
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Lizard and The Owl

The lizard and the owl

Came to speak to me of dreams 

There’s been a wall for quite some time 

No messages it would seem 

The lizard told me that’s not true 

All that is needed is within 

There’s nothing standing in your way 

Let go and step back in 

Owl reminded me gently, my visions always find their way 

Remember all you’ve ever been 

Speak a brand-new day

When light is dark, and dark is life

Sweet glowing depths unknown 

Assembly is required 

Wrapped in secrets 

Carved in stone

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Conversations With Hecate


Many call you terrible 

One to be feared 

Perhaps that is because so many value the impossible 

Life without death

Love that never experiences loss 

Brilliance that has no blemish

A faux light that is not balanced by sacred darkness  

Helping from the ego, instead of asking "What do you need?"

Results without the dirty work 

Pretend peace that gives comfort to a select few only

Confidence that never looks at one's own corruption 

Giving without boundaries until everyone involved is shattered 


But with you, there is nothing left under the rug 

No elephants staring from the middle of the room

No, indeed, there is no lie in you 

Here, the only thing that is "impossible" is hiding from oneself 

And if that is terrible

Then the greatest gift of my life 

Is to be terrible, too 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Creating Space

 You do not have to agree

To anything that insults your soul 

Why pretend agreement or accept something that is a NO for you?

Always know the cost of what you choose and what you dismiss 

I have finally learned 

That both my YES and my NO

Must be firm, calmly backed up by my heart

From where the mind must take its instruction

We often think that our tiniest steps are going nowhere

Only to find that in creating the smallest of spaces

Something can grow.   And to our surprise and delight, it has!

One step allows another

And even among our mistakes

Are found the very best, most delicious of times 

It is never too late 

There is a different quality to our days

When those YESES and NOS have begun to create that space

There is much that is no longer inevitable, less that is painful 

And the difficult obstacles become possible to push through

If they are the ones you CHOOSE to tackle

Because you will no longer be less.  

You are taking up space now.  YOUR SPACE. 

Let's make life a memoir they can't put down

Instead of a depressing epitaph 


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Mall Walking

 I went walking at the nearby mall this morning before work.  It's a nice flat place to walk, and it's not freezing cold like a walk outside would have been today.  My bones don't like cold.

Let me warn you, one comment about mall walking being an elderly activity, and I will be stopping by your house for a coffee and some discussion about your rank ageism and ableism.  But I digress.

At any rate, yes, I went mall walking.  It doesn't open until 11, which is a nuisance, but hopefully that will change over time.  There were definitely moments of nostalgia. This mall was built in 1971 and was the first mall in our area.  At the time, there were stores for everyone, unlike now.  Many of the stores are aimed at the 17-25 crowd these days, which in a way is odd, since I would think they'd order online. 

When I got married, this mall was the perfect place to go.  We could have a family night out with the kids for next to nothing.  We'd stop at Kay-Bee Toy, they'd each get an action figure, they were usually 2 for $5.  We'd have to weigh ourselves on the scale at GNC.  Orange Julius was a huge favorite. It was fun to see what each little booth in the middle of the mall had.  Anything our family needed?  Sears of course. Jeans, office attire for me, winter coats, lawn mowers and even getting the car fixed. One stop shopping! Once we were tired of walking around, we'd all get a bite to eat at Friendly's - always a treat! Sometimes we'd go to York Steak House instead, sheer bliss! My oldest always got chicken tenders, but our younger son never ordered off the kids' menu, he had to have the steak tips with onions!  Hey, the kid knew what he liked.  And, oh, that strawberry pie made me sooooo happy. 

It's been a long time since I've been to the mall. Any mall, really.   Even before the pandemic, it wasn't exactly somewhere I frequented anymore.  Admittedly, ordering things online has taken away the need for places like this. That has good points and bad points.  Convenience is a wonderful thing, and it was important to stay in during the worst of the pandemic, but overall, I feel we have lost something in our push-button world, even before Covid 19 changed the world. The fun and wonder of ordinary trips outside of the house, being able to see and touch things before we buy, not having EVERY SINGLE THING available with a single click.  Meeting friends without needing to spend a gazillion dollars. Running into people you knew. There's no enjoyment and wonder for me in today's experience, I feel almost jaded and frequently overwhelmed.  I simply do not need SO MUCH STUFF and SO MANY OPTIONS.  Does that sound peculiar? It's a very familiar feeling for me, and is stronger as time goes on. 

People have been mall walking for many years now.  If you're older or have medical issues as I do, the mall is a great place to walk.  It's level, safe, and climate controlled. Some places even had groups that met for walking together. Friends would meet daily for walk and conversation. Malls would open early as a courtesy.  The mall near us used to do that. That all went away with the pandemic.  Now, each state and city is making their own decisions about opening back up.  I find myself wondering if mall walking will become a thing of the past.   Will this place last much longer, or will we lose it?  It's not as if everyone can afford to join a gym, and how many gyms have inside tracks to walk side by side with friends as so many do?

I walked by myself today. I made two full circuits around the entire mall.  Not far for some, but for someone in their third decade with rheumatoid arthritis, it's pretty cool!  I was happy for the random strangers I could say hello to, like the nice lady killing time waiting for her husband to get out of an appointment over at the doctor's office next door. It was nice to see all the stores, even if so many are aimed at teens.  I saw a few new ones that might be fun to check out sometime. I liked the Godzilla tee I saw at one shop, and the huge metal owls at the other!  I enjoyed reminiscing about being here with my family. 

It was just nice to be out, doing something that my body, for the moment, was enjoying and allowing me to do. Walking. Breathing. Thinking. My pace.  It was lovely and peaceful. No particular goal, other than to literally walk in circles for a little while.  By the end of the second time around my ankles were telling me that was quite enough, so I headed for the car, and home for a sandwich and tea before my shift 1:00 to 9:30.

Mall walking.  Some may not ever consider it.  But I rather enjoyed it.  I want to go back a couple of times a week moving forward until it's warmer out and I can walk outside. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Perfectly Reasonable


I want to tell you

If they have made perfectly reasonable requests 

And you have not been able to comply 

You would like to please them 

But you cannot bring yourself in line

Your spirit rebels 

Your mind will not follow the rules given

Even your body fights you 

When you try to walk the line

To stay in the box 

To act appropriately 

To understand what is expected 

To be that which is STANDARD 

They have told you there is something wrong with you

They blame you, fault you

Tell you that you must become little, predictable 


Yet, no, you do not

You cannot

I just want you to know 

Just know that I see you 

Know that there are many of us 

Know that you are beautiful 

You don't have to comply 

You don't have anything WRONG with you

And you don't need to be fixed 

You are wondrously, beautifully made 

I celebrate all that you are 

And if you forget, then come and find me

I promise to remind you 


 Often, aggression and narcissism masquerade as strength

Always look for the fruit of the tree, there lies the truth

Look, listen and read the signs, for they are always there 

There are times when strength is messy 

When it faces the darkness bequeathed to it, so long avoided  

It laughs at its own faults and takes the lessons 

It draws boundaries, in the face of so much pressure to be compliant 

Strength knows its own center, and seeks its own equilibrium 

It wastes no energy on what it knows is corrupted from within 

It protects those who need a hand taking that next step

And honors the Earth

Strength is focused, certain and self-aware, without being self-serving 

It balances restraint and action 

It shows compassion while never being manipulated 

It does not seek perfection, in itself or others 

Yet it endures, and overcomes 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Random Long Term Pandemic Thoughts

1. Must order a rice cooker.
2. What were bras for again?
3. Binding waistbands. Nope.
4. Toasted sourdough is a spiritual experience.
5. Hmmm. No, I still vastly prefer cats to humans.
6. Corporate America. Oh honey. The next few years will be such great theater. Change is upon us, darlings. Buckle up.
7. Front line health workers and those who get our food to us are heroes.
8. So many of us don't need two cars anymore. We just refuse to face it. Lots of leases coming up, and people are just...."Nah, I'm good. We have one vehicle. Thanks, anyway."
9. Local everything is better. Sooooo much better.
10. Some of us were far TOO comfy before the pandemic.
11. Unplanned, last minute zoom meetings are the new "company arriving unannounced." OH EHM GEE....MY HAIR! Where's my hat?
12. If you use the phrase "flipping burgers" you likely never have.
13. Drunk white people doing the tomahawk chop at the KC game is disgusting and makes me angry.
14. I am not a sports person, yet I love Good Morning Football. Entirely unexpected.
15. Doctor: Are you getting any exercise? Me: I work from home, we are literally having a plague, and it's 7 degrees outside. Take a wild freaking guess.
16. Them: Good Witches don't curse or bind! Me: Then you'd better prepare to start dropping some houses, Dorothy.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Of Vending Machines and Eye Rolls

 If you are 

A woman 

Of a certain age 

Then you were likely taught 

All that "woman" is defined as 

And now you look back 

From the perspective 

Of what some call wisdom

And perhaps it is 

It could be just resignation 

Some permanent state of "eye roll" 

The peculiar thing 

About opening your eyes 

Is that you still walk into things 

Because most of the world 

Still has them closed 

You have loved some

Tolerated others 

A choice few you hold

In carefully disguised contempt 

Because, well, there they are 

It's too messy, after all 

Heaving them off a cliff 

The world is an endless list 

Of expectations

You were taught 

To define yourself by its fulfillment 

A human vending machine of sorts 

What flavor do YOU want today? 

How many in your sphere actually see you? 

I mean, who looks AT the vending machine

Beyond what they want, of course 

If it doesn't give up the goods 

We give it a shove, say "it's broken"

Oh, my.  You didn't get what you wanted. 

Is it still love if we're out of Snickers?

What does it mean when the vending machine is empty?

Never mind asking why no one even noticed before now

Countless women came before 

And now we are here 

We decide what we shall make of this journey


Sovereignty begins where definition based on the other ends 

Truth can breathe when compliance is not a way of life 

Love reigns for all when it begins with the self 

Wholeness gives life to all when we understand it is good to take up space