This is a delicious stage of life. There is so much less energy sent in the direction of fitting in, what others may think, or what is expected by society. It isn’t so much about not caring. On the contrary, you care quite deeply. It’s simply that the need for people to know or to approve has left you.
You don’t feel a need to be constantly announcing and clarifying your intentions. You have learned the truth and freedom in allowing things to drift out of your circle that no longer make sense there.
Being right becomes far less important. You think in terms of "What’s the best way that is for the highest good?"
You can let so many things go, releasing the need to control people or situations. You discover this gives you far more energy for the things you DO choose to interact with.
Your no and your yes have become far more precise, and you do not explain or excuse them. You know your boundaries are consciously chosen so that you can live a healthy life on every level.
You know that your spirit, and your soul are endless. It’s far easier to govern your thoughts, and only work with those you choose, allowing the rest to float away, unengaged.
You can accept criticism without taking it personally. You take the lessons that are needed, and let the rest go.
You are quite aware that your body is decaying, and this becomes a strange source of humor in your life. You both love your physical body for keeping it going every day, while being perplexed and chagrined at the rapid changes and adjustments you experience.
Beauty is something inside of you, and not something you owe the outside world. Whether you choose high fashion or leggings and a hoodie, it is done for your own comfort alone.
That which is simple, warm and brings a smile are the best things. Complicated things must prove their worth quickly or you don’t give them a second look, simpler alternatives almost always exist.
Your fierce loyalty goes only to those who have damned well earned it. Your inner circle is far smaller, and curated. You do not apologize for this.
Of course you have days when you screw it up. We all do. Even when we’re doing our best. But you’ve also learned that some humility goes a long way, and you make amends and corrections, with gratitude for the opportunity to do so. You know that mistakes aren’t the end of the world, you’ve survived them before and you will again.
Your heart breaks when those you love leave the physical realm, or when love seemingly ends, when all your choices seem horrible, or difficult things happen to wonderful people. And you discover that leaning into the heartbreak creates an open space within you to love differently and love more.
You are tiny and limited, and powerless. Yet you are endless, vast and powerful all at once. Magick isn’t a doing. It is your being. Connection isn’t "networking", it is breathing together with all things.
Gratitude and humility partner with power in unexpected ways.