I really cannot give you
What you simply haven’t earned
I reached out to you so many times
And each time I got burned
You stayed inside that little box
And never truly saw
The pain that you were causing me
Your one true fatal flaw
You see you’re beautiful in so many ways
You’ll always have my love
But after a while I grew thick skin
Called out for help from above
I finally learned to give myself
The love you never could
And now I walk in my own truth
You’ll be my friend for good
But never again the gift to give
The sacred now withheld
My love requires special care
In the end, my heart rebelled
Again I’ve learned that broken
Will open you and change your shape
So difficult, but good and true
Reworking my landscape
I hold you no ill will
I wish you joy and light
But I must live for myself now
I’ve given up this fight