Today feels like a poem. I suppose they all do, since poems are always knocking on the inside of my noggin and I'm like "I'm WORKING, not NOW!" Have I told you that poems are pushy? Like your cat at 6 AM wanting food, they're sort of something you love but sometimes you want it to shut up and let you have a cup of coffee first, you know?
But, I digress...
Today, I was NOT into it. It? Just the day. Showering, dressing, going out into the world, talking to other humans, all of it. It's the end of the summer, and so this funk I am in is primarily based on "crunchy bones hate summer so when will my life-giving autumn weather get here, it's been months of this unmitigated crap."
I showered and dressed anyway. Today was water communion service at UUSGU and I WANTED to be excited, you know? I found a reasonably presentable outfit, which is getting easier since I've lost 31 pounds so far. Before I joined WW, I had more butt than pants, if I'm being honest.
So, what's Water Communion? This is where we bring a small amount of water from a place that is special to us. During the service, we bring our water forward and pour them together in one large bowl. I didn't have a chance to get water from anywhere special to me, between work and helping the relatives.
Then I remembered my ritual water in the basement refrigerator. I have combined two practices into one which I especially love. The first is "Blue Solar Water" which is a tradition which I believe comes from Hawaii. You take a blue bottle with a plastic cover or cork. Fill the bottle with the water of your choice. I used plain Millbury tap water. Leave the bottle out in the sun for one hour. Once this is done, I put the bottle in the refrigerator. On the night of the full moon, I put the bottle outside again, overnight, and in the morning I take it inside and refrigerate it again.
I use the water to drink, water the plants, or anything else I'd normally do with water. I love thinking of the sacred, peaceful energy of night, with the watchful moon overhead, coupled with the bright, dynamic energy of the sun combined in the water. It reminds me that we are all part of this earth, this cosmos and we're all made of the same star stuff. It helps me stay balanced. Using this water feels like a blessing that says "May we all be well, may we all be healthy, may we all be safe, happy and taken care of."
So, this was the water I shared. Mundane, plain Millbury tap water. But with the blessings of the Moon and the Sun. Isn't that life, though, the mundane and the Divine intertwined? I love it. We are the magic, if we choose to be.
I loved hearing about all of the beautiful places everyone else brought their water from! At the end Reverend Daniel did a blessing of the backpacks, purses, etc for everyone using our combined water. What wonderful blessings for us all as we transition from the slower pace of summer to all the doings of the "Ber Months."
I loved Cherilyn's story today, and Caroline's embodied prayer.
Because my body was so cranky this morning from the soupy weather, I was pretty low energy during our service. When it was time to sing a few times during the service, Kate Gregoire and little Grace came to stand with me. I held the songbook, and Kate held Grace. These simple little moments were some of my favorites during the service today. Kate has a wonderful singing voice, and looking at baby Grace was just beyond sweet. It was like being sprinkled with fairy dust, and I felt a lot better!
So, overall, an ordinary day. Hubby is upstairs watching football (truthfully, he's asleep in the recliner) because 'tis the season, you know. Our sons are sharing coffee and conversation in the dining room which is their Sunday thing. And I'm in my sweet little Sanctuary room in the basement, catching up on some writing.
Sometimes, ordinary is quite magical, indeed.
Blessings for a great week, everyone.