
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Life Is Sexy

What do you desire?
Why, for so many of us, is that question so scary?
The things that make our hearts sing
Activities that bring sheer joy 
The clues are all there 
When we're lost in the moment 
Following our natural inclinations 
Doing what we are naturally drawn to 
Is desire always about sex?
No, but it's the same energy, I think 
Whether we're pampering ourselves in a delicious bubble bath 
Bee keeping 
Developing a new podcast 
Walking through the woods
Going for a drive alone with your favorite music blasting, enjoying the feel of driving 
Helping to create a new program that will help people 
Cooking up amazing things in our kitchen 
Helping in our community 
Or making love to our partner 
I'm finally beginning to see 
That the same luscious energy
Drives all of it
If it makes your heart beat faster 
If it lifts you and gives you joy 
And does the same for others too!
Then that's the Divine within you 
It's okay to listen to that voice, that pull
This is how we're meant to live
Life is sexy 
Let's make love to it 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Forest Within

Daughter of the Goddess
She walks, barefoot through the forest
The moss is soft underfoot 
The rain has stopped 
And sits in tiny, perfect spheres 
On the leaves
The sweet smell of all of the growing things surrounds her 
She stops to bring this life into her 
Breathing deeply 
Underfoot and overhead 
The stars twinkle between the branches 
And with the moon they kiss the forest
Like so many lanterns
The night wind caresses the forest 
Like a lover 
Who knows all of your secret places
She closes her eyes 
In these moments 
The love, the connection 
Is so exquisite 
Indeed the sweetest, most paradoxically heartbreaking, soul searing joy one can ever know 
It breaks you open
And in the breaking, you are made whole
She spins, dances
Hands reaching toward the stars 
Feet moving on the sweet earth 
Body swaying 
In this moment, she would take the Universe as her lover 
The heart's need 
To encompass all in this love 
The Winged Ones stand close by 
As she dances 
For she is also their own 
Falling down upon soft moss
She hugs her legs to herself 
And looks around 
She and the forest 
Breathe together 
Her senses are as one 
With all of the wild things 
A gift from the Horned One
There is no need in this moment 
Deep in the soft sacred places of the night 
You will find her lost in bliss like this 
In love 
At home 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

You Are Yes

When you're standing on the hill
Seeing the entire view 
While you're driving to work 
And the cornflower 
Speaks revelations 
Breathing as one 
With the green things 
Never alone 
One with Good Company 
Time is relative 
Anything can happen 
And you're patient 
Because you called it 
Heritage and memory 
Smiling, you straighten your glasses 
One foot here 
And the other...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Let's Not

Let's not
Ignore our annoyance and impatience 
They're here for a reason 

Let's not reject our anger 
And cover it in daisies
It needs us to listen 

Let's not 
Whitewash things
When it's time for something 
That isn't working to end

Let's not 
Blow sunshine up everyone's collective asses
When our hearts are broken 

Let's not 
Put supposed to 
Before authenticity 

Let's not 
Clothe wildness and passion
In safety and "maybe next time"

Let's not 

The blood knows what is true
The body
Is the temple of your soul 

When we choose to ignore 
The messages we receive 
From The Goddess
From Ourselves
They find another way out 
And when they do 
We're usually not happy 
With the doorway they've created 

But you see 
There had to be an opening 
A place to reside 
To be heard In some way 

It's the strangest truth 
That so often these strong emotions 
The ones we reject 
Have the most to teach us 

If we just sit with them 
Lean in 
Listen, hear them 
Allow it 
In all it's messy glory 

In hearing what the message is
That was being conveyed 
And granting ourselves 
The gift of a healthy outlet 
We can find a way forward
And know the gift of release 

So really
Let's not 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Witch Walk

With winged family 
And the Goddess

In the nourishing light 
Of Father

Falcon sight
Gift of one eye 

As one with the horned one
And all that live
In the green places 

Crows call
Wild upon each morning 

All and everywhere 
The Beloved is found 
A most passionate love

Leaning in to fear
Standing naked, clad in vulnerability 
Endless well of strength 
Borne of what the world terms weak

Brokenness becomes wholeness
Growth and light from the cracks 
Sifted, made new

Rhythm of our mother
Clothed in stars 
One with all 
We do the work 

We the energy 
The energy as one in us 

All at once
We are the alchemist 
And the gold