with all I have
And we'll follow our dreams

Composed 4/10/12

Showing Up

If you don't show up
For  your own life
Keep it in the planning stage
I'm gonna....
I  haven't because....
No work that way, right?
Can't fail if you never move
But you don't get anywhere
And you've got nothing to show
Better to try
And risk failure
Then never to act at all

Composed 4/9/12

Monday, April 16, 2012


The cool water
On my skin
Sweet shivers
As it meets hot skin
Almost as good
As shivering with desire
But, oh!
Not quite
The stars are out
But thankfully not the moon
Or I might have lost my nerve
Courage, bolstered by
A sip of good whiskey
So glad I did this
Big fluffy towel
Lies close by
Oh, this really is bliss
Beautiful, sweet sensations
Night sounds
Just me, and the starry sky
Enjoyment of BEING
Can this last forever?
After a time, emerging from the water
And enjoying it
Drowning in my feelings
Wishing to extend
This moment
Picking up the towel
Wrapping myself up
But in no hurry to return
Sitting by the water
The night air
My wet shoulders
I'll go back in a little while
But not right now

Creation Within

By the water
Grounded in the earth
Reaching toward heaven
Spring buds, just appearing
But not yet green
Of creation to come
In many ways
We are the same
We will be
What we were always
Designed to be
And today
The potential
Life moves

Shooting Straight

So has it flat-lined
Or is there hope?
Day to day
It changes
But I'm no longer
Worried or scared
I know who I am now
And I'm walking
The right way
Every day
And I know
These things
Will resolve
In due time
No more hiding
I only know
How to shot one way now
And so
The truth will out
And I'm ready
Calmly ready
No fear

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Taking Flight

We all are, you know
But I have found
A way to fly
When you set your soul free
It's as real
As your skin
Or your heartbeat
Look at it
Hear it
And you'll fly
High above everything
And that's as it should be
No need to doubt
Stop analyzing
Just let go

Joy, Uninterrupted

They're so free
In the moment
Twirling, skipping
Yelling it out!
Haven't yet learned
To temper it
And turn it off
The way we all do now
It's beautiful


Can't be afraid
Of  looking at  yourself
In the mirror
Gotta do that
Every day
No kidding yourself
Face it


This comfortable feeling
To find I’m OK
Not because I’m hiding
But because I really am
I know what’s behind me
Not sure what comes next
But I’m not afraid of it
Not anymore
Sure of who I am
What I want and need
Future can’t be predicted
But I do know
What is on my heart
And what is in my soul
Every day
Grateful for the day’s walk
And for those I walk with


For today
Sitting in the warm sun
OK with where I’m at
Nothing’s eating at me
No unfinished business
Inside my heart
Or my head
Our sweet little routine
What life brings each day
Surprised to  find myself
Content with it
In this moment
Enjoying the sun
Ice cream, cool and smooth
On my tongue
Watching the river go by
Later, return to you
And our sweet little groove
My sight has cleared
I can see the gift
In this Sunday

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Tempted to quit
Give up
Found it inside
And I'll dig for still more
Never giving up on you
Never giving up on me
Not a part of me
To just fall on my face
From the Inside


I'm going to see it all
Just as I've always dreamed
I have that knowledge, too
Like the other things I have known
What will that be like
I wonder in this moment
So much will have happened
And I won't be
The person I am now
Life is about to change
If only that fog would lift
And I could see the details
But I trust
Coming out the other side
Different.  Changed.
But stronger
And still standing.

Tiny Infinity

Infinitely possible
Inanely, hysterically so
The stark, simple beauty
Next to the painful struggle
That tiny space in-between
That I squeeze myself into
The place that I live
And I say that I want out
But it's my home
The middle
It's where the muse lives
Life is not a closed circle
Unless that is what you choose
To make of it
Tiny, cosmic space
Infinite possibilities


Isn't it funny
You walk through
Your every day
It's a blur some of the time
And then a moment
It catches you
And it hits you
They aren't here
You knew that, of course
But in that moment
It just hits you again
Funny how it doesn't seem to matter
How long they've been gone
And it's always bittersweet
Missing them so much
Even after all this time
But the sweet memories
The smiles, laughter, and moments shared
Are still imprinted on your heart
Yes, they aren't here
But they'll never be gone
The love goes on


New Englanders
Addicted to Dunkin Donuts coffee
There's one right in this hospital
Here we all sit
In the waiting room
Gripping our styrofoam cups
And making small talk
Some nervous, others relieved
Resignation on the faces of a few
No one comes here because they wanted to
We came because we had to
And when we finish this process
In whatever fashion
And not have to come here anymore
Gripping our styrofoam cups
And making small talk
Won't that be a pretty damn good day


For this day
For my man at my side
Haven't we been through a lot
You and I
Don't worry baby
Not going anywhere
Wouldn't trade a day
You're a part of me
I think I'll just
Be in this moment
And appreciate
The gift of my life

Beginnings and Endings

And endings
It's like being able to glimpse
A bit of the future
But, through a fog
Can't see the whole picture
I know, though
That everything is about to change
It's ALL going to happen
Good, bad
And everything in-between
I'll still be standing
At the end
That's really all I do know

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday With The Family

Smiling faces
Quirks accommodated
Inside jokes
It hasn’t always been easy
But we are all family
And we are together
On this day
There was a time
I wanted to run from you
But I know
You are always a part of me
And I love you
Always, I will need
The time away
The need for solitude
But understand
That I love you
And on this day
As we laugh and share
I am grateful for each
And every one of you

My Prayer For You

Love those you have been blessed to walk with
Walk with honesty through your days
Endeavor to spread only light
Honor those who light your path
Speak and act with intent
Never speak empty words
Spend quiet time with your own soul
Expect the miraculous
Never give up, dreams come true with hard work
Know that you are beautiful
Trust. Your soul knows where you are supposed to be.

Why Do You Cry (Opus)

Why is it, do you think
That you cry so often
In your dreams
I know
It is because your soul weeps
But do you know why she cries?
It is because you have hidden her away
She is fully you
In every moment you have lived
Past, present and future
The beauty, and the sadness
Are overwhelming
It will always be like this
She seeks one
Who is light to her light
Who sees with inner sight
And knows of that which is in the silence
Those who are not afraid to see
In this way are so rare
In this life
To share a moment
With such a one
To be as one flame
From two candles
Briefest glimpses
As we stumble along
But we do not know
What we carry
Our souls, our life force
Stilled not by the body’s ceasing
We do not go to nothing
Ever warm, ever beautiful
And never to be hidden away
This – the essence of who you are
This – the secret to all things
And when you access it
Feel it for the briefest moment
You are frightened
Push the thought away
How can I tell you
Can I somehow show you
The truth that I know
I want so much for you to know it
If you could see
The world, this life
As I do
You are so beautiful
Trust me
Because I can see
Your soul
Listen to those thoughts
That come in the quiet
When you are alone
Surprising, perhaps frightening
For your soul whispers
Do not close yourself
To heal from such a wound
Takes time
Trust me, I know
There is much to learn
And many to teach us
Not all lessons are learned
In ways we expect

Just Once

If it all fell away
Right now
And money
And time
No longer held you back
Where would you go
What would you do
Somewhere warm
Time to walk
Allow my soul to be
To fly unfettered
Let the healing tears fall
And be myself
Simply ME
Just once 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sweet Little Groove (Who am I?)

Looking at my own face
In the mirror
And seeing inside
You see
People can't lie to me
When we make eye contact
And it works on myself, too
So, who am I ?
One who needs to be loved
I need to know
You can't breathe without me
Nothing less
I am darkness inside
It goes hand in hand
With my  light
If you can't handle that
Keep your distance
I never do anything
Because I should
I don't care what I should do
Sometimes the truth
Is hard
But I won't be a lie
You may not always like me
And I'm sorry about that
But I won't go back
If it resonates
On the same frequency
As I do
I'm drawn to it
Moth to a flame
Not going back
No denials, no lies
Are made to be broken
If you like to hide
You may not get me
I'm not the girl
Overly concerned with appearances
Mine, or my surroundings
Although I crave simplicity
Despite rarely achieving it
Is in my soul
And moves me profoundly
It has always been so
And when the words call
I must answer
Or they will tear me to pieces
I am a seeker
Of those rare moments
Connection. Light.
Innate knowledge
Natures wisdom
You know something just happened.
A blip on the radar
That changes everything
In the split second
Of a heartbeat
I'm the one
Who reaches out
In that moment
And we're one
For a very brief
And it passes
As all things do
Never seek to hurt
Damn, you're too
But I have to be
Can't give up
Can't settle
Can't live a dead life
Plan to search, seek, learn
Stay messy
Like dischord
In music
The music of my life
Walk the blade
I'd rather die
Than be wrapped in cotton
In can't breathe in there
Stand on the edge
With me
Are you afraid?
You keep your equilibrium
It's not for me
Off balance ?
Or Yin and Yang
Indelible Ink
State of being
That you can't in your cocoon
There's more
Isn't there always more?
Life is a beautiful, tragic, sweet little groove
Ain't it?

Don't Give Up

So, do you know who you are?
Stumbling through your days
Watching your life
As someone from the outside
Is this really happening to me?
But you need to come back
You have to walk in it
I know.  It hurts.
But you can't give up
Gotta face it.
You ARE strong enough
Not watching, a bystander
Suspended above your own life
But a participant
No, I don't have the answers you seek
Still seeking those myself
But I can tell you
Numb, closed
Is no way to live
I've been there
And you don't want to stay there
Stay too long
And there are consequences
Embrace both sides
The beautiful can't exist
Without the ugly
Maybe you're empty now
But I see your light
Please don't give up
I don't have the answers
But I am here
I won't leave you

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Giving Me An Ultimatum

You CAN have it, you know
Career change
You're the only thing holding yourself back
Always stop short of the really hard work
It's more fun in the fantasy stage
The work part!!
If we just imagine it, we can't fail
But you know
That you want and need more
So, get off your ass
Keep practicing the piano
More poems, and submit them!
Get to the gym
Sculpt yourself
And your life
Think through what you want to do
And take decisive action
You're the only thing
Holding yourself back
Stop fantasizing
Imagination is a great catalyst
Gets our creative juices flowing
But if it stops there
It's just a pretty story
Move your ass
And show yourself
What you can do

Owning It

What game have you been playing at, little girl?
Did you think you could keep going this way?
OK, I understand.
You needed to excavate.
You weren't being honest with yourself.
Walked around with blinders on, silenced your own voice.
Couldn't stay in that dead place.
But you've done that work now, haven't you?
You know what you need, and what you want.
You know who and what you are.
And the things you said were in your way?
They aren't - and you know it.
Yes, there are adjustments. For everyone.
You definitely shook things up enough for that.
And it needed to happen.
At first, it was really overwhelming
You didn't know what to keep
And what to throw away
You fell on your face a few times
It's been a little messy, hasn't it?
But now, it's time to own it
You're NOT overwhelmed anymore
And be honest, those things you said were in your way
They aren't.  You know that now.
You are.  You're the only thing
Standing in your own way
It's time to own it
Walk it, with honesty and compassion
For the people in your life, and yourself
No more excuses
You're running over other people's feelings
In your quest to make yourself happy
And that's not right
Did you deny yourself so long
That you're all you care about now?
At first, you didn't have self-awareness around it
But now you do, and  it's not right
It's time to wear your big-girl pants
Face up to your own life
By all means
Don't have done all this work
And go back now!
So, walk your truth
Live honestly, the way you know you must
But don't do it without regard for the people
In your life
And those you encounter on your walk
You have so many blessings in this life
You found yourself
Now BE yourself
And love those amazing people
That this Life has gifted you with
There was no point to all of this excavation
And figuring out who the hell you were
If you're going to ignore
The amazing joy
That you already hold in your hands


We try to put parameters
Around life
And around each other
Am I more comfortable
If  you fit into something, somewhere
A label
That keeps me comfortable
Because it's simple
And I don't have to think
Or challenge myself
But what we don't realize
Is that when we do this to each other
The commentary, the truth that we tell
Is about ourselves
Not about the other person
Whom we've just labelled
If I need to label you
Categorize you
If something about you
Throws me off balance
Indicative of a place
A spot, within myself
That needs to be excavated
Brought out into the sun
Looked at in the light
Because only my own fears and failings
Cause me to need you to fit
Into the category, label or place
That I assign to you
Why can't I simply see you
For who you are
Not make you feel
Like you need to hide
Apologize, make excuses
I never want you, or anyone
To feel that way
I need to see
And accept you
For who and what you are
And that is BEAUTIFUL
I pray you will give me the same

Our Daily Walk

The people we walk with every day
I've heard it said
That no one comes into our life by accident
And I believe that
I am blessed to have so many amazing souls
That I've encountered on this walk
Some, I've been graced with for a lifetime
Others who have come and gone quickly
And have made no less an impression
The golden threads of their lives and love
Interwoven with mine
Like a beautiful quilt
Some people  have been
Such a source of pain
But such learning and knowledge
In the walking through those moments
There is no soul so black and empty
As to be worthless
So to those people
You have been very difficult, yes
But I thank you for making me stronger
To those who I walk with daily
You shine a light so bright
I cannot express to you in words
The poet fails!
You have no idea how beautiful you are
We are gift to each other
And in this, day-to-day, I am blessed
When nothing else makes sense
I can look at you
And know
We may, at times, be lost
But we muddle through
I can appreciate the journey
And taking it with you
Has been life-altering
And I thank you

I'm the Director

The journey
Has been so different
Than the path I expected to be on
The world, the universe
Is so much bigger
Than the tiny view I allowed myself
I feel differently about everything
And everyone
I see my life
Like a movie
But I've changed the lens
And my view is so different now
The plot isn't even the same
I've changed directors partway
I'm calling the shots now
Changing the script around
Not sure if it's a drama, a comedy
Maybe it's even a horror movie!
There's more work involved
In orchestrating your own life
Instead of walking through
And letting it happen to you
Living your life
Instead of surviving it
But it's infinitely more rewarding
Yes, it's a great deal more work
But it's work that feels good
No matter how hard it may get some days
Because whatever you create
Be it beautiful or ugly
And we are all both
It is all mine

Replanting Your Garden

It's like collecting a few dozen cans
When there's a famine
You give yourself the tiniest
Little in-drawn breath
Never a full inhale
Of the essence of what is
Permission to taste-test
This beautiful, sacred wonder
That your life could be
But never
Do you allow yourself
To eat the entire cake
With your hands
And get the frosting all over
Your hands and face
You think by sampling
You can maybe play both sides
Stupid, cowardly little fuck
How long do you think you can sit
With your ass on the fence
And not embrace your entire SELF
You know who you are
And you must be that person
Time to stop
Fence sitting, playing it safe
Avoiding the hard steps
Uncomfortable conversations
Now that you've torn up
The garden that is your soul
And re-planted it
Those who should be with you
Will be with you
And those who cannot
Will depart
Today is for living
In truth

Formulas for Life

So, what is the formula for this?
Is it like algebra, maybe?
Damn, I hope not.  I suck at math!
But there are times when I just don't get
My own life
And I think, what if there was a formula
Like in Algebra
Or a postulate or theorem!
Then again, I didn't like Geometry either
I know who I am
Learning more each day
But I don't know if I fit
In this place I'm in
That's because I spent so long
Being blind
And making choices with closed eyes
I silenced my own voice
There are other days
When absolutely everything
Makes perfect, clear sense
And I can see, for a brief moment
How all the pieces fit together
There it is again
The juxtaposition
Yin and Yang
No irony there
In the fact that this symbol is
Permanently inked on my body
Because it's the essence
Of who and what I am
And it's the muse, too
Explains my obsession
With that word
Two very different things
Side by side
And isn't that just my soul
In truth