Hey! Hey you! Magickal peeps with chronic illness! This message is for you. I know someone needs to hear this.
I know. You keep hearing "You get back what you put out there." ""You called in your reality." So does that mean this lovely medical condition you have is somehow YOUR FAULT? Did you somehow call this in?
Seriously, my brave ones. It’s ok. Step away from the bullshit wagon. Healthy people say a lot of profoundly stupid things, in all honesty. They simply cannot know, and we get that.
This particular line of ableist abuse with a spiritual twist has to be one of the worst. Most who spout this haven’t really thought it through.
It’s right up there with dark age beliefs that disease is caused by sin.
Yes, you can explore endless layers of information. You can learn about The Law Of Attraction and other laws. Of course it powers your magick and manifestation if you match the energy of what you're trying to do. And yes, energy never dies, it simply changes shape - so what you put out there is definitely going SOMEWHERE, and you’re a part of that working. It’s all over you, you know?
This does not mean you called in your condition!
Understand this. You are NOT less than. You do not have this condition because you are bad, wrong, or less than. You don’t somehow "deserve" this.
If you have the energy for daily practice and beautiful rituals, that’s wonderful! If you whisper a healing spell into the Campbell’s soup or the Hot Pocket you’re heating up, that’s alright too.
I see you. Sometimes a good day is "I got dressed today!" Or "Wow, my left arm works today!" Other days, we don’t make it out of our pajamas.
It goes in cycles, right? At times we get those AMAZING times when it all comes together and we feel amazing. Other times, you wake up and realize this is one to just get through.
Understand this. You are both the alchemist and the gold. You are a most amazing magickal being. Your Magick is potent and amazing and strong, because YOU ARE all of those things.
You are here, doing your thing, the best way you know how. Good days. Rough days. Everything in between. Your magick and your connection with Everything is in you. You get up every day and keep going.
Know that it is enough. In fact, it is MORE THAN ENOUGH. It’s beautiful.
Blessings, my loves.