
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why I'm Inspired by Ted Kennedy by Elizabeth Carrignant

Ted Kennedy passed away last night. Admittedly, it feels very strange, and sad. My parents were big Kennedy fans. I grew up with a picture of President John Kennedy in our living room, and more than once my parents talked about the Kennedy family and their history. Ted Kennedy became a senator before I was born. I haven't lived in a Massachusetts, or a United States that didn't have Senator Ted Kennedy in it.

Ted Kennedy is truly an inspiration to me, for two reasons. The first has to do with one of the ways that he was so successful in Washington. While he was truly passionate about his beliefs, he was able to find compromise. He had a remarkable ability to get people to sit down at the table and work together. I did not ever meet the Senator. But what I did observe in the coverage I have seen is a man who treated everyone with respect, a man who could disagree with you but treat you with respect and compassion and dignity. I find this a remarkable example to follow. I have seen the news coverage today, and have been amazed by the number of things this man accomplished, often by working not only with his Democratic colleagues, but also by creating forward momentum in working with Republicans. I would venture a guess that I am not alone in my fear that there is no one now in Washington who has this kind of honor, this kind of humanity, and the ability to see a way for us to move forward and work together, despite our differences.

I am also inspired by Ted Kennedy because he became his very best self despite personal shortcomings and tragedies. Senator Kennedy was not perfect. He made some very public mistakes. He made some bad decisions, went in some wrong directions, and made a mess at times of his personal life. He had an amazing legacy to live up to, which would have crippled many people with fear. What I find inspiring is that he did not give up. He faced his shortcomings, and moved forward. Ted Kennedy became his best self, something many of us never accomplish in our lifetime. He touched thousands of lives by doing so. This shows me - shows all of us - that we can all do amazing things, regardless of the mistakes we may have made or the circumstances we find ourselves in.

So, thank you Senator Kennedy, for taking care of Massachusetts, for making this little state feel like we matter, for the amazing legacy of your life and career, and for the inspiration. You will not soon be forgotten.