
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Passenger Seat

Quiet little December town
Sweet sugar coating
Just like confectioners sugar
Signs go by
My glance settles on each
This passenger's seat
My own little world
She's talking
Sister of my soul
I'm replying, smiling
All the while
I'm watching myself
From somewhere else
And the signs and empty sidewalks
Keep going by
While I sit in the warm car
And the music goes deep
So, when doesn't it?
And I can feel every heart
I've ever been graced to know
They stay with me, you know
If you had an hour
Or maybe a lifetime
Or two
We could sit,  have a drink
I could tell you the story
Of each one
Going back to the days
When I was tiny
And when the music goes deep
They all come back to me
Like waves to the shore
I can tell you it's the sweetest grace
The pain, the soaring love and joy
They come together, always
But, most of you figured that out for yourselves
A 4 minute song
Or maybe it was a lifetime
Talking, riding
And the little town goes by

Friday, December 5, 2014

So, Let Me Get This Straight......

OK. So, based on various news stories and commentary I've seen recently, I am to believe the following:

1. Breastfeeding in public is disgusting
2. Same sex marriage is destroying the fabric of our country
3. Black people are not being discriminated against, targeted or treated differently
4. When women are assaulted they are responsible for it and men are completely unable to control themselves and this is expected and normal
5. The members of Congress have the highest good of the American people at heart and we should trust them
6. It's completely acceptable and ethical for regular people to struggle while corporations rake in millions
7. Immigrants and the poor are the cause of all of our financial woes


Really.  I say - Bullshit. You're blind. Wake up.

It's time for us to stop hanging on so tightly to what is comfortable and even insulting and mistreating others in order to retain that comfort.  It's time for us to see what is actually happening.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Berlin Airlifts and Mourning The America I Miss

Just caught the end of a show about the Berlin Airlifts, how those supplies made those people person said he was a little kid at the time and said "It was more than just the food. Someone in America knew we were in trouble."
I almost started crying because that's how I used to think of my country. That's who I thought we were, that we had resolve in how we handled things, and we helped people.
Now, it feels as if we hate everyone, and each other. We worship money and lack unity.
It was just a quick moment, between the blurb on TV and my reaction probably less than 5 minutes. I was just not prepared for how hard it hit me. I really had to reel myself in to not end up balling.
I can't explain it. It just is, it's what I felt. I didn't realize the degree to which I mourn what I thought we stood for.